Set Targets & Add Results
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  • Set Targets & Add Results

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    Overview of Targets & Results

    Organizations typically collect target and result data for the indicators (or KPIs) they track. Amp Impact allows organizations to define how they want to structure and disaggregate the target and result data. Organizations might:

    • Collect Baseline Data for their Indicators. Baselines are effectively “actuals” that existed before the project started.

    • Not set Targets for their Indicators. Some organizations might just need to collect the Result data and not create any Target records for their Indicators.

    • Disaggregate Target and Result data to report on the pre-defined categories for that Indicator.

    • Aggregate or Calculate Result data. Amp Impact allows organizations to aggregate data from elsewhere in their system to report Indicator Results or even do calculations from other Indicator Result data to display Result data in that way.

    As with Frameworks and Indicators, Amp Impact comes with two options for displaying and managing Target and Result data: Visualforce and Lightning Web Component. Depending on which option your organization uses, you would need to navigate to different sections to ensure the steps outlined here corresponds with what you’ll see in your system. Check with your System Administrator if you’re unsure which option you are using.