Record Limits by Feature
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  • Record Limits by Feature

    Record Limits by Feature

    Salesforce allows Visualforce pages (ManageFrameworks, ManageIndicators, SetTargets, AddResults, ManageDisbursements) to have a maximum view state size of 170KB.

    Columns marked with LTA LOAD TIME don't represent the limit on the number of LongTextArea fields that can be added to that page, but rather the response time to load the page if one/ multiple LongTextArea fields are added to the display table field sets.


    Record Limit

    Processing / Loading Time

    ManageIndicators VisualForce

    10 Project Indicators and 680 Catalog Indicators when ampi__Type_of_Results__c = Aggregated, Calculated, and Input.

    65 Project Indicators and 740 Catalog Indicators when ampi__Type_of_Results = Input only*.


    *This data load is only affected by Indicator records where Include_In_Catalog_c = TRUE. This limit applies when all the fields of Indicator and Project Indicator records are fully populated. Additional custom fields added to the fieldsets referenced on the ManageIndicators page may decrease the Record Limit.

    1-2 mins

    manageIndicators LWC

    800 Project Indicators, 1200 Catalog Indicators, and 200 Deactivated Indicators

    1 min

    manageIndicators with Calculated Indicators LWC

    420 Project indicators (all disaggregated by 7 custom values out of which:
    320 are Input Indicators
    100 are Calculated Indicators with 40 indicators that use aggregated indicators as source indicators.

    2-3 mins

    manageIndicators with Aggregated Indicators LWC

    238 Aggregated Project Indicators

    2-3 mins


    1,000 Project Objectives

    1-2 mins

    SetTargets VisualForce

    300 Results (per Reporting Period & Geographic Area combination within a Project)

    1-2 mins

    AddResults VisualForce

    SetTargets / AddResults


    STAR pages support following combinations of PGAs (PIGAs), RPs (PIRPs), Disaggregation Groups (DPIs) and PIs:

    50 PIs when Project has 200 RP (2000 PIRP) and 210 PGA (1750 PIGA)

    220 PI (220 DPI), 60 RP (600 PIGA), 30 PGA (250 PIGA)**


    **Factors contributing to load limits are the number of records (PI, RP, PGA, DPI, Results, etc), amount of data in fields (e.g. LongTextArea fields containing a lot of text contribute significantly view state size).

    <1 min

    SetTargets / AddResults

    60 Project Indicators with 16 Reporting Periods, 9 Geographic Areas with: 

    1. 4 LongTextArea fields in ST/ AR Info popover (Objective, Guideline, TA, Data Source)

    2. 1 LongTextArea field in ST/ AR Info popover (Guidelines)

    1. Multiple LongTextArea fields

      1. Page Load Time: 10 Sec

      2. Changing RP/GA Load Time: 4 sec

    2. Single LongTextArea field

      1. Page Load Time: 8 Sec

      2. Changing RP/GA Load Time: 3 sec

    Set Targets LWC

    800 Result Records For example:

    • 100 Project Indicators that are that are all cross disaggregated by sex for 8 RPs.

    • 200 Project Indicators that are all disaggregated by a custom Disaggregation Group with 2 values for 2 RPs. 

    • 400 Project Indicators that are all disaggregated by a custom Disaggregation Group with 2 values for 1 RP.

    A maximum of 32 Reporting Periods per Target Frequency can be loaded on the page(e.g. 40 total Reporting Periods will work if 8 are annual and 32 are quarterly)

    If fewer Reporting Periods are displayed, more Project Indicators can be displayed. 

    1-3 mins

    Set Targets LWC
    LIBERTAS v1.35 onwards

    7680 result records. For example:

    • 60 Project Indicators that are all disaggregated by a custom Disaggregation Group with 4 values for 32 reporting periods

    1-3 mins

    Add Results LWC

    800 Result Records

    1-3 mins

    Add Results LWC

    Mira v1.37 onwards


    1600 result records

    • 400 Project Indicators that are all disaggregated by a custom Disaggregation Group with 4 values for 1 RP

    1-3 mins

    Set Targets LWC Upload Mira v1.37 onwards

    5250 result records

    • 50 disaggregated PIs that are all disaggregated by a custom Disaggregation Group with 7 values for 15 Reporting Periods

    1-3 mins

    Aggregated Indicators Visualforce

    390 Aggregated Indicators

    8-12 min

    Calculated Indicators VISUALFORCE

    390 Calculated Indicators 

    8-12 min


    250 Questions per Template

    25 Sections per Template


    Radar charts

    8 Submissions per parent record (Recommended - limit is over 100)


    Activities (AURA)

    300 Activities per Implementation Plan (Recommended - limit is 6,500)


    Activities (LWC)

    50 Implementation Plans with 300 Activities each

    4500 Activities at once. This could be:

    • Multiple Implementation Plans with total 4500 Activites displayed simultaneously in the Activities table

    • Single Implementation Plan with total 4500 Activities displayed in the Activities table

    < 1 min

    Activities Excel Upload

    300 records with 20 fields including 1 LongTextArea field

    < 15 sec

    Activities Excel Download

    300 records with 20 fields including 1 LongTextArea field

    < 10 sec


    1,000 Disbursements

    1-2 mins

    Budget Excel Upload

    2,000 Financials (with 12 columns)

    1,800 Financials (with 25 columns)

    1-2 mins

    Enhanced Budget Planning Excel


    • For 1 Reporting Period as Budget Planning Period: 635 Financials (with 25 attribute columns and 4 planning periodic columns)

    • For 12 Reporting Periods as Budget Planning Periods: 2800 Financials (with 25 attribute columns and 4 planning periodic columns)

    • For 1 Reporting Period as Budget Planning Period: 1600 Financials (with 25 attribute columns and 4 planning periodic columns)Nashira v1.38 onwards

    • For 12 Reporting Periods as Budget Planning Periods: 3000 Financials (with 25 attribute columns and 4 planning periodic columns) Nashira v1.38 onwards

    1-2 mins

    Enhanced Financial Reporting Excel

    600 Financials (with 25 attribute columns and 4 reporting periodic columns)

    720 Financials (with 25 attribute columns and 4 reporting periodic columns)Nashira v1.38 onwards

    1-2 mins

    IATI Reporting

    20 Projects with with the following child records (in total):

    • Reporting Period - 20

    • Organization Role - 20

    • Project Role - 20

    • Project Geographic Area - 60

    • Project IATI Sector - 20

    • Project IATI Policy - 20

    • Budget - 200

    • Transaction (Disbursement and Financial) - 11,000

    • Transaction Project IATI Sector - 1400 (for both Disbursement and Financial)

    • Project objective - 200

    • Project Indicator - 2000

    5-8 min

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