Performance Graphs
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  • Performance Graphs

    This page covers:

    Overview of Performance Graphs

    The Performance Graphs Visualforce page allows users to visualize the Targets and Results that have been entered for Project Indicator records over time. The page allows users to select up to nine numerical indicators to visualize data.

    Visualize Targets & Results for Selected Indicators

    1. On the Performance Graphs tab, click the “Selected” dropdown list. In the Selected picklist, all Project Indicators with a Data Type of Number, Currency, Percent, or Numerator/Denominator are displayed in alphabetical order.

    1. Check the checkbox next to a Project Indicator to display a chart for that indicator’s data. A maximum of nine charts can be displayed. When the page loads, the first nine records are checked by default. Selections are applied when the Apply Selection button is clicked. If a selected Project Indicator has no Result values, the chart will not display.

    Each graph on the Performance Graphs page displays values from the Total_Target__c and Total_Result__c fields on the Results object.

    1. In each chart, The y-axis displays the Target Value field in one series and the Result Value in another series. If there are multiple Result records for the same Reporting Period (i.e. in the case of an indicator with multiple disaggregation values), the Target Values and Result Values are summed up across all the records.

    2. In each chart, the x-axis displays the Target Reporting Period Name from Project Indicator Reporting Period records related to the Project Indicator’s Result records. The x-axis is sorted by:

      1. Reporting Period End Date in ascending order

      2. Where Reporting Periods have the same End Date, then subsequently sorted by Reporting Period Start Date in descending order

    1. In each chart’s legend, the Target and Result labels can be clicked to show and hide the Targets and Results series values.

    If a project consists of only one Project Indicator which is of percent data type and is related to a disaggregation group, then the following error message will be displayed on the Performance Graphs page (see screenshot below).

    Why isn't my Indicator displaying on the Performance Graphs page? 

    First confirm that your Project Indicator has a Data Type of Number, Currency, Percent, or Numerator/Denominator. Milestone, Qualitative, and Picklist are not displayed on the Performance Graphs page.

    Note that Number, Currency, Percent, and Numerator/Denominator Project Indicators only display if the Project Indicator has "Calculate Total?" set to "Sum Total".

    The Performance Graph only shows up to nine Project Indicators at one time. If you have more than nine Project Indicators assigned to your Project, use the dropdown on the Performance Graphs page to deselect other Project Indicators and select your Project Indicator to display.

    Visualize Targets and Results with Different Reporting Frequencies

    If the Target reporting frequency for a particular Project Indicator is different than the Results reporting frequency (ie, Target_Frequency__c does not equal Reporting_Frequency__c), then the graph for that Project Indicator on the Performance Graphs page will display with the Reporting Period(s) that correspond to the Target Reporting Frequency. 

    The Results bar will display a summed value for all Results (if the project indicator is non-cumulative) or it will display the last reported Result (if the project indicator is cumulative).

    Download or Print Performance Graphs

    1. To download a Performance Graph, click the icon in the top-right corner of the chart and select the file format (PNG, JPEG, PDF, or SVG) that you would like to download the chart in.

    2. To print a Performance Graph, click the icon in the top-right corner of the chart and select “Print chart.”

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