Amp Impact Knowledge Base

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Welcome to the Amp Impact Knowledge Base - a place to find How To Articles, Technical Documentation, Templates, and so much more.

What are you looking for today?

Amp Impact Glossary of Terms

Navigate common terms in Amp Impact.

Amp Impact Feature Demo Videos

Get a quick overview of each functional area in Amp Impact by navigating through our list of videos.

Release Notes & Upgrade Instructions

Find the release notes and upgrade instructions for every new Amp Impact release.

Data Entry & Management Guidance

Get to know Amp Impact features and how different organizations use them, including How To guides to enter and manage your data.

Set Up & Configuration Guidance by Feature

Navigate the set up and feature customization options in Amp Impact.

Entity Relationship Diagrams - Object Relationships

Dig into the technical stuff and learn more about the object relationships by feature.

Installation & General Set Up Guidance

Installing Amp Impact for the first time? Dig in and learn about the general configuration and set up options.

Sector Knowledge

A selection of sector-specific guidance around common business processes in the social sector and serves as the foundation for all the Amp Impact features.

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