Libertas (v1.36) | Release Notes | November 2023

Libertas (v1.36) | Release Notes | November 2023

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. Detailed information on the features, their setup, and configuration are available in the Amp Impact Knowledge Base (specific links below).

Contact support@verasolutions.org to share feedback.

This page covers:

Feature Enhancements

Dynamically display fields based on the context in the “Add Indicator” & “Edit Indicator” popup on manageIndicators LWC

Functional Documentation:
Create & Manage Indicators

This enhancement makes navigating the Add and Edit Indicator pop-ups more intuitive. Input fields are now conditionally displayed based on the values of certain other fields such as “Data Type”. For example, the Reporting Currency field is conditionally displayed only when the Data Type is selected as Currency.

Organizations can choose to set this enhancement on or off, ensuring adaptability to specific use cases. They can also set their own dynamic conditions for custom fields, tailoring the Manage Indicators LWC to meet unique organizational needs.

Configure comment popup to capture relevant information along with targets on setTargets LWC & results on addResults LWC

This enhancement enables users to add relevant context when setting Targets or reporting Results on the setTargets LWC and addResults LWC components respectively.

The comment popups are now controlled via field-sets giving organizations the ability to add custom fields like rich text to facilitate the inclusion of longer comments and content such as images and links.

The comment pop-up also provides the flexibility to display fields conditionally. Visibility of specific fields can be controlled based on predefined conditions, ensuring only relevant information is presented.

Show only relevant options in the related Submission dropdown on the SubmissionResposneForm component

This enhancement makes navigating and filtering Submissions easier. It allows for filtering the Submissions options presented in the dropdown on the SubmissionResponseForm page using a response value of a field on Submissions.

This ensures that only relevant submissions for completing the Application Review are presented.

View weekly sub-columns in the Gantt chart on the activities LWC

Users can now track Activities on a weekly timeline on the Activity Gantt Chart:

  1. Weekly Sub-Columns in Monthly View: Users can now view weekly sub-columns under the monthly view of the Activity Gantt Chart. This addition provides a more detailed perspective, allowing for in-depth tracking of project progress on a weekly basis within the broader monthly context

  2. Daily Sub-Columns in Weekly View: Users can also view daily sub-columns within the weekly view of the Activity Gantt Chart. This granular level of detail empowers users to closely monitor project advancements on a day-to-day basis within the weekly timeframe.

Improved data load capacity on setTargets LWC

Functional Documentation
Record Limits by Feature

The setTargets Lightning Web Component (LWC) can now load up to 7x records of it’s previous capacity.
This enhanced capacity is achieved by fetching and loading data in chunks, resulting in faster performance for search and filters on setTargets LWC.

However, if organizations have a large data set, (more than 800 result records) the initial load time for the page would be higher.

Filter Reporting Period columns on setTargets LWC

Functional Documentation
Set Targets

This enhancement empowers users to filter reporting period columns by specifying a date range on setTargets Lightning Web Component (LWC). This enhancement allows users to easily navigate the setTargets table especially if they have quite a lot of reporting periods for setting targets (e.g. if they set monthly targets on a 5-year-long project, resulting in 60 reporting periods).

Compatibility with latest Salesforce Non Profit Cloud objects

The Salesforce Non Profit Cloud (NPC) includes features for nonprofit organizations to manage Programs and Cases. The Libertas version of Amp Impact includes several updates to ensure compatibility with Salesforce’s NPC. The Libertas (v1.36) release enables users to refer to the following NPC objects when:

  1. Creating an aggregated indicator

  2. Creating a Submissions template (using CreateTemplateData component)




















Budget Disburement


Amp Impact features (Manage Framework, Manage Indicators, Set Targets, Add Results, Performance Graphs, and Manage Disbursements) can be configured on NPC objects. To do so refer to this page.

Behind the Scenes: Technical Stuff

To ensure Amp Impact’s compatibility with NPC:

  1. All apex classes and triggers have been upgraded to API version 59.0

  2. All flows have been upgraded to API version 59.0

  3. All LWC and Aura components have been upgraded to API version 59.0

  4. Flexi pages have been upgraded to API version 59.0

  5. Visualforce pages have been upgraded to API version 59.0

Resolved Issues

SubmissionResponseForm (on Experience Cloud): Users can submit a narrative form when the response to a required numeric field is 0

In previous versions of Amp Impact, there were some specific instances where Submissions could not be successfully submitted on Salesforce Communities, particularly when a response of 0 was provided for a required numerical field. This issue has since been addressed, ensuring that Submissions can now be submitted successfully.

activities LWC (on Experience Cloud): Activity can be created on the first attempt when the Project record is initially loaded

In earlier versions of Amp Impact when users tried to create a new Activity for the first time on Salesforce Communities or Console App, they were redirected to the default tab on the Project page. This has now been resolved such that users can create a Task or a Milestone Activity when they click on the “Add New Activity” button on Activities LWC for the first time on Salesforce Communities or Console App.

setTargets LWC: Project Indicators that have Project Indicator Reporting Periods with different Reporting Frequencies are displayed properly

Targets can now be set for an indicator across multiple reporting frequencies on setTargets LWC which was not possible on the previous version, Kalausi (1.34)

manageLogFrames LWC: Target To Date & Result To Date fields for Project Indicators display comma separators as expected

Proper comma separators are now displayed on the Baseline, Target To Date, and Result To Date fields on the table in manageLogFrames LWC, when more than one Project Indicator is linked to a Framework Objective

manageIndicators LWC: Result records are created when Aggregated Project Indicators are filtered using the “Does Not Contain” operator

In earlier versions, Result records were not created when Aggregated Project Indicators were filtered using the “Does Not Contain” operator for Picklist data types. This has now been resolved in the manageIndicators LWC

setTargets LWC and addResults LWC: Downloaded Targets & Results of qualitative Project Indicators can be viewed without HTML tags

For Qualitative indicators, users can now view downloaded targets and results on the Excel template without HTML tags. The option to disable HTML tags is controlled through a design attribute.

manageIndicators LWC: The formula builder for calculated Indicators displays correct/ accurate Indicator options even when certain fields are excluded from the Edit Indicator popup

The picklist to choose source indicators within the calculation formula builder popup now displays relevant indicators even if the following fields Reporting Frequency, Geographic Disaggregation, Cross Disaggregation by Sex and Group Disaggregation are not present in the Edit Indicator popup

addResults LWC: Project Indicators are not displyed on selecting a Reporting Period when the corresponding Project Indicator Reporting Period record had Data Tracked = None

Functional Documentation
Add Results

In the previous version of Amp Impact, Kalausi (1.34), on adding a Project Indicator Reporting Period (PIRP) record to an indicator, the indicator would be available for reporting on AddResults LWC irrespective of the Data Track field value. This has now been addressed so that the indicator is available for reporting only when the Data Track field is set to either “Results” or “Targets and Results”

setTargets LWC: “Something Went Wrong” error is not displayed when users manually delete a few Project Indicator Reporting Period records from a Project Indicator

When removing multiple Project Indicator Reporting Period (PIRP) records from an indicator, the Set Targets page would show a “Something Went Wrong” error message. This is now resolved such that, on removing Project Indicator Reporting Period (PIRP) records from an Indicator, it becomes unavailable for reporting for that PIRP and Reporting Frequency and is marked as NA on the setTargets LWC page.

setTargets LWC: Users can download targets when Project Indicator results are disaggregated but Targets are not

While trying to download targets for Project Indicators whose results were disaggregated but targets were not, the “Something went wrong“ error was displayed on the screen and users were unable to complete the download. This has now been fixed.

setTargets LWC: Users do not get an error when the value of the “Targets are Disaggregated” field on Project Indicator is updated from FALSE to TRUE

When a Project Indicator was created with Targets Not Disaggregated = TRUE and it’s value was then changed from TRUE to FALSE, the Set Targets LWC page would break. This has now been resolved.

Release Updates

Vera Solutions will no longer enhance or resolve any issues for the following components after the component’s end-of-servicing date.

Why: We are focusing development efforts on optimizing the corresponding Lightning Web Components that offer better performance and experience, and introducing new features.

How: Before a component’s end-of-servicing date, you must migrate to the corresponding Lightning Web Components to ensure you continue receiving regular updates and enhancements to those features.


Type of Component

Corrosponding LWC

End of Servicing Date


Aura Component


November 2023


Visualforce Page


November 2023


Visualforce Page


November 2023

(Quick Action: Download)

Aura Component

Budget Download
(Quick Action: Download Budget)

April 2024

(Quick Action: Upload)

Aura Component

Budget Upload
(Quick Action: Upload Budget)

April 2024


Visualforce Page


August 2024


Visualforce Page


November 2024

Packaging Changes

Updates to ampi__Activity__c

Field Set Label

Field Set API Name


Field Set Label

Field Set API Name


Activity Info popover


The following fields were moved to Available for the Field Set section

  • Planned_Start_Date__c

  • Planned_End_Date__c



The following fields were moved to Available for the Field Set section

  • Planned_Start_Date__c

  • Planned_End_Date__c



The following fields were moved to Available for the Field Set section

  • Planned_Start_Date__c

  • Planned_End_Date__c



The following fields were moved to Available for the Field Set section

  • Planned_Start_Date__c

  • Planned_End_Date__c



The following fields were moved to Available for the Field Set section

  • Planned_Start_Date__c

  • Planned_End_Date__c

Field Label

Field API Name


Field Label

Field API Name


Start Date


  • The label has been changed from “Actual Start Date” to “Start Date”.

  • The Help Text has been changed to “When the Start Date is left blank, the popover on the timeline displays the End Date in its place.”

End Date


  • The label has been changed from “Actual End Date” to “End Date”.

  • The Help Text has been changed to ”When the End Date is left blank, the popover on the timeline displays the Start Date in its place.”

Updates to ampi__Indicator__c

Field Label

Field API Name


Field Label

Field API Name




The default value has been changed to “False”

Updates to ampi__Project_Indicator__c

Field Label

Field API Name


Field Label

Field API Name




The default value has been changed to “False”

Updates to ampi__Result__c

Field Set Label

Field Set API Name


Field Set Label

Field Set API Name




Comment Pop-up on AddResults



Comment Pop-up on setTargets

New Custom Meta Data Type ampi__Dependent_Field_Control_Settings__c





Dependent Field Control Setting

This CMDT will be used to control visibility of dependent fields and and dependent picklist values on popups which can be made contexual based on other fields. Can be set up by the system administrator.

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type

Controlling Field



Controlling Value



Dependent Fields



Popup Fieldset



Custom Meta Data Records under ampi__Dependent_Field_Control_Settings__c



Aggregated Add Popup Picklist Filter

Aggregated Edit Popup Picklist Filter

Calculated Add Popup Picklist Filter

Calculated Edit Popup Picklist Filter

Currency Add Popup Field Filter

Currency Edit Popup Field Filter

Map Picklist Values To Number Add Popup

Map Picklist Values To Number Edit Popup

Milestone Add Popup Picklist Filter

Milestone Edit Popup Picklist Filter

Number Add Popup Field Filter

Number Edit Popup Field Filter

Percent Add Popup Field Filter

Percent Edit Popup Field Filter

Picklist Add Popup Field Filter

Picklist Add Popup Picklist Filter

Picklist Edit Popup Field Filter

Picklist Edit Popup Picklist Filter

Qualitative Add Popup Picklist Filter

Qualitative Edit Popup Picklist Filter

Updates to Risk Layout

Order of fields has been changed and they have been categorised in different sections.

  • The “Risk Detail” section now contains the following fields:

    • Name

    • ampi__Category__c

    • ampi__Status__c

    • ampi__Description__c

    • ampi__Risk_Register__c

    • ampi__Identification_Date__c

    • ampi__Activity__c

  • New Section “Classification” has been introduced which includes fields:

    • ampi__Probability__c

    • ampi__Potential_Impact__c

    • ampi__Risk_Type__c

    • ampi__Priority__c

    • ampi__Control_Over_Risk__c

    • ampi__Proximity__c

  • New Section “Risk Indicators” has been introduced which includes fields:

    • ampi__xx_Probability_Icon__c

    • ampi__xx_Probability_Score__c

    • ampi__xx_Potential_Impact_Icon__c

    • ampi__xx_Impact_Score__c

    • ampi__xx_Control_Over_Risk_Icon__c

    • ampi__xx_Overall_Score__c

  • New Section “Risk Level” has been introduced which includes fields:

    • ampi__xx_Risk_Level__c

    • ampi__xx_Risk_Level_Icon__c

    • ampi__xx_Is_Risk_Level_Acceptable__c

    • ampi__xx_Acceptable_Risk_Level__c

New Custom Labels




Short Description




Short Description


SetTargets, Interface, Amp Impact

Indicator not tracked for this period

Controls the helptext on hovering over NA.


SubmissionResponseForm, Error Message, Amp Impact

The input value does not match the allowed selection. Please contact your System Administrator.

Controls the error message on SubmissionResponseForm LWC


Amp Impact, setTargets LWC, Data Table, Load Limit

The current selection of Target Frequency, Geographic Area, and Reporting Period filters (if any) has a lot of data and will take some time to load. Please select the relevant Target Frequency, Geographic Area, and filter by Reporting Period End Date(s) to load (click on Show More FIlters button to view filters) only relevant Geographic Area and Reporting Period columns. If you want to load the data for the current selection, please click here to continue loading.

setTargetsLWC will show this warning when Result or PIRP records exceed limit


Do Not Translate, Amp Impact, setTargets LWC, Data Table, Reporting Period Column Filter

From End Date

Controls the label of filter input Reporting Period From Date


Do Not Translate, Amp Impact, setTargets LWC, Data Table, Reporting Period Column Filter

To End Date

Controls the label of filter input Reporting Period To Date


Do Not Translate, Amp Impact, setTargets LWC, Data Table, Load Limit


Number of result records fetched by setTargetsLWC in one go


Amp Impact, setTargets LWC, Data Table, Load Limit


setTargetsLWC will show a warning if Result records exceed this


Amp Impact, setTargets LWC, Data Table, Load Limit


setTargetsLWC will show a warning if PIRP records exceed this

Updated Custom Labels








Implementation Plan, Implementation Plan Excel Download, Implementation Plan Excel file, Amp Impact

3. Activity Name and Activity Type fields are required to be filled for successful upload of Activities.


Implementation Plan, Implementation Plan Excel Download, Implementation Plan Excel file, Amp Impact

Value has been changed to “5. New rows will create new Activities in the Implementation Plan. If you want to update an Activity, be sure to edit it directly on the third tab."

New Design Attribute



Help text

Default Value

Retain formatting of qualitative Results on download/ upload


Check this if want to retain rich text formatting/images on download/upload of qualitative targets. If false the the downloaded excel will print qualitative text targets without HTML tags.


Retain formatting of qualitative Targets on download/ upload


Check this if want to retain rich text formatting/images on download/upload of qualitative results. If false the the downloaded excel will print qualitative text results without HTML tags.


Updated Design Attribute




Hide Not Applicable Checkbox?


The label has been renamed from “Don’t allow users to mark results as Not Applicable” to “Hide Hide Not Applicable Checkbox?”

Apex Class Access

The following Apex classes have been added to the permission set:

  • AggregateQueryBuilder

  • DynamicFieldSet_Ctrl

  • PicklistData

  • SObject_Domain

  • Submission_Domain

  • Submission_TestFactory

Field Access

The following Fields Permission have been added to the permission set:

  • Question__c.xx_Allow_Multiple_Files__c

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