Nashira (v1.38) | Release Notes | October 2024
Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. Detailed information on the features, their setup, and configuration are available in the Amp Impact Knowledge Base (specific links below).
Contact to share feedback.
This page covers:
- 1 Feature Enhancements
- 1.1 Enhancements to Project Indicators with Numerator/Denominator data type
- 1.1.1 Download/upload Targets and Results
- 1.1.2 Indicate out-of-bounds results with validation ranges
- 1.1.3 Quickly gauge indicator performance with stoplights
- 1.1.4 View indicator performance on performance graphs
- 1.1.5 Read indicator definitions in your language with multi-language support
- 1.1.6 Easily refer to the calculation factor while setting targets and reporting results
- 1.2 Show only relevant options in lookup dropdowns in Lightning Web Components
- 1.3 Show the relevant field as the label of lookup dropdown options in Lightning components
- 1.4 Always show updated data to users by refreshing lightning components from custom flows
- 1.5 Streamline the review process by keeping the submitted lightning components unlocked for specified users
- 1.6 Validate the submission responses from quick actions
- 1.1 Enhancements to Project Indicators with Numerator/Denominator data type
- 2 Behind the Scenes: Technical Stuff
- 3 Resolved Issues
- 3.1 Financial Management
- 3.2 Frameworks, Indicators, and Results Management
- 3.2.1 Parent objective filter now works correctly while adding objectives from the catalog
- 3.2.2 Results of numerator/denominator project indicators are updated to reflect the updated calculation factor
- 3.2.3 If the updated aggregation criteria have no matching records, the updated results are correctly set to zero or blank
- 3.2.4 Packaged picklist fields now support filtering indicators in other languages
- 3.2.5 Project indicators with updated disaggregation groups are now displayed as options while specifying the calculation criteria
- 3.2.6 Project Indicators with deleted junction records to reporting period records are now accomodated in the targets download template
- 3.2.7 Correct/ Accurate values are displayed in the Total column on the Targets Upload/Download Excel template for Percent sex disaggregated indicators without refreshing the component
- 3.2.8 Baseline values are now visible on Add Results LWC when Compared with Baselines when Targets are Disaggregated is set as FALSE
- 3.2.9 Summary values are now displayed in the Targets Excel Upload/Download template for Percent Indicators with Calculate Total == Dont Sum Total
- 3.2.10 Target values are now visible on the Excel Upload/Download template when it is downloaded for a single Project Indicator that is cross disaggregated by sex
- 3.2.11 Baseline values are now displayed on AR LWC if Reporting Frequency and Target Frequency are different
- 3.2.12 Add Results LWC loads without an error when system language is set to Portugese (Brazil)
- 3.2.13 User can now select a value on the Geographic Area picklist on Set targets VF page when using the system in French, Spanish or Portugese languages
- 3.3 Submissions
- 3.3.1 Create submissions in bulk from a template
- 3.3.2 Special characters print correctly in the downloaded submission word file
- 3.3.3 Submission reponse form now loads correctly for users that use languages other than English
- 3.3.4 Users can now submit a submission response form when a conditionally displayed Date type question is left blank or skipped
- 3.3.5 Cloned submissions now follow the copied conditional display logic correctly
- 3.3.6 The Last Modified by field is not updated to the user who last viewed the record anymore
- 3.4 Activities
- 3.4.1 Users only see the baseline bar on the activity gantt chart when they have access to the planned start and end dates
- 3.4.2 The baseline bar on the activity gantt chart now ends on the Planned End Date
- 3.4.3 Users can now change the Milestone due date by dragging it on the activity gantt chart
- 3.4.4 Show custom errors to users on Activity table
- 3.5 Cross Cutting Features
- 4 Release Updates
- 5 Packaging Changes
- 5.1 Updates to ampi__Financial__c
- 5.2 Updates to ampi__Indicator__c
- 5.3 Updates to ampi__Project_Indicator__c
- 5.4 New Custom Metadata Type ampi__xx_Lookup_Filter_Label_Mapping__mdt
- 5.5 Updates to Custom Metadata Type ampi__Dependent_Field_Control_Setting__mdt
- 5.6 Declarative Automation
- 5.7 New Custom Permissions
- 5.8 New Custom Labels
- 5.9 Updated Custom Labels
- 5.10 Apex Class Access
- 5.11 Field Access
Feature Enhancements
Enhancements to Project Indicators with Numerator/Denominator data type
Download/upload Targets and Results
Functional Documentation
Technical Documentation:
In the previous release of Amp Impact (Mira, v1.37), we introduced the Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators. With the Nashira (v1.38) release we’ve made it compatible with the Excel templates. Users can now use Targets and Results templates to set targets and report results of Project Indicators with Numerator/Denominator data type.
Indicate out-of-bounds results with validation ranges
Functional Documentation:
Technical Documentation:
Users can now set validation ranges for Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators to indicate if the reported results are within the expected range.
Quickly gauge indicator performance with stoplights
Functional Documentation:
Technical Documentation:
Indicator management functionality in Amp Impact enables users to set stoplights indicating if the reported results have met targets for quantitative (number, percent, currency) Indicators. This functionality has now been extended to support Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators.
View indicator performance on performance graphs
Functional Documentation:
Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators are now supported on Performance Graphs.
Read indicator definitions in your language with multi-language support
Technical Documentation:
Multi-Language Set Up & Configuration
Multi-language capacity in Amp Impact allows organizations to enter data like Indicator definitions and descriptions in multiple languages and show that data to users across geographies in the relevant language. With Nashira (v1.38), this capability now extends to Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators.
Easily refer to the calculation factor while setting targets and reporting results
Functional Documentation:
Users can now refer to the calculation factor while setting targets and reporting results improving the user experience of working with Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators
Show only relevant options in lookup dropdowns in Lightning Web Components
Technical Documentation:
The lookup dropdowns in Lightning components now allow system admins to specify lookup filters and display only relevant options to users. This enhances user experience by minimizing clutter, improving search efficiency, and ensuring more accurate selections.
In the example given below, while linking Contacts on the “Create New Activity” popup , they are filtered by the Lead Source field and only those with Lead Source = Partner are shown in the dropdown instead of showing all Contacts.
Show the relevant field as the label of lookup dropdown options in Lightning components
Technical Documentation:
Lookup dropdown options in Lightning components now display the relevant field as the label, providing clearer context for selections. This improves usability by making it easier for users to identify the correct option at a glance
Always show updated data to users by refreshing lightning components from custom flows
Lightning components now allow system admins to automatically refresh them from custom flows and display updated data, ensuring users always see the most current information. This improves data accuracy and enhances the overall user experience by eliminating the need for manual updates.
Technical Documentation:
Streamline the review process by keeping the submitted lightning components unlocked for specified users
Technical Documentation:
The system admins can now streamline the review process by allowing submitted Lightning components to remain unlocked for specified users based on custom permissions. This enables seamless collaboration, as designated users can make updates or changes without the need to unlock and resubmit the component.
Validate the submission responses from quick actions
The Submission response form is now validated if it’s being submitted from quick actions. This ensures that correctly filled Submission response forms are submitted even if the form is submitted from a quick action or flow.
Behind the Scenes: Technical Stuff
To ensure Amp Impact’s compatibility with Salesforce’s NPC and Summer 24' release:
All apex classes and triggers have been upgraded to API version 61.0
All flows have been upgraded to API version 61.0
All LWC and Aura components have been upgraded to API version 61.0
Flexi pages have been upgraded to API version 61.0
Visualforce pages have been upgraded to API version 61.0
This enables users to refer to the following NPC objects when:
Creating an aggregated indicator
Creating a Submissions template (using
Objects | |
GiftEntry | ProgramCohort |
ContactPointAddress | Indicator Performance Period |
DocGenerationQueryResult | Outcome Activity |
DonorGiftSummary | Indicator Assignment |
ProgramCohortMember |
Resolved Issues
Financial Management
Load more data with budget download/upload functionality
Record Limits by Feature: Record Limits by feature
The enhanced budget planning and reporting templates can now support an increased load. For more details on the record limits, navigate to the above mentioned link.
When a repoting period is updated to be not available for financials, it is not shown in the downloaded template anymore
In earlier versions of Amp Impact, when a Reporting Period that was selected as a Budget Planning Period was marked unavailable for financials, it was still displayed in the Enhanced Excel Upload/Download Template. This has now been resolved such that when a Budget Planning Period is marked as unavailable for Financials it is not displayed in the Excel Upload/Download template.
Flow labels and names have been updated to follow best practices of naming convention
The names and labels associated with the flows that update field values on the Fund object have been changed to follow best practises of naming convention. Read more about these changes in the Packaging Notes section
Frameworks, Indicators, and Results Management
Parent objective filter now works correctly while adding objectives from the catalog
In previous versions of Amp Impact, the filtering functionality for the Parent Objective field when adding Objectives from the catalog was not working as expected. This issue has now been resolved, and users can successfully filter the table using the Parent Objective field.
Results of numerator/denominator project indicators are updated to reflect the updated calculation factor
In the previous version, editing the Calculation Factor for a Numerator/Denominator Indicator did not update the hover values correctly for updated results. This issue has been resolved, and the correct values now display while hover over the result value on Add Results LWC after editing the Calculation Factor.
If the updated aggregation criteria have no matching records, the updated results are correctly set to zero or blank
In earlier versions of Amp Impact, when the the aggregation setting filter criteria was updated such that there were no records that matched the updated filter criteria, the updated results for these indicators showed previous results instead of zero. This has now been resolved
Packaged picklist fields now support filtering indicators in other languages
In earlier versions, filtering the Manage Indicators LWC by "Type of Results," "Geographical Disaggregation," "Calculate Total," and "Reporting Frequency" fields in Spanish and Portuguese did not display accurate results. This issue has now been resolved, and these fields can be used correctly to filter the Selected Indicators table on Manage Indicators LWC.
Project indicators with updated disaggregation groups are now displayed as options while specifying the calculation criteria
In previous versions of Amp Impact, on editing a calculated Indicator by adding a custom Disaggregation Group to it, the Indicators available for selection on the "Customize Calculation" screen did not align with the filtering logic for that picklist. This has now been resolved.
Project Indicators with deleted junction records to reporting period records are now accomodated in the targets download template
In the previous version of Amp Impact, when Project Indicator Reporting Period junction records were deleted, an error was shown on downloading the Targets Excel Upload Download template. This has been fixed such that the Targets Upload Download Excel template can be successfully downloaded with uneditable white cells displayed in the Target columns for those Project Indicators whose Project Indicator Reporting Periods have been deleted.
Correct/ Accurate values are displayed in the Total column on the Targets Upload/Download Excel template for Percent sex disaggregated indicators without refreshing the component
In the previous versions of Amp Impact, when the Target Excel Upload Download template was downloaded after entering target/baseline values, without refreshing the component, the Total column for sex disaggregated percent type indicators displayed an incorrect value. This has now been resolved such that correct values are displayed upon download without having to refresh the component.
Baseline values are now visible on Add Results LWC when Compared with Baselines when Targets are Disaggregated is set as FALSE
In the previous versions of Amp Impact, when the “Targets Are Disaggregated” field was set to FALSE, Baseline values were not displayed on the Add Results LWC component when comparing with Baseline. This has been fixed such that the value of “Targets Are Disaggregated” field does not affect the display of Baseline values on the Add Results LWC table.
Summary values are now displayed in the Targets Excel Upload/Download template for Percent Indicators with Calculate Total == Dont Sum Total
In the previous version of Amp Impact (Mira v.137), the Summary Values were not populated in the downloaded Targets Excel Template for Project Indicators that were of Percent data type with the Calculate Total field set to Don’t Sum total.
Target values are now visible on the Excel Upload/Download template when it is downloaded for a single Project Indicator that is cross disaggregated by sex
In the previous versions of Amp Impact, when the targets for a single Project Indicator that is cross disaggregated were downloaded, the excel file did not reflect the target values. This has now been fixed.
Baseline values are now displayed on AR LWC if Reporting Frequency and Target Frequency are different
In the previous versions of Amp Impact, when the Target Frequency was not equal to the Reporting Frequency, Baseline values were not displayed on the Add Results LWC component when comparing with Baseline. This issue has now been resolved.
Add Results LWC loads without an error when system language is set to Portugese (Brazil)
In the previous version of Amp Impact Mira (v.137), when Numerator/Denominator type Indicators existed in a Project, the Add Results LWC page was showing an error upon loading. This issue has now been fixed.
User can now select a value on the Geographic Area picklist on Set targets VF page when using the system in French, Spanish or Portugese languages
In earlier versions of Amp Impact, users were not able to select values from the Geographic Area picklist on the Set Targets Visualforce component when using the system in French, Spanish or Portugese. This issue has now been fixed.
Create submissions in bulk from a template
Submission response records can now be created in bulk along with the relevant sections and questions copied from the template, using automation (flows).
Special characters print correctly in the downloaded submission word file
In the earlier versions of Amp Impact, when text containing special characters was pasted into Submission responses, special characters were replaced with garbage string in the downloaded word file. This issue has now been resolved such that the special characters are correctly displayed.
Submission reponse form now loads correctly for users that use languages other than English
In previous versions of Amp Impact, the Submission Response Form was not loading when the system language was set to Spanish. This has now been resolved.
Users can now submit a submission response form when a conditionally displayed Date type question is left blank or skipped
In earlier versions of Amp Impact, when a question of Date type field is conditionally displayed and left blank, it was not possible to submit the submission without refreshing the page. This has now been resolved such that the submission goes through without refreshing the page.
Cloned submissions now follow the copied conditional display logic correctly
In earlier versions of Amp Impact, when the submission template/response form included conditionally displayed questions or sections, the cloned submission did not follow the same conditional display logic. This has now been fixed.
The Last Modified by field is not updated to the user who last viewed the record anymore
In the previous version of Amp Impact, when a Submission record is opened, the ‘Last Modified by’ field was updated to the current user who was viewing the record. This has now been resolved such that , the ‘Last Modified by’ field contains the user who last edited the Submission record.
Users only see the baseline bar on the activity gantt chart when they have access to the planned start and end dates
In the previous version of Amp Impact, the baseline bar was visible to a user that did not have access to the “Planned Start Date” and “Planned End Date”. This has now been fixed such that the baseline bar is not visible on Activities LWC to a user that does not have access to those fields.
The baseline bar on the activity gantt chart now ends on the Planned End Date
In earlier versions of Amp Impact, the baseline bar on the ganntt chart ended one day prior to the Planned Start Date when the ganntt chart was viewed by month. This issue has now been fixed and the baseline bar ends on the same day as the Planned End Date.
Users can now change the Milestone due date by dragging it on the activity gantt chart
In earlier versions of Amp Impact, users received a success message while changing the due date of a milestone by dragging the diamond icon on the gannt chart. This has now been resolved so that users do not receive a success toast message.
Show custom errors to users on Activity table
Users can now see an error message on editing an task/milestone on Activities LWC components arising out of validations set by Validation Rules, Apex Code or Flows .
Cross Cutting Features
Components/Data Tables are automatically refreshed to locked state after they are submitted via Submit Project wizard
In the previous version of Amp Impact (Mira v1.37), after locking data tables through the Submit and Lock Wizard, they had to be manually refreshed for them to be displayed in a locked/view only manner. This has now been resolved such that users do not need to manually refresh them.
Release Updates
Vera Solutions will no longer enhance or resolve any issues for the following components after the component’s end-of-servicing date.
Why: We are focusing development efforts on optimizing the corresponding Lightning Web Components that offer better performance and experience, and introducing new features.
How: Before a component’s end-of-servicing date, you must migrate to the corresponding Lightning Web Components to ensure you continue receiving regular updates and enhancements to those features.
Name | Type of Component | Corresponding LWC | End of Servicing Date |
ActivityChart | Aura Component | activities | November 2023 |
AddResults | Visualforce Page | addResults | November 2023 |
ManageLogFrames | Visualforce Page | manageLogFrames | November 2023 |
BudgetExcelDownload | Aura Component | Budget Download | April 2024 |
BudgetExcelUpload | Aura Component | Budget Upload | April 2024 |
ManageIndicators | Visualforce Page | manageIndicators | August 2024 |
SetTargets | Visualforce Page | setTargets | November 2024 |
Packaging Changes
Updates to ampi__Financial__c
Updates to ampi__Indicator__c
Updates to ampi__Project_Indicator__c
New Custom Metadata Type ampi__xx_Lookup_Filter_Label_Mapping__mdt
Updates to Custom Metadata Type ampi__Dependent_Field_Control_Setting__mdt
Declarative Automation
New Custom Permissions
New Custom Labels
Updated Custom Labels
Apex Class Access
The following Apex classes have been added to the permission set:
Field Access
The following Fields Permission have been added to the permission set: