Lookup Filter Label Mappings & Custom Metadata Types

Lookup Filter Label Mappings & Custom Metadata Types

Lookup Filter Label Mappings allow organizations to specify the lookup filters and alternate fields to be displayed in lookup dropdowns on lightning components or related downloaded templates. This is done by specifying the lookup filter criteria in a new Custom Metadata Type (CMDT) named xx_Lookup_Filter_Label_Mapping_mdt.

Here are the LWCs and the their related offline templates where this is relevant: 

  • manageIndicators

  • manageLogFrames

  • activities

  • Financials Excel Upload

  • Financials Excel Download

Configure lookup filter criterias:

  1. To add a new record for customization, navigate to “Setup” in the Quick Find box and enter “Custom Metadata Types”.

  2. Click on “Manage Records” to the left of the ampi__xx_Lookup_Filter_Label_Mapping__mdt CMDT.

  3. Populate the new record as follows:

    1. Label - Specify the label for this record to help identify what this record does e.g. Parent Activity on Add Activity Modal

    2. Source Component (Picklist) - Choose the component you want to apply the Label/ Filter to. It determines the component on which this custom metadata record works. e.g. Activity Add Popup

    3. Child Object Name: The API name of the object on which the lookup field exists, e.g. ampi__Activity__c

    4. Parent Object Name: The API name of the parent object in the lookup relationship, e.g. ampi__Activity__c.

    5. Lookup Field Name: The API name of the lookup field, e.g. ampi__Parent_Activity__c.

    6. Label Field on the Parent Object: The API name of the field to be displayed in the lookup dropdown, e.g. ampi__Label_Translated__c.

    7. Filter Condition: Define the filter criteria that should be used to show filtered values in the lookup dropdown (or the relevant column in the downloaded template).
      Accepted filter operators are as follows:

Data Type

Operator Label

Operator Value

Data Type

Operator Label

Operator Value










Text Picklist









Date, Number, Currency, Percent













The following types of filter conditions are supported:

  1. Operator(Parent_Field_API, VALUE(Constant Value))

  2. Operator(Parent_Field_API, FIELD(Child_Field_API))

In the Add and Edit pop up modals, when using the operators LESSTHAN, GREATERTHAN, LESSTHANEQUAL, or GREATERTHANEQUAL with a Field-type filter, the field must be included in the modal and must contain a value. In the case of Value-type filter it works fine, irrespective.

The Filter Condition field follows a specific formatting. Supported condition types include:

AND Condition: AND(Condition1;Condition2)
Example: AND(EQUALS(Type, FIELD(Account.Type)); EQUALS(Status, FIELD(Account.Status)))
The dropdown will only show those Accounts whose value matches with both the child Account Type and Status.

OR Condition: OR(Condition1;Condition2)
Example: OR(EQUALS(Type, FIELD(Account.Type)); EQUALS(Status, FIELD(Account.Status)))
The dropdown will only show those Accounts whose value matches with either the child Account Type or Status.

Conditions should be separated by a semicolon (;).

Simple Condition: Neither AND nor OR.
Example: EQUALS(Name, VALUE(Acc1))

The dropdown will only show those Accounts whose name is “Acc1”

  1. Click ‘Save’.

In Label Field on the Parent Object: xx_Child_Label_Name__c, please enter the API name using a supported data type. Supported Data Types include:

  1. Email

  2. Phone

  3. Picklist

  4. Text

  5. Text Area

  6. URL

  7. Lookup

Filter Validation and Limitations

  • Phone Data Type: Values must be passed in an unformatted way (e.g., 1234567891), but will be displayed as formatted (123) 456-7891.

  • Date Data Type: Values must follow the YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • Currency and Number Fields: If no value is provided during add/edit operations, the system defaults to 0 for comparisons.

  • Date Fields: If no value is entered, the system treats it as null during comparisons.

  • When using the Download/Upload template, only fields from the host object can be used as reference fields in filter criteria. e.g. When downloading Activities from the Implementation Plan record page, only fields from the Implementation Plan can be used as reference fields.

  • When working with standard objects, we can directly use the object’s API name in the filter condition followed by .[FieldName] for performing comparisons.

    • e.g. Enter Account.Type or Account.ID as part of the filter condition to compare Account Type or Account ID.

  • When working with custom objects, we replace __c with __r followed by .[FieldName] for performing comparisons.

    • e.g. Enter CustomObject_r.Name as part of the filter condition to compare the Custom Object’s Name.

  • When the Source Component is set to "Filters," the lookup dropdown will show relevant fields as labels, but users won't be able to filter the options.

Lookup Filter Label Mappings available on Amp Impact out of the Box:





Parent Activity on IP DL Excel

Activities from the same Implementation Plan are displayed in the LWC lookup dropdowns and the reference tab in the downloaded template

PI on Add Activity Modal

Project Indicators from the same Project are displayed in the LWC lookup dropdown and the reference tab in the downloaded template

PI on Edit Activity Modal

Project Indicators from the same Project are displayed in the LWC lookup dropdown and the reference tab in the downloaded template

PI on IP DL Excel

Project Indicators from the same Project are displayed in the LWC lookup dropdown and the reference tab in the downloaded template

FO on Add Activity Modal

Framework Objectives from the same Project are displayed in the LWC lookup dropdown and the reference tab in downloaded template

FO on Edit Activity Modal

Framework Objectives from the same Project are displayed in the LWC lookup dropdown and the reference tab in downloaded template

FO on IP DL Excel

Framework Objectives from the same Project are displayed in the LWC lookup dropdown and the reference tab in downloaded template

Activity on Financial Plan DL Excel

Activities from the same Project are displayed in the Budget Planning template

Activity on Financial Report DL Excel

Activities from the same Project are displayed in the Budget Reporting template

Budget on Financial Report DL Excel

Budgets from the same Project are displayed in the Budget Reporting template

When would you see an error:

  • Invalid Filter: An error is raised if the filter conditions are incorrect.

  • API Errors: Errors occur if any API referenced in the filter is unavailable.

  • Field Access Issues: If there is no access to a specified field in the filter, it will trigger an error.

  • LWC Components: If one filter fails, the default values will display, ignoring all other valid filters.

  • Download/Upload: If one filter fails, the remaining valid filters are still applied to their respective lookups.