Amp Impact Schema (with Object Descriptions)
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  • Amp Impact Schema (with Object Descriptions)

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    You can find the template for this schema in Lucid here. Contact your Vera POC if you need access.

    Please be sure to first create a copy of the template before editing it for your project. 

    This schema is relevant as of the Mira (v1.37 release). You may access previous versions of the schema in Gliffy. Contact your Vera POC if you need access.

    Amp Impact Schema

    Amp Impact Object Descriptions (Alphabetical) 



    Sample use

    Also Sometimes Called



    Sample use

    Also Sometimes Called

    Activity (ampi__Activity__c)

    An Activity is a set task performed under an Implementation Plan. The Activity record constains all the details of the activity, including start and dates and percent completion.

    Activities can be nested under each other in a parent-child hierarchy. They can also be linked to specific Project Objectives, Project Indicators, and Financial line items within a project Budget. They can be assigned to Contacts directly through the Contact lookup field or through the Activity Assignment object.

    After creating an Implementation Plan for year 1 of the Education for All project, the project manager creates Activity records for the specific activities and milestones that will happen in year one. Examples: Create teacher training curriculum; Carry out teacher training in district A; Recruit volunteers.

    Milestones, Deliverables, Planning Elements, Actions

    Allocation (ampi__Allocation__c)

    The Allocation object can be used to record commitments of monetary resources to a project from different Accounts/Organizations, Funds, or Opportunities. A Project can have one or more Allocations. A Project with only one funder, might have just one Allocation, whereas a Project funded by multiple sources would have many.

    The Education For All project has three funders; Org A, Org B, and Org C. Org A has committed $100k; Org B and Org C have each committed $50k. Additionally, the org itself has committed $50k of unrestricted funding to the project from the Unrestricted Fund record. Each of these Commitments is stored on the Allocation object.


    Assignment (ampi__Assignment__c)

    Junction object used to affiliate Positions or Roles to Activities, essentially showing the Positions/Roles that are necessary to successfully implement the Activity. Includes fields to track the estimated cost and effort required for the assignment.

    The "Water Resources Specialist" Position for a WASH-Aid project in El Salvador is associated to the Activity "Conduct well water quality assessment" through an Assignment record, and estimated effort for this assignment is set at 30%.


    Budget (ampi__Budget__c)

    The Budget object holds planned and actual expenditure (and/or revenue) by grouping together Financial records (aka Budget Lines). Users can see the total planned and actual amounts on the Budget record as well as the related Financials. A Grant/Project/Program can have multiple Budgets, for instance one per partner, one per geography, or one per period.

    The Education For All project has one Budget record that contains all the project's planned Budget Lines and actual expenditure. Before the project started, the budget was approved by the Country Director and Finance Director.


    Disaggregation Groups (ampi__Disaggregation_Groups__c)

    Disaggregation groups allow users to define common ways that Indicators can be broken down into relevant smaller sets for more granular management and reporting.

    Age Group is a Disaggregation Group used by many different Indicators. It has 3 Disaggregation Values.

    Indicator Component Group

    Disbursement (ampi__Disbursement__c)

    Disbursements are payments that have been made or scheduled to be made. Disbursements can either be inbound (i.e. received) or outbound (i.e. sent). Disbursements are sometimes tied to Grant or Progress Reports and could be connected to specific milestones if needed. They will sometimes undergo an approval process and often be used in integrations with ERP systems (eg schedule and approve Disbursements in Amp, make payment via ERP and have that data flow back to Amp).

    The Education For All project has four scheduled Disbursements, including an initial payment of $50,000 and three subsequent payments tied to completion and approval of quarterly progress reports.

    Payment, Tranche

    Financial (ampi__Financial__c)

    Financials serve as Budget Lines and Expenditure Lines. Financials can be high-level (e.g. $300k on Salaries in Q1) or very detailed (eg $5k on Martha's January). The Financial object is child to the Budget object and the Reporting Period Object (both are required) and has an optional lookup to Activity for organization's looking to do Activity-based budgeting.

    The Education For All project's budget has 10 Budget Lines stored on the Financial object. Each is categorized (eg Personnel) and sub-categorized (eg Benefits). Expenditure records are loaded into the Financial object monthly from the Accounting system, so that program staff can see Budget vs Actual for their projects.

    Budget Line, Forecast Line

    Framework Objective (ampi__Objective__c)

    The Framework Objective object contains a statement of something a Project aims to achieve. Framework Objectives have a parent-child hierarchy, allowing users to group Outputs under Outcomes under Strategic Priorities (for example). Framework Objectives can be specific to one project, can be added from a catalog of standard Objectives, or can be copied from another Framework

    The Education For All project has three outcomes: Improve adolescent literacy, Improve adolescent numeracy, and Improve adolescent social-emotional learning. Each of these are Framework objectives within the Project and each have Project Indicators connected to them.

    Result, Result Statement, Outcome, Output, Goal, Strategic Priority (in the context of a Project, Grant, or Program)

    Geographic Area (ampi__Geographical_Area__c)

    The Geographic Area object stores a list of geographies that can be assigned to projects to indicate where the project is being implemented. Depending on the client, this may be a list of global geographies (regions, countries) or at a more granular level (states, provinces, districts, or even villages). Geographic areas can also have a parent-child hierarchy.

    An international NGO works in 120 countries, which they group into 7 regions for management and reporting purposes. The Geographic Areas object contains records for each of the regions and countries, and includes a self-lookup so that countries can be linked to their 'parent' region.

    Area, Location

    Good/Service (ampi__Good_Service__c)

    Stores a catalog of goods and services that can be requested, planned, or tracked for Activities. Each Good/Service can have an expected cost, preferred procurement method, and other details.

    Goods: Laptops, Mobile phones, Cars
    Services: Evaluations, Office cleaning


    Implementation Plan (ampi__Implementation_Plan__c)

    An Implementation Plan is a detailed work plan for a Project, usually corresponding to a specific time period or category of activities for the project. The Implementation Plan record stores details about the work plan (description, timeline, etc.) and then specific Activities (on the Activity object) can be created and linked to the Implementation Plan.

    Implementation Plans can also be created for Frameworks.

    The Education for All project is a 4-year project. The Project Manager creates an Implementation Plan for each year of the project and then using the Activities object, details the specific activities and milestones for each year of the project.

    Work Plan

    Organization (Account)

    Organization/Account object refers to the basic details of the organization(s) one is working with. (Typical fields: Contact details, Account owner, Address, website etc). An organization is typically linked to multiple contacts and multiple projects.

    An Non Profit Organisation, Grant maker, Government Organisation, Educational institutions, Social Enterprises, etc can be an example of Organisations in Amp Impact.


    Organization Role (ampi__Organisation_role__c)

    Organization role is a junction object between the Account (Organization) and Project objects and allows users to affiliate accounts with their projects. This allows project managers to maintain a record of the Organizations that are currently working on or have previously worked on/been associated with a project.

    An Organization Role record is created for the Education for All project for an Organization called "Nairobi Teachers' Association" to show that they are an Implementing Partner on the project.

    Partner Organzation, Donor, Institution Role

    Position (ampi__Position__c)

    The Position object is used to track the job positions available (or required) to successfully implement projects. Users can enter the description, qualifications, start date, and cost details for each Position. Positions can be assigned to Activities through the Assignment object.
    Positions differ from Roles in that a Position is an "instance" of a Role; a Role is a general description of a duty, while a Position is filled by a specific person (Contact).

    An HR Admin for Hello Hygiene creates a Role for "Water Resources Specialist" that can be used to create positions for many projects across different locations. A specific "Water Resources Specialist" Position is created to support the WASH-Aid project in El Salvador. When a staff member is hired for this Position the Position will be linked to the Staff member's Contact record.

    Post, Resource

    Procurement Requirement (ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c)

    Junction object used to affiliate Goods/Services with Activities, essentially showing the goods or services required to successfully implement project Activities. Includes fields to track the quantity required, due date, etc.

    "Digital Thermometer" is a Good/Service that is affiliated to the Activity "Conduct well water quality assesment" through a Procurement Request record.

    Activity Goods/Services

    Project (ampi__Project__c)

    The Project object holds the high-level details of a project (i.e. a set of activities performed to achieve certain objectives). This object is the “glue” that holds together most other Amp Impact data. The Project Object often has record types configured on it (for example, to distinguish between Programs and Projects or Proposals and Projects). Project records can also be used to track a pipeline of proposals or planned projects/programs.

    An international education NGO has a portfolio-level program called "Education for All" implemented in 13 countries.
    A field office for the education NGO in Tanzania runs a project called "Education for All- Tanzania."
    The Hello Hygiene foundation manages a $1m grant to an organization named WASH-Aid for an initiative called "WASH-Aid Hygiene Promotion"

    Program(me), Grant, Investment

    Project Indicators (ampi__Project_Indicator__c)

    The Project Indicator Object is used manage specific indicators linked to a project. It allows for tailoring an Indicator to a particular project, for example, if it's reporting or target frequency is different.

    The "# of beneficiaries served" has 12 Project Indicator records for the 12 projects that use it to track progress.

    Project Metric, Project KPI

    Project Role (ampi__Project_Role__c)

    Project role is a junction object between the Contact and Project objects and allows users to affiliate internal or external contacts with their projects. This allows project managers to maintain a record of Contacts who are currently working on or have previously worked on/been associated with the project.

    A Project Role record is created for the Contact Jane Smith on the Education for All project to show that she is the current Project Manager.

    Grant Role, Investment Role

    Reporting Periods (ampi__Reporting_Period__c)

    Reporting periods represent time periods during a project. The object is commonly used to manage grant reports or progress reports (including narrative, results, financials, and files). It is an important object for Indicator Management and also for Financial Management (every Financial must link to an RP).

    The “One for Change” project has 3 annual reporting periods (2019, 2020, 2021) and a Life of Project reporting period.

    Period, Report, Grant Report, Progress Report, Time Period

    Result (ampi__Result__c)

    The Result stores all the actual Results achieved and the Targets for a Project on a Project Indicator in a Geographic Area during a Reporting Period (and potentially for a specific Disaggregation Value). If Baseline data need to be disaggregated, they should be stored on this object as well (Baselines are effectively 'actuals' that existed before the project started).

    For an organization working to vaccinate young children, the Results object stores # of doses delivered (Project Indicator) in January (Reporting period) in India (Geographical Area), disaggregated by sex and rural/urban.

    Actual, Target, Milestone

    Risk (ampi__Risk__c)

    A Risk can be an issue that may disrupt a project or activity, or an incident/issue that has already occurred. The Risk record holds details such as the category, level, and mitigation strategy for the risk. A Risk can be related to a specific Activity or to a Risk Register (collection of risks) that is associated to a Project.

    Examples of risks: Election Protest, Climate Change, Staff Turnover, Economic Recession

    Issues, Incidents, Events

    Risk Action (ampi__xx_Risk_Action__c)

    Object to store details of mitigation actions for potential risks or response actions for risks that have occured. Risk Actions can be assigned to Contacts.

    One of Educations for All Tanzania's identified risks is Election Protest. An associated Risk Action describes a mitigation plan that will take effect if this risk occurs.

    Risk Treatments, Risk Mitigation Measures

    Risk Cause (ampi__xx_Risk_Cause__c)

    This object is used to capture details about potential or actual causes for risks.

    A Risk Cause for the "Election Protest" risk could be "Opposing party loses election".


    Risk Relationship (ampi__xx_Risk_Relationship__c)

    Junction object that allows Risks to be affiliated with each other in a many-to-many relationship. Also allows a many-to-many relationship between Risks and Activitiies or Risks and Framework Objectives.

    For the Education for All project, there is a Risk Relationship between the "Economic Recession" risk and the "Election Protest" risk where Economic Recession is identified as a contributing factor to Election Protest.


    Role (ampi__Role__c)

    The Role object stores details about types of responsibilities or jobs (Roles) and the costs associated with these roles.
    A Role is different from a Position in that it is a type or grouping of duty not specific to one project, department, or location. A Position is an “instance” of a Role that is filled by a specific person (Contact.

    An HR Admin for Hello Hygiene creates a Role for "Water Resources Specialist" that can be used as a basis for creating Positions for many projects across different locations.


    Thematic Areas (ampi__Thematic_Area__c)

    "Thematic Area" is a flexible term that can be defined according to how an organization categorizes their Projects/Grants/etc and/or their Indicators. This is often according to different sectors that the organization works in (for example, Education, Health, WASH, etc.). Sometimes the Thematic Area object is also used to define cross-cutting themes or strategic initiatives (for example: Gender Equality; Reduce Maternal Mortality).
    Thematic Areas can be nested in a parent-child hierarchy. It is also possible to define different types of Thematic Areas (for example, Sectors and Strategies) and differentiate them using the “Type” field on the object.

    An international NGO categorizes its work into 5 sectors: Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Youth Development, and Humanitarian Response. The organization also has three cross-cutting global themes: Gender Equality, Sustainability, and Capacity Building. One Thematic Area is created for these sectors and cross-cutting themes. These Thematic Areas can then be affiliated with Indicators (see Indicator Thematic Area object in this list) or Projects/Grants/etc. (see Project Thematic Area object in this list).

    Themes, Sectors, Strategies, Outcome Areas, Strategic Initiatives

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