Mira (v1.37) | Release Notes | May 2024
Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. Detailed information on the features, their setup, and configuration are available in the Amp Impact Knowledge Base (specific links below).
Contact support@verasolutions.org to share feedback.
This page covers:
- 1 New Features
- 2 Feature Enhancements
- 3 Resolved Issues
- 3.1 SubmissionResponseForm: Users can now Submit a SubmissionResponseForm (or a Narrative Form) that contains 2 or more conditionally displayed questions in multiple sections
- 3.2 ActivityChart AURA: Custom validation rules now display while creating or editing activities
- 3.3 ActivityChart AURA: Support for English (Netherlands) and French(Morroco) locales
- 3.4 manageIndicators LWC: Users can now search by Indicator Definition even if the corresponding field is not added as a filter
- 3.5 addResults LWC: Upload results on addResults LWC successfully if the downloaded results template has sex-disaggregated Project Indicators while the addResults LWC doesn’t (or vice-versa)
- 3.6 setTargets LWC: Upload targets on setTargets LWC successfully if the downloaded targets template has sex-disaggregated Project Indicators while the setTargets LWC doesn’t (or vice-versa)
- 3.7 activities LWC: Users only see fields they have access to when filtering Activities
- 3.8 addResults LWC: Compare Baseline with Results for Indicators that have Target Frequency different than Reporting Frequency
- 3.9 manageIndicators LWC: Buttons on manageIndicators LWC are hidden if the design attributes are set to hide them
- 4 Behind the Scenes: Technical Stuff
- 5 Release Updates
- 6 Packaging Changes
- 6.1 Updates to ampi__Budget__c
- 6.2 Updates to ampi__Implementation_Plan__c
- 6.3 Updates to ampi__xx_Framework__c
- 6.4 Updates to ampi__Indicator__c
- 6.5 Updates to ampi__Project_Indicator__c
- 6.6 Updates to ampi__Project__c
- 6.7 Updates to ampi__Reporting_Period__c
- 6.8 Updates to ampi__Result__c
- 6.9 Updates to Custom Meta Data Type ampi__Dependent_Field_Control_Settings__c
- 6.10 Declarative Automation
- 6.11 New Custom Labels
- 6.12 Permission Sets
New Features
Numerator/Denominator Data Type for Indicators
Technical Documentation:
From the Mira release, we are introducing the ability to track the Numerator/Denominator data type for Indicators in Amp Impact!
Track Percentage Achievement as well as the Scale of Results
Numerator/Denominator Indicators allow users to track the percentage (or as a fraction of a custom-defined factor) result and the actual numerator and denominator values. These indicators directly highlight the relationship between two numbers (numerator and denominator). It emphasizes the raw counts involved, which can be useful in interpreting the scale and magnitude of results achieved.
For example, now users can track the percentage of children vaccinated along with the actual number of children who received the vaccination. The indicator setup would be as follows:
Indicator: Percentage of children vaccinated against measles
Numerator: Number of children vaccinated against measles
Denominator: Total number of eligible children in the target area
Define a Custom Factor for Result Values
Amp Impact allows users to specify a custom factor for Numerator/Denominator results. This allows users to track results as relevant to their program and organization.
For example, in the previous example if the users want to track the number of children vaccinated per 10,000. They can set the Calculation Factor as 10000. The indicator setup would be as follows:
Indicator: Number of children vaccinated against measles per 10,000
Numerator: Number of children vaccinated against measles
Denominator: Total number of eligible children in the target area
Calculation Factor: 10,000
Submit and Lock Data Tables
Functional Documentation:
This release of Amp Impact introduces a Submit Application wizard that simplifies the submission process for a Project (or Application). This wizard provides users with a streamlined experience to submit their data tables together.
Once data tables are submitted, they are locked to restrict editing. This feature allows organizations to easily implement relevant submission processes and ensure the data integrity of the system.
Users can now lock the following data tables in Amp Impact:
Submission Response Form (Narrative Reports)
Budgets Download/ Upload
Feature Enhancements
Input total result for sex-disaggregated percentage Indicators on addResults LWC
Technical Documentation:
Now users can manually input a total result for sex-disaggregated percentage Indicators. This enhancement allows users to capture percentage results at total and disaggregated levels.
Improved data load capacity on addResults LWC
Record Limits by Feature: Record Limits by feature
The addResults Lightning Web Component (LWC) can now load up to 2X records of its previous capacity.
This enhanced capacity is achieved by fetching and loading data in chunks, resulting in faster performance for search and filters on setTargets LWC.
However, if organizations have a large data set, (more than 800 result records) the initial load time for the page would be higher.
Upload more data on setTargets LWC
Record Limits by Feature: Record Limits by feature
Users can now load 4X more data on setTargets LWC using the download/ upload functionality. This allows users to upload targets for a large number of reporting periods at once.
Resolved Issues
SubmissionResponseForm: Users can now Submit a SubmissionResponseForm (or a Narrative Form) that contains 2 or more conditionally displayed questions in multiple sections
In previous versions of Amp Impact, there were a couple of specific instances when prevented submission of the SubmissionResponseForm. If there were 2 or more conditionally displayed questions added to multiple sections, the users couldn’t submit the SubmissionResponseForm. This has now been resolved.
ActivityChart AURA: Custom validation rules now display while creating or editing activities
ActivityChart AURA component didn’t support displaying the custom validation rules (created by system admins). With this release, defined validation messages are displayed to the user when a validation rule is violated when creating or editing an Activity.
ActivityChart AURA: Support for English (Netherlands) and French(Morroco) locales
From this release, ActivityChart AURA component loads properly for English (Netherlands) and French(Morroco) locales.
manageIndicators LWC: Users can now search by Indicator Definition even if the corresponding field is not added as a filter
In previous releases, the Indicator Definition should have been added as a filter if users wanted to search by the Indicator Definition. Now, the Indicators can be searched by Indicator Definition without adding it as a filter. This saves space in the filter section and provides a better user experience.
addResults LWC: Upload results on addResults LWC successfully if the downloaded results template has sex-disaggregated Project Indicators while the addResults LWC doesn’t (or vice-versa)
Users got an error when uploading a results template to addResults LWC when the downloaded results template had sex-disaggregated Project Indicators while the addResults LWC didn’t (or vice versa). This has now been resolved.
setTargets LWC: Upload targets on setTargets LWC successfully if the downloaded targets template has sex-disaggregated Project Indicators while the setTargets LWC doesn’t (or vice-versa)
Users got an error when uploading a targets template to setTargets LWC when the downloaded targets template had sex-disaggregated Project Indicators while the setTargets LWC didn’t (or vice versa). This has now been resolved.
activities LWC: Users only see fields they have access to when filtering Activities
With this release of Amp Impact, when users filter Activities on activities LWC, they only see the fields they have access to. This resolution further strengthens the data security in Amp Impact.
addResults LWC: Compare Baseline with Results for Indicators that have Target Frequency different than Reporting Frequency
In previous versions of Amp Impact, if an Indicator had a Target Frequency different than the Result Frequency, then the Baseline did not display when the user compared it with the Baseline on addResults LWC. This has now been fixed to enable users to compare Baseline to Results for Indicators that have Targets set at a different frequency than Results.
manageIndicators LWC: Buttons on manageIndicators LWC are hidden if the design attributes are set to hide them
The behavior of some Design Attributes on manageIndicators was unexpected. For example, if the Design Attribute Hide Add New Indicator button was set to TRUE, the button was disabled instead of being hidden on the manageIndicators LWC. This has been fixed such that buttons are now hidden if corresponding Design Attributes are set to hide them.
Behind the Scenes: Technical Stuff
To ensure Amp Impact’s compatibility with Salesforce’s NPC:
All apex classes and triggers have been upgraded to API version 60.0
All flows have been upgraded to API version 60.0
All LWC and Aura components have been upgraded to API version 60.0
Flexi pages have been upgraded to API version 60.0
Visualforce pages have been upgraded to API version 60.0
This enables users to refer to the following NPC objects when:
Creating an aggregated indicator
Creating a Submissions template (using
CarePlan | CarePlanTemplateGoal | ComplaintParticipant |
CarePlanTemplate | ComplaintCase | GoalAssignment |
InteractionAttendee | InteractionSummary | PublicComplaint |
Referral | DonorGiftSummary | GiftBatch |
GiftCommitment | GiftCommitmentSchedule | GiftDefaultDesignation |
GiftDesignation | GiftEntry | GiftSoftCredit |
GiftTransaction | GiftTransactionDesignation | GiftTribute |
OutreachSourceCode | OutreachSummary | ImpactStrategy |
ImpactStrategyAssignment | IndicatorAssignment | IndicatorDefinition |
IndicatorPerformancePeriod | IndicatorResult | Outcome |
OutcomeActivity | TimePeriod | UnitOfMeasure |
AccountAccountRelation | ContactContactRelation | PartyRelationshipGroup |
PartyRoleRelation | BudgetParticipant | FundingAwardParticipant |
IndividualApplnParticipant | BenefitScheduleAssignment | BenefitSession |
BenefitType | RecurrenceSchedule | FundingAwardAmendment |
CarePlanTemplateBenefit | Interaction |
Release Updates
Vera Solutions will no longer enhance or resolve any issues for the following components after the component’s end-of-servicing date.
Why: We are focusing development efforts on optimizing and introducing new features on the corresponding Lightning Web Components that offer better performance and experience.
How: Before a component’s end-of-servicing date, you must migrate to the corresponding Lightning Web Components to ensure you continue receiving regular updates and enhancements to those features.
Name | Type of Component | Corresponding LWC | End of Servicing Date |
ActivityChart | Aura Component | activities | November 2023 |
AddResults | Visualforce Page | addResults | November 2023 |
ManageLogFrames | Visualforce Page | manageLogFrames | November 2023 |
BudgetExcelDownload | Aura Component | Budget Download | April 2024 |
BudgetExcelUpload | Aura Component | Budget Upload | April 2024 |
ManageIndicators | Visualforce Page | manageIndicators | August 2024 |
SetTargets | Visualforce Page | setTargets | November 2024 |
Packaging Changes
Updates to ampi__Budget__c
Updates to ampi__Implementation_Plan__c
Updates to ampi__xx_Framework__c
Updates to ampi__Indicator__c
Updates to ampi__Project_Indicator__c
Updates to ampi__Project__c
Updates to ampi__Reporting_Period__c
Updates to ampi__Result__c
Updates to Custom Meta Data Type ampi__Dependent_Field_Control_Settings__c
Declarative Automation
New Custom Labels
Permission Sets
Amp Impact Admin
Apex Class Access