Lightning Pages

Lightning Pages

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Salesforce Lightning Pages

Salesforce Lightning Pages allow System Administrators to design a custom interface for different users.

Amp Impact Lightning Pages

Amp Impact includes the following Lightning pages in the package: a Home Page and a record page for each of the custom Amp Impact objects.

We’ve included high-level guidelines for customizing Amp Impact pages by functional area in the Set Up & Customization by Functional Area Section:

Displaying Amp Impact Lightning Pages

The Amp Impact Home Page will not automatically be displayed and needs to be activated before it will be available to users.

To display any of Amp Impact’s Lightning pages, you will need to adjust the Activation settings either on your custom Lightning pages by removing them as the org or app default, or on the Amp Lightning pages by setting them as the app / profile defaults. You can access the Activation settings in the Lightning App Builder.

Risk Report Error on the Project Record

Filter the Risk Report Chart for the Current Project record

The following report charts are offered out of the box with the Risk feature:

  1. Risk by Status and Type

  2. Risk by Category and Status

Due to a Salesforce limitation, Report Charts are not filtered to the current Project record out of the box. The system administrator needs to configure the filter for each report to show only risks associated with the current project.

To configure the filters in report charts, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the current project record

  2. Click on the Risk tab

  3. Click on “Edit Page” option in Setup

  4. Click on the Report Chart component in the Lightning App Builder

  5. Click on the “Filter By” to specify the current project record

You will now be able to save and activate the page to make it visible to the relevant user groups.