Orphaned Records Matrix
  • Published
  • Orphaned Records Matrix

    This page covers:

    Orphan Record Issue has been resolved: This resource is not actively updated
    With the Amp Impact Fornax (1.27) release, the users are not able to delete the Parent records if there is a related child record in the org and will get an error message asking them to delete the child records first.


    • Action Taken: What object record is being deleted?

    • How is Action Taken: What steps is the user taking to complete the action in Amp Impact?

    • Orphaned Records?

      • Yes - the field on the child record is cleared and the child record is orphaned.

      • No - the child record retains information from the parent record OR the child record is deleted along with the parent record.

    • Historic Result Data Preserved?

      • Yes - the child records are not deleted when the parent record is deleted.

      • No - the child records are deleted when the parent record is deleted.

    • Status:

      • No change - Amp Impact works as intended.

      • Backlog: dev change request - Amp Impact currently works this way but we have backlogged a user story to change this.

      • Backlog: config change request - Amp Impact currently works this way but we have backlogged a config change to change this.

    Orphaned Result Records Matrix

    Action Taken

    How is Action Taken (through Amp Impact)?

    Orphaned Result Records?

    Historic Result Data Preserved?



    Action Taken

    How is Action Taken (through Amp Impact)?

    Orphaned Result Records?

    Historic Result Data Preserved?



    Delete a Project Geographic Area (PGA)

    1. Navigate to the Setup tab on the Project record.

    2. Delete a PGA record from Geographic Areas related list




    Backlog: config change request

    Delete a Reporting Period (RP)

    1. Navigate to the Setup tab on the Project record.

    2. Delete a RP record from Reporting Periods related list




    Backlog: config change request

    Delete a Project Indicator (PI)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, Delete a Project Indicator by clicking on Delete icon next to it



    Child result records are deleted when PI is deleted

    No change

    Delete a Catalog Indicator

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on a Project Indicator Definition to navigate to a PI record

    3. On PI record, click on Related Indicator to navigate to Catalog Indicator record

    4. Click on Delete button



    Can’t delete a catalog indicator if PI is related to it

    No change

    Delete a Project Indicator Geographic Area (PIGA)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on the edit icon next to Project Indicator Definition

    3. For the field Geographic Disaggregation, select a different value




    Backlog: config change request

    Delete a Project Indicator Reporting Period (PIRP)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on the edit icon next to Project Indicator Definition

    3. For the field Reporting Frequency and/or Target Frequency, select a different value




    Backlog: config change request

    Delete a Disaggregated Indicator (DI)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on a Project Indicator Definition to navigate to a PI record

    3. On PI record, click on Related Indicator to navigate to Catalog Indicator record

    4. Navigate to Related tab, and delete a DI record from Disaggregated Indicators related list



    Deleting a DI (related to parent indicator of PI) has no effect on PI or its child Results

    No change

    Delete a Disaggregated Project Indicator (DPI)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on the edit icon next to Project Indicator Definition

    3. For the field Disaggregation Group, select a different value/ None




    Backlog: config change request

    Delete a Disaggregation Group

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on a Project Indicator Definition to navigate to a PI record

    3. On the related tab of PI record, click on Disaggregation Group in Disaggregated Project Indicators related list to navigate to Disaggregation Group record page

    4. Click on Delete button



    Child results related to child Disaggregation Values of deleted Disaggregation Group are not displayed on STAR if DG related to parent PI is deleted

    Backlog: config change request

    Delete a Disaggregation Value

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on a Project Indicator Definition to navigate to a PI record

    3. On the related tab of PI record, click on Disaggregation Group in Disaggregated Project Indicators related list to navigate to Disaggregation Group record page

    4. On related tab of DG record, delete a Disaggregation Value record from Disaggregation Values related list



    Child results related to deleted Disaggregation Value are not displayed on STAR if DV of DG related to parent PI is deleted

    Backlog: config change request

    Orphaned Records Matrix

    Action Taken

    How is Action Taken (through Amp Impact)?

    Orphaned Records?

    Historic Data Preserved?



    Action Taken

    How is Action Taken (through Amp Impact)?

    Orphaned Records?

    Historic Data Preserved?



    Delete a Thematic Area (TA)

    1. Navigate to the Setup tab on the Project record.

    2. Click on Thematic Area Name in thematic Areas related list to navigate to Thematic Area record page

    3. Click on Delete button

    1. Yes

      1. Indicator Thematic Area

      2. Project Indicator Thematic Area

    2. No

      1. Project Thematic Area

    1. Yes

      1. Indicator

      2. Project Indicator

    Thematic Area field on Indicator and Project indicator record retains the Thematic Area value

    Backlog: dev change request

    Delete an Indicator Thematic Area (ITA)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on a Project Indicator Definition to navigate to a PI record

    3. On PI record, click on Related Indicator to navigate to Catalog Indicator record

    4. Navigate to Related tab and, delete an ITA record from Indicator Thematic Areas related list



    Thematic Area field on Indicator record doesn’t retain the Thematic Area value

    No change

    Delete a Project Indicator Thematic Area (PITA)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on the edit icon next to Project Indicator Definition

    3. For the field Thematic Area, move the Thematic Area name from the selected list to the available list



    Thematic Area field on Project Indicator record doesn’t retain the Thematic Area value

    No change

    Delete a Budget

    1. Navigate to Financials tab on Project record

    2. Delete a Budget record from Budgets related list

    1. Yes

      1. Transaction Project IATI Sector

    2. No

      1. Financials



    No change?

    Delete an Objective

    1. Navigate to Manage Framework tab on Project record

    2. In Objective table, Click on an Objective Name to navigate to Project Objective record

    3. On Project Objective record, click on Objective to navigate to Objective record

    4. Click on Delete button

    1. Yes

      1. Project Objective

      2. Project Indicator Objective

    1. Yes

      1. Project Objective

      2. Project Indicator

    2. No

      1. Project Indicator Objective

    When a catalog objective is deleted, the related Project Objective record retains the objective name and definition but related Project Indicator Objective doesn’t.

    Objective(s) field on Project Indicator retails the Objective Name

    Backlog: config + dev change request

    Delete a Project Objective (PO)

    1. Navigate to Manage Framework tab on Project record

    2. In Objective table, Click on the Delete button next to Objective Name

    1. No

      1. Project Indicator Objectives


    Objective(s) field on Project Indicator record doesn’t retain the Objective value

    No change

    Delete a Project Indicator Objective (PIO)

    1. Navigate to Manage Indicator tab on Project record

    2. In Selected Indicator table, click on the edit icon next to Project Indicator Definition

    3. For the field Objective(s), move the Objective name from the selected list to the available list



    Objective(s) field on Project Indicator record doesn’t retain the Objective value

    No change

    Delete an Implementation Plan

    1. Navigate to Implementation Plan related list in Setup

    2. Click action menu to delete it

    1. Yes

      1. Activity



    No change