Risk Management: Key Relationships
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  • Risk Management: Key Relationships

    This page covers:

    Related pages:

    Risk Management: Overview

    The Risk Management functionality in Amp Impact has two key components:

    1. It is related to assessing and managing risks at the program or grant/portfolio level for international NGOs or Funders respectively;

    2. It is related to implementation and execution-focused risks; that is, risks that may impede achieving impact in a given program, grant or portfolio 

    This consists of Identifying and Defining Risks, creating Mitigation Strategies for those risks, collecting risks in Risk Registers based on their categories, and conducting periodic Risk Assessments for Identified Risks.

    Risk Management: Data Model

    Below is the Risk Management data model subset:

    Risk Management: Summary of Key Relationships

    There are six key relationships that are foundational to the overall use of Amp Impact:

    • Risk: This relationship enables organizations to view details of any unforeseen events that may have a negative effect on a project or activity.

    • Risk Register: This relationship enables organizations to view risks in groups.

    • Risk Assessment: This relationship enables organizations to evaluate and/or measure risks in a periodic manner.

    • Risk Action: This relationship enables organizations to keep details of actions to respond to or alleviate risks.

    • Risk Relationship: This relationship enables organizations to relate risks to each other.

    • Risk Cause: This relationship enables organizations to document the details and causes of risks.

    Here is a summary of these relationships:

    Amp Object Label

    Amp Object API name


    Object Description

    Sample Use

    Also Sometimes Called

    Key relationships (Amp object's relationship in parentheses)

    Amp Object Label

    Amp Object API name


    Object Description

    Sample Use

    Also Sometimes Called

    Key relationships (Amp object's relationship in parentheses)




    A Risk can be an issue that may disrupt a project or activity, or an incident/issue that has already occurred. The Risk record holds details such as the category, level, and mitigation strategy for the risk. A Risk can be related to a specific Activity or to a Risk Register (collection of risks) that is associated to a Project.

    Examples of risks: Election Protest, Climate Change, Staff Turnover, Economic Recession

    Issues, Incidents, Events

    Risk Register (child in lookup)
    Activity (child in lookup)

    Risk Register



    A Risk Register record serves to group Risks (child records) together. Risk Registers can be related to a specific Project or to a different object through a custom lookup.

    Education for All has separate risk registers for its Tanzania Project and Kenya Project and an operational risk register for the whole organization.


    Risk (parent)
    Project (child in lookup)

    Risk Assessment



    Object to store details of periodic evaluation of Risks. Can be related to a project Reporting Period and also assigned to a Contact.

    The Education for All Tanzania project reviews the Risks in its Risk Register on an annual basis to determine which risks are closed, which ones need a mitigation strategy, etc.


    Risk (child in lookup)
    Reporting Period (child in lookup)
    Contact (child in lookup)

    Risk Action



    Object to store details of mitigation actions for potential risks or response actions for risks that have occured. Risk Actions can be assigned to Contacts.

    One of Educations for All Tanzania's identified risks is Election Protest. An associated Risk Action describes a mitigation plan that will take effect if this risk occurs.

    Risk Treatments, Risk Mitigation Measures

    Risk (child in lookup)
    Contact (child in lookup)

    Risk Relationship



    Junction object that allows Risks to be affiliated with each other in a many-to-many relationship. Also allows a many-to-many relationship between Risks and Activitiies or Risks and Framework Objectives.

    For the Education for All project, there is a Risk Relationship between the "Economic Recession" risk and the "Election Protest" risk where Economic Recession is identified as a contributing factor to Election Protest.


    Risk (child in lookup x2)
    Activity (child in lookup)
    Framework Objective (child in lookup)

    Risk Cause



    This object is used to capture details about potential or actual causes for risks.

    A Risk Cause for the "Election Protest" risk could be "Opposing party loses election."


    Risk (child in lookup)