Configure Amp Impact Features on Standard or Custom Salesforce Objects
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  • Configure Amp Impact Features on Standard or Custom Salesforce Objects

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    By default, Amp Impact features (Manage Framework, Manage Indicators, Set Targets, Add Results, Performance Graphs, and Manage Disbursements) are available on the Project object. However, these features could also be configured on other standard or custom Salesforce objects (target objects).

    [Required] Initial Configuration

    Create a Custom Relationship Between the Project Object & the Target Object

    Configure a lookup relationship field from the Project object to the Target object (i.e. create the relationship on the Project object). You can choose to add a lookup to a standard Salesforce object, an Amp Impact object, or any custom object in your Salesforce system.

    Create a Dynamic Relationship Custom Setting Record

    Once Project is related to the Target object, create a custom setting record to correctly display the Amp Impact features (Manage Framework, Manage Indicators, Set Targets, Add Results, Performance Graphs, and Manage Disbursements) on the Target object record pages. The purpose of this custom setting record is to store this metadata for the feature component to query.

    A custom setting record should be created for every relationship field that is added on Project for each feature.

    For example, if the “Manage Indicator” feature needs to be used on both the Account object and a custom object, then there needs to be two Dynamic Relationship custom setting records: One mapping the ManageIndicators component to the Account object and another mapping to the ManageIndicators component to the custom object.

    Follow these steps to create Dynamic Relationship custom setting record:

    1. Go to “Custom Settings” in Setup.

    2. Click “Manage” next to Dynamic Relationship.

    3. Click the “New” button.

    4. Fill out the “Name” field with the name of the custom setting record. It can be anything based on your organization's requirements.

    5. Fill out the “Object Name” field with the API name of the Target object. For example, if Manage Indicators should be used on the object, then enter “Account” in the Object Name field (remember to include correct namespaces for API names for packaged fields).

    6. Fill out the “Page Name” field to specify the feature you want to use on the Target object. For example, if you want to add the Manage Indicators feature on the Target object, you should enter “ManageIndicators” in the Page Name field. Here is a table with the features that you might want to add:

    Amp Impact Feature

    Page Name

    Amp Impact Feature

    Page Name

    Manage Indicators


    Manage Frameworks




    Set Targets


    Add Results


    Performance Graphs


    Manage Disbursements


    1. Fill out the “Profile/User” field to specify the Profile name or User name for which feature should be available on the Target object. Dynamic Relationship custom setting record should be created for each profile/ user which needs access to the feature (specified in the Page Name) on other object (specified in the Object Name). 

    2. Fill out the Relationship field to specify the API name of the lookup field on Project object relating Project to the Target object (include correct namespaces for API names for packaged fields).

    In the following example, the Dynamic Relationship custom setting record enables the users with System Administrator profile to use the Manage Indicators feature on the Account object (Target object).

    For Amp Impact features to work as expected on Target objects, there should be a one-to-one relationship between the Project record and the Target record. If more than one Project record is related to a Target object record, the feature component (Manage Framework, Manage Indicators, Set Targets, Add Results, Performance Graphs, or Manage Disbursements) might display the related records (e.g. Framework Objectives, Project Indicators, Targets, Results, Disbursements) from any  one of the related Project records (i.e. the related Projects will not “roll up” to the parent object record).

    If your organization needs a many-to-one relationship between the Project object and other object, we advise creating a separate custom relationship field to specify one-to-one relationship, and use that relationship field while specifying the Relationship field in the Dynamic Relationship custom setting record.

    Add the Amp Impact Feature(s) to the Lightning Page of the Target Object

    To make the Amp Impact feature component available on the Target object, it should be added to its Lightning page.  

    1. Navigate to the Target object's record page and click on the Gear icon. 

    2. Click on the “Edit Page” in the dropdown.

    3. (Optional) Add a new tab for the new feature and name it as per your organization's vocabulary

    4. On the left pane, locate the relevant feature component and add it to the Lightning page.

    5. “Save” and “Activate the updated Lightning page.

    Here is an example of adding the Manage Indicators (Lightning Web Component) to the Lightning page:

    Relate the Relevant Project Record to the Target Object Record

    The last step to use Amp Impact features on the Target object is to ensure that the Project record is related to the Target object record (i.e. the lookup field on Project is populated with the other object's record, such as an Account record) on which the Amp Impact features are to be used. 

    If the Targetobject is not related to a Project object, the user will get an error on the Amp Impact feature added to it.

    Once all the steps are complete, users can access Amp Impact features on Target objects.

    [Optional] Additional Configuration

    Access related lists on Project via the Target Object

    Related lists allow you to access records that are directly related to the record you are viewing. If planning to use an Amp Impact feature (Manage Framework, Manage Indicators, Set Targets, Add Results, Performance Graphs, and Manage Disbursements) on a Target object, you might want to access the appropriate related lists on the Target object’s page too.

    Follow the steps below to add related lists from the Project object to Target objects.

    In order for the following steps to work as expected, the related list should be added to the page layout of the Project object first in order to access that related list on the Target object's record page.

    1. Create a lookup relationship from the Target object to the Project object. In this example, a lookup relationship has been created on the Account object that looks up to the Project object. 

    2. Navigate to the Page Layout (accessed through the Object Manager in Setup) of the Target object.

    3. Drop the Project related list onto the Target object's page layout. To do this, click on “Related Lists” in the palette at the top of the page. Drag the “Projects” related list to the Related Lists section of the page layout editor.

    4. After adding the Project object's related list to the page layout, click “Save”.

    5. Navigate to the Target object’s record page and click the Gear icon in the top right of the page. Click “Edit Page” to access the Lightning App Builder.

    6. From the Components section on the left side, drag “Related List - Single” onto the page layout.

    7. Click on the newly added Related List so that the properties may be edited. Select “Project” as the Parent Record and define the appropriate Related List to be displayed. Here all of the related lists from the Project object will be available. As an example, Budget has been selected. 

    8. Define the Related List Type. It is recommended to select “Enhanced List”, this will allow users to sort related records to have the most relevant records displayed. 

    9. Click “Save” and “Activate” to ensure page visibility.

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