Financial Management: Customization Options
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  • Financial Management: Customization Options

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    Release Information

    New features and feature enhancements are added with every new release. Below is a high-level overview of important features/feature enhancements for Financial Management by release.

    For more detailed release notes, review the Release Notes page or contact your System Administrator.


    Features Added/Feature Enhancements

    What does this mean?


    Features Added/Feature Enhancements

    What does this mean?

    Jarvis (v1.32)

    Enhanced Budgets, including Budget Planning & Financial Reporting templates

    Additional customization options in the Excel Budget Planning available, including the ability to plan budgets for multiple periods, edit cells outside of the upload range, and autofill cells.

    Fornax (v1.27)

    Fund Management release

    Additional objects to allow for more robust Fund Management.

    Electra (v1.26.1)

    UI/UX enhancements for the Disbursements Table

    Updates to the fields sets and table formatting for the Disbursements Table.

    Financial Management Components

    The Financial Management functional area comes with two customization options that organizations can choose from: Lightning Web Component or Visualforce Page.

    • Visualforce: is a page-centric web application model. A markup language like HTML is used for designing the layout of pages.

    • Lightning Web Component (LWC): a new app-centric model that provides business and datalogics to develop dynamic web applications meant for desktop and mobile devices. Because they’re built on code that runs natively in browsers, LWC are lightweight and deliver exceptional performance.

    Organizations on earlier releases of Amp Impact might be using Visualforce pages. Read this Salesforce article to understand why you may want to leverage Lightning Web Components over Visualforce pages.

    Budgets & Financials

    Here is a functional overview of how organizations use Budgets & Financials. Below are the customization options for Budgets.

    Budget Cycle Component Lightning Web Component

    The Budget Cycle LWC is only available for Jarvis (v1.32) or higher.

    The Budget Cycle Component streamlines longer-term budgeting by providing an interface to plan budgets and report on financials for multiple periods at once.

    To enable the Budgeting Cycle component:

    1. Go to Object Manager → ampi__Budget__c.

    2. Navigate to “Lightning Record Pages”.

    3. Click on the Budget_Record_Page and click “View”.

    4. Activate the Page.

    Budget Cycle Component Design Attributes Lightning Web Component

    To customize the interface by removing or adding any of the input fields for the Budgeting Cycle Component:

    1. Go to Budget record page → Lightning App builder.

    2. Navigate to Setup tab

    3. Click on the budgeting_Cycle component.

    4. Navigate to the design attributes displayed on the right.

    5. Two design attributes will be displayed. Check/Uncheck these settings based on the table below:

    Field Label

    Related UI Element

    UI if True

    UI if False

    Field Label

    Related UI Element

    UI if True

    UI if False

    Hide Budget Planning Period(s) Selection?

    Controls the display of the
    Budget Period and Budget Planning Period(s) input boxes.

    Budget Planning Period and Budget Planning Period(s) input boxes are hidden.

    Budget Planning Period and Budget Planning Period(s) input boxes are visible.

    Hide Budget Reporting Period(s) Selection?

    Controls the display of the Budget Reporting Interval and Budget Reporting Period(s) input boxes.

    Budget Reporting Interval and Budget Reporting Period(s) input boxes are hidden.

    Budget Reporting Interval and Budget Reporting Period(s) input boxes are visible.

    Custom Settings

    Allow Chatter Posting of Downloaded Budgets & Financial Reports

    All downloaded files are stored as ContentVersion files on the Reporting Period or the Budget record's Files list depending on where the download occured. They're updated with the last download date and owner's details, and previous versions are available. This file can also be attached to a Chatter Post on the record detail page by activating the custom setting as shown below.

    The Chatter Post Custom Setting is only available for Jarvis (v1.32) or higher. If you're using a version of the system that's lower than 1.32, it's not possible to disable the Chatter Post feature.

    1. Go to Setup → Custom Settings.

    2. Navigate to “Amp Impact Setup” custom setting.

    3. Click on “Manage”.

    4. Click on “Edit”.

    5. Mark the checkbox “Chatter Enabled For Budget U/D?” as TRUE if you want a chatter post with the attached file of every time a budget, financial report or success/error logs are downloaded

    Field Set Customization

    BUDGET_EXCEL_COLUMNS - Fields Displayed in Downloaded Excel File from Budget__c Record

    • Object: Financial__c

    • Field set name: BUDGET_EXCEL_COLUMNS

    • Partially supported field types: Auto-number, Formula, Date, Date/Time

      • Values in the Auto-number field can be downloaded in an Excel file but will throw an error when uploading the Excel.

      • When the financial Excel file containing a formula field is uploaded to the Budget record, the file uploads successfully without throwing any error messages in the error log. However, any values added to or updated in the formula field do not reflect in Amp Impact.

    • Unsupported field types: Lookup or master-detail fields on the parent object

      • For example, ampi__Activity__r.ampi__Contact__c cannot be downloaded in the financial Excel file but ampi__Activity__c.ampi__Type__c can be downloaded.

    It is recommended to include no more than 25 column fields in the Budget Excel Download for users to be able to view the information in a user-friendly manner.

    REPORT_EXCEL_COLUMNS - Fields Displayed in Downloaded Excel File from Reporting_Period__c Record

    • Object: Financial__c

    • Field set name: REPORT_EXCEL_COLUMNS

    • Partially supported field types: Auto-number, Formula, Date, Date/Time

      • Values in the Auto-number field can be downloaded in an Excel file but will throw an error when uploading the Excel.

      • When the financial Excel file containing a formula field is uploaded to the Reporting Period record, the file uploads successfully without throwing any error messages in the error log. However, any values added to or updated in the formula field do not reflect in Amp Impact.

    • Unsupported field types: Lookup or master-detail fields on the parent object

      • For example, ampi__Activity__r.ampi__Contact__c cannot be downloaded in the financial Excel file but ampi__Activity__c.ampi__Type__c can be downloaded.

    It is recommended to include no more than 25 column fields in the Reporting Period Excel Download for users to be able to view the information in a user-friendly manner.

    BUDGET_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS - Fields displayed in first set of columns in the downloaded budget file from Budget__c record and the financial report file from the Reporting_Period__c record

    The Budget_Attribute_Columns field set is only available for Jarvis (v1.32) or higher.

    • Object: Financial__c

    • Field set name: BUDGET_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS

    • Partially supported field types: Auto-number, Formula, Date, Date/Time

      • Values in the Auto-number field can be downloaded in an Excel file but will throw an error when uploading the Excel.

      • When the financial Excel file containing a formula field is uploaded to the Budget record, the file uploads successfully without throwing any error messages in the error log. However, any values added to or updated in the formula field do not reflect in Amp Impact.

    System Admin Note:

    To prevent any data issues when the templates are downloaded, please make sure that you do not include the same field in both the BUDGET_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS and BUDGETPLANNING_PERIODIC_COLUMNS fieldsets and that none of the fieldsets are left empty.

    It is recommended to include no more than 25 column fields in the Budget Attribute Columns fieldsets for users to be able to view the information in a user-friendly manner.

    BUDGETPLANNING_PERIODIC_COLUMNS - Fields displayed in set of columns associated with the Budget Planning Periods in the downloaded budget file from Budget__c record

    The Budgetplanning_Periodic_Columns field set is only available for Jarvis (v1.32) or higher.

    • Object: Financial__c


    • Partially supported field types: Auto-number, Formula, Date, Date/Time

      • Values in the Auto-number field can be downloaded in an Excel file but will throw an error when uploading the Excel.

      • When the financial Excel file containing a formula field is uploaded to the Budget record, the file uploads successfully without throwing any error messages in the error log. However, any values added to or updated in the formula field do not reflect in Amp Impact.

    BUDGETREPORTING_PERIODIC_COLUMNS - Fields displayed in set of columns associated with reporting actuals in the downloaded financials report from Reporting_Period__c record

    The Budgetreporting_Periodic_Columns field set is only available for Jarvis (v1.32) or higher.

    • Object: Financial__c


    • Partially supported field types: Auto-number, Formula, Date, Date/Time

      • Values in the Auto-number field can be downloaded in an Excel file but will throw an error when uploading the Excel.

      • When the financial Excel file containing a formula field is uploaded to the Budget record, the file uploads successfully without throwing any error messages in the error log. However, any values added to or updated in the formula field do not reflect in Amp Impact.

    System Admin Note:

    To prevent any data issues when the templates are downloaded:

    1. Please make sure that you do not include the same field in both the BUDGET_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS and BUDGETREPORTING_PERIODIC_COLUMNS fieldsets and that none of the fieldsets are left empty.

    2. Do not add the “Budget” (ampi__Budget__c) field to the abovementioned fieldsets

    Review the Lookup Display Fields section to learn more about customizing the display fields for the Excel download.

    Custom Validation

    Custom validation rules can be configured for the Budget and Financials object to prevent the upload of any unwanted financial line items in the reporting template.

    Picklist Customization

    This step caters to organizations that require custom reporting frequencies beyond the default options available in Amp Impact. The ampi__xx_Budget_Reporting_Interval__c and the ampi__xx_Budget_Period__c fields come with following picklist options by default: Monthly, Quarterly, Biannual, Annual and Life of Project.

    Follow the steps below to update the picklist value set to include a custom reporting frequency in this list:

    1. Go to Object Manager

    2. Search for and click on the Budget Object (ampi__Budget__c)

    3. Locate the ampi__xx_Budget_Reporting_Interval__c or the ampi__xx_Budget_Period__c field

    4. Scroll down to the “Values” section and click on “New”

    5. Add the picklist value in the input box that appears and Save.

    Custom Permissions Nashira v1.38 onwards

    This functionality is available from Nashira v1.38 release onwards.


    API Name



    API Name


    Override Locked Budget


    This custom permission grants an exception to the "Budget Locked" functionality.

    Assigned users will have unrestricted access to manage budgets through the Budget Setup LWC, including uploading templates, even if the Budget Locked (ampi__Locked__c) field on the ampi__Budget__c object is set to TRUE.


    Custom Settings Visualforce Page

    To enable or disable any of the features for the “Manage Disbursements” Visualforce Page:

    1. Go to Setup → Custom Settings.

    2. Navigate to “Manage Disbursements”.

    3. Click on “Manage”.

    4. Click on “Edit”.

    5. A list of settings would be displayed. Check/Uncheck these settings based on the table below:

    Field Label

    Related UI Element

    UI if True

    UI if False

    Field Label

    Related UI Element

    UI if True

    UI if False

    Project Summary on Manage Disbursements?*

    *This is found in the “Amp Impact Setup” custom setting.

    Controls the display of the Project Summary on the ManageDisbursements page.

    Project Summary section displays on ManageDisbursements page, according to the PROJECT_SUMMARY field set on ampi__Project__c.

    • Project Summary section is hidden on ManageDisbursements page.

    Hide Add New
    Disbursement Button

    Controls the display of
    Add New Disbursement

    Add New Disbursement
    button is hidden.

    Add New Disbursement
    button is visible.

    Hide Delete Icon

    Controls the display of
    Delete Icon.

    Delete Icon is hidden.

    Delete Icon is visible.

    Hide Edit Icon

    Controls the display of
    Edit Icon

    Edit Icon is hidden.

    Edit Icon is visible.

    Field Set Customization Visualforce Page

    Below are the field sets that can be modified to customize the UI for Disbursement Management.

    PROJECT_SUMMARY: Fields Displayed in the Project Summary Section 

    • Object: Project__c

    • Field set name: PROJECT_SUMMARY

    DISBURSEMENT_TABLE: Fields Displayed as Columns in the Disbursements Table

    • Object: Disbursement__c

    • Field set name: DISBURSEMENT_TABLE

    It is recommended to include no more than nine column fields in the Disbursement Table for a user-friendly interface.

    Add/Edit Disbursement pop-ups fields are controlled by two field sets - one on the Disbursement__c object and Reporting_Period__c object. This allows users additional flexibility to determine which fields are relevant for their use of the feature.

    ADD_EDIT_POPUP (Disbursement__c): Fields Displayed on “Add New Disbursement” & “Edit Disbursement” Pop-ups

    • Object: Disbursement__c

    • Field set name: ADD_EDIT_POPUP

    Add the Reporting_Period__c lookup field in order to display the fields in the ADD_EDIT_POPUP on Reporting_Period__c

    ADD_EDIT_POPUP (Reporting_Period__c): Reporting Period Fields Displayed on “Add New Disbursement” & “Edit Disbursement” Pop-ups

    • Object: Reporting_Period__c

    • Field set name: ADD_EDIT_POPUP

    Fields in this field set are only displayed if the Reporting_Period__c field is added to the ADD_EDIT_POPUP on the Disbursement__c object


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