Jarvis (v1.32) | Release Notes | April 2023
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  • Jarvis (v1.32) | Release Notes | April 2023

    Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. Detailed information on Set-up, Configuration, and Features are available in the Amp Impact Knowledge Base (specific links below).

    Contact support@verasolutions.org to share feedback.

    This page covers:

    New Features

    Project Setup Wizard

    Functional Documentation:

    Project Setup Wizard

    Technical Documentation:

    Set Up Project Setup Wizard

    This version of Amp Impact introduces a new screen flow that simplifies the setup process for projects. Users can now save time in setting up project-level data (e.g. Project Geographic Areas) by launching this flow and navigating through it to create the relevant records, making it easier for them to start using the custom interfaces of Amp Impact sooner.

    The Project Setup Wizard will enable the creation of records for the following objects by default:

    • Reporting Period

    • Project Geographic Area

    • Project Thematic Area

    • Framework

    • Implementation Plan

    • Budget

    Feature Enhancements

    New Excel Templates for Budget / Financial Download and Upload

    Plan Budget Across Time Periods

    The template for planning budgets has been updated to enable users to more easily and quickly plan recurring line items across multiple time periods. This template now displays budget periods as columns under which period-specific data can be entered.

    Pre-filled Data for Line Items in Financial Reports

    When reporting financials (i.e. downloading from/uploading financials to a particular reporting period), the data entered at the point of planning for the related financial is automatically populated in the template for the reporting financial. This occurs irrespective of whether budget planning and financial reporting are done at the same frequency.


    Ability to Edit Cells Outside the Upload Region

    In the previous version of this feature, users could not enter data outside of the upload region, as that would cause the upload to fail. This has been enhanced so that users can modify the sheet outside of the upload region, whether performing calculations or including macros, and still successfully upload their financial data.

    Activities Lightning Web Component & Excel Download / Upload: Deactivate Unused Activity Types

    The Activities Lightning Web Component (as well as the associated Excel download and upload functionality) allows users to build implementation plans with both task- and milestone-type activities. In this release, further flexibility has been introduced for System Administrators to deactivate either activity type if it is unused by the organization. For example, if milestones are not used at all, the System Administrator can:

    • Deactivate milestone activities in the Lightning Web Component using the new design attribute Disable Milestones. This will no longer show a dropdown when clicking the Add New Activity button, and all created activities will default to the task type.

    • Deactivate milestone activities in the Excel Download / Upload component using the new hierarchy custom setting Activity Download/Upload. This will no longer show the Activity Type field in the reference tab, and all uploaded activities will default to the task type.

    Framework Lightning Web Component: Definite Custom Order for Framework Objectives

    Functional Documentation:

    No changes to the original page.

    Technical Documentation:

    Frameworks: Customization Options

    Since its launch, the Framework Lightning Web Component has only supported the default order of Objectives in alphabetical order by Name. Flexibility has been introduced to the component so that a System Administrator can define a custom primary and secondary sort order via the Framework Table Sort Order design attribute in Lightning App Builder.

    For example, if the Name field on a Framework Objective is populated with human-readable text (e.g. ā€œEliminate plastic pollution in the oceansā€), then the System Admin can choose to sort the Framework table according to some other logic, such as a field that contains a code value (e.g. ā€œ1.2.2ā€), in order to see the Framework Objectives in a more logical order according to their processes. This sort order will also adhere to the hierarchy defined between Framework Objectives.

    Submission Response Aura Component: Toggle Between Multiple Submissions on a Parent Record

    In previous releases, only a singular Submission could display on parent records (e.g. Projects, Calls for Proposals, Applications, et al.) in the Submission Response Form Aura Component. This restricted users from easily accessing multiple Submissions for a single parent record, as that was only possible through the Submission Related List.

    This has been improved in Amp Impact such that a dropdown picklist in the Submission Response Form Aura Component allows users to toggle between multiple Submissions directly in the component.

    Submission Response Aura Component: New Question Type - File Upload

    In order to enable users to more easily include attachments as part of their Submissions, Amp Impact now includes a new question type called ā€œFile Uploadā€ that, when selected in building the Submission Template, ensures users are able to attach one or multiple files based on the Submissionā€™s requirement.

    For example, when using Submissions as part of grant applications, the grant manager can now request any required documents as part of that application directly within the Submission itself, without applicants needing to toggle between the Submission Response Form and the related list.

    Set Targets / Add Results Lightning Web Components: New Design Attribute to Toggle Structure of Geographic Areas in Dropdown

    The System Administrator can now toggle the structure of Geographic Areas between hierarchy and non-hierarchy in the dropdown on the Set Targets & Add Results Lightning Web Components via design attribute (Disable Geographic Area Hierarchy). Using this is recommended if you have created more than 50,000 catalog-level geographic areas, which will cause the Lightning Web Component(s) to fail to load due to Salesforce governor limits.Ā 

    Resolved Issues

    Submission Response Aura Component: Response Form Accurately Respects Character Limit for Qualitative Responses

    In previous versions of Amp, the character limit defined for qualitative responses in the Submission Response Form Aura Component also counted HTML tags, which led to extra characters counted when a user formatted text. This has been resolved so that only the characters that have been entered, irrespective of formatting, are counted against the character limit, and users no longer receive a misleading error.

    Release Updates

    In the future, the following Visualforce pages and Aura components will no longer be serviced by Vera Solutions:



    Related LWC

    End of Servicing Date


    Aura Component


    November 2023


    Visualforce Page


    November 2023


    Visualforce Page


    November 2023

    Budget Download / Upload

    Aura Component

    Budget Download / Upload

    April 2024

    This means that Vera Solutions will no longer enhance or resolve any issues for these components after the componentā€™s corresponding end-of-servicing date.

    Why: We are focusing development efforts on optimizing the new Lightning Web Components as well as introducing new features.

    How: Before a componentā€™s end-of-servicing date, you must migrate to the related Lightning Web Components to ensure you continue receiving regular updates and enhancements to those features.

    Packaging Changes


    Portuguese Translation

    For new labels in this and previous releases, Portuguese (language code ā€œpt_BRā€) translations are now available by default.

    Updates to ampi__Budget__c

    New Fields

    Field Label

    Field API Name

    Data Type

    Field Label

    Field API Name

    Data Type




    Budget Period



    Budget Planning Period(s)


    Long Text Area(32768)

    Budget Reporting Interval



    Budget Reporting Period(s)


    Long Text Area(32768)

    New Field Set

    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name


    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name




    This field set controls the fields available for Budget setup in the Project setup wizard.

    Updated Page Layout

    • Download_Budget Quick Action added

    • Upload_Budget Quick Action added

    Updates to ampi__Reporting_Period__c

    New Fields

    Field Label

    Field API Name

    Data Type

    Field Label

    Field API Name

    Data Type

    Parent Reporting Period


    Lookup(Reporting Period)

    Updated Fields

    Field Label

    Field API Name


    Available for Financials


    This field is now undeprecated. Checkbox field to indicate if this Reporting Period is available to plan for or report on financials

    Updated Page Layout

    • Download_Financial_Report Quick Action added

    • Upload_Financial_Report Quick Action added

    • ampi__Available_For_Financials__c checkbox field added

    Updates to ampi__Framework__c

    New Field Set

    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name


    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name




    This field set controls the fields available for Framework setup in the Project Setup Wizard.

    Updates to ampi__Implementation_Plan__c

    New Field Set

    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name


    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name




    This field set controls the fields available for Implementation Plan setup in the Project Setup Wizard.

    Updates to ampi__Question__c

    New Fields

    Field Label

    Field API Name

    Data Type

    Field Label

    Field API Name

    Data Type

    Allow Multiple Files



    Updated Fields

    Field Label

    Field API Name


    Field Label

    Field API Name


    Response Type


    Created a new value ā€œFile Uploadā€ in the picklist

    Updated Field Set

    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name


    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name


    Add/Edit Question Popup


    Added the following field to the field set:

    Updated Record Types

    File upload value in the Response Type fields will be available for both record types:
    Answer.recordType and Question.recordType

    Updates to ampi__Financial__c

    New Field Set

    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name


    Field Set Label

    Field Set API Name




    This field set controls the first set of columns in the Budget Planning and Budget Reporting files.



    This field set controls the set of columns associated with the reporting periods in the Budget Planning file



    This field set controls the set of columns associated with reporting actuals in the Budget Reporting file

    Updates to ampi__Project__c

    Updated Page Layout

    • Set Up Project Quick Action added

    New Custom Setting


    API Name



    API Name


    Activities Download Upload


    Customize the Activities Download and Upload spreadsheet templates

    It includes the following Custom fields:

    Field Label

    API Name


    Field Label

    API Name


    Activity Type Milestone Enabled


    If this is checked, all activities uploaded via spreadsheet template will be considered as Milestones by default



    If this is checked, all activities uploaded via spreadsheet template will be considered as Tasks by default

    Updated Custom Setting


    API Name



    API Name


    Amp Impact Setup


    Added the following field:

    New Custom Labels





    Permission Sets, Amp Impact



    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    Budget Planning Period(s)


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    Budget Reporting Period(s)


    Project Setup Wizard

    Duplicate Records Found:


    Excel Upload, Amp-Impact

    You lack the necessary permissions to complete this action.Kindly contact your System Administrator for further assistance.


    Budget Download, Amp Impact

    You lack the necessary permissions to complete this action. Kindly contact your System Administrator for further assistance.


    Error, Targets, Results, Popup, Upload, Excel, Spreadsheet, Template, Amp Impact

    Incorrect file type. Only files in .xlsx and .xlsm format can be uploaded.


    Budget, Budget Excel Upload, Amp Impact

    Column issues detected. Columns present out of the box cannot be deleted or renamed. Any new columns added must have unique headers.


    Excel Upload popup, Amp Impact

    The selected file has an invalid header on the tab containing financial information for uploading. Please ensure that the header has not been altered.


    Budget, Budget Excel Upload, Amp Impact

    The selected file does not have a valid tab. Please ensure you are uploading financials for the correct budget.


    Reporting Period, Reporting Period Excel Upload, Amp Impact

    The selected file does not have a valid tab. Please ensure you are uploading financials for the correct reporting period.


    DO NOT TRANSLATE, SetTargets, AddResults, ManageFramework, ManageIndicators, Picklist Value, Amp Impact

    The selected budget is locked. As a result, you will not be able to upload your financials at this time.


    DO NOT TRANSLATE, Budget, Budget Download

    You need to assign planning periods for this budget in order to download the Budget Planning Template.


    Budget Download, Amp Impact

    No Reporting Period records are available for the selection. Please insure valid Reporting Periods are created in the Project


    Financials, Amp Impact

    0 Financials Successfully uploaded and upload failed for 0 financials


    Project Setup Wizard

    You do not have create access to this object


    Project Setup Wizard

    No Duplicate Records Found


    Project Setup Wizard

    No records were selected


    Excel Upload, Amp-Impact

    Upload Financials for</value>


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    3. New rows will create new financial line items in the budget. If you want to update a line item, be sure to edit it directly on the third tab.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    a. To add time-period specific information about the financial line item, enter it in the periodic columns associated to it.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    7. For relationship and picklist fields, you must enter the exact name of the related record or picklist value so that it is an exact match. Reference the second tab to view available options for these fields, and then input and save the selected option in the third tab.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    You only need to enter data into the input cells, which are highlighted in blue. Additional input cells can be added by dragging the blue cells down in a column, but they must follow the same format as the existing input cells


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    8. Ensure that the columns pre-existing in the budget table are not altered or removed. While new columns can be added to the table, only data from the original columns will be successfully uploaded.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    a. If you have hidden any of the original columns, the data from that column will still be uploaded


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    b. New columns can only be added before and after all the columns grouped under reporting periods (with headers highlighted in dark grey)


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    You only need to enter data into the input cells, which are highlighted in blue. Additional input cells can be added by dragging the blue cells down in a column, but they must follow the same format as the existing input cells


    Grantee Reporting, Financial Upload, Instructions tab, Amp Impact

    3. New rows will create new financial line items on the Reporting Period and the selected Budget. If you want to update a line item, be sure to edit it directly on the third tab.


    Grantee Reporting, Financial Upload, Instructions tab, Amp Impact

    a. In order to report the actual figures of a financial line item, you should enter the data into the appropriate columns.


    Grantee Reporting, Financial Upload, Instructions tab, Amp Impact

    b. Add additional financial items by directly entering it in the third tab, under the displayed financial items(if any).


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    5. Ensure that there is only one tab from which data is uploaded. You can add new tabs to your Excel after the second tab, but ONLY the downloaded tab (named according to the Budget that you have open in Amp) will be successfully uploaded.


    Project Setup Wizard

    Check this if you want to create another {value}


    Excel Upload, Amp-Impact

    Upload Financials for</value>


    Project Setup Wizard

    Record Successfully Inserted


    Project Setup Wizard

    Record Successfully Updated


    Project Setup Wizard

    Records Successfully Inserted


    Excel Upload, Amp-Impact

    The selected reporting period is not marked as Available for Financial reporting Period. As a result, you will not be able to upload your financials at this time.


    DO NOT TRANSLATE, Submissions, QuestionView, Amp Impact

    File Upload


    Financial upload, Error Message, Amp Impact

    This Reporting Period is not active for Financial Reporting.


    Excel Upload, Amp-Impact

    The selected reporting period is not marked as available for financial reporting. As a result, you will not be able to upload your financials at this time


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    1. The third tab in this sheet contains the data for a Budget.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    1. The third tab in this sheet contains the financial data for a Reporting Period.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    a. In case financials are associated with the reporting period and the selected budget, their attribute information will be displayed in blue cells.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    a. The first few columns on the budget sheet (with headers in white) don't pertain to a reporting period. In these columns, you can enter common information about financial line items that doesn't change with different reporting periods, such as a description, a category, etc.


    Budget, Budget Excel Download, Budget Excel file, Amp Impact

    b. The columns grouped under a reporting period (with headers highlighted in dark grey) capture specific information such as planning cost, actual cost, etc. about financial line items that change with each reporting period.

    Updated Custom Labels





    ManageIndicators, Aggregation popup, AddResults, Upload Documents, Activities, ManageDisubursments, Interface, Submissions, CreateTemplateData, Delete Section popup, Delete Question popup, Amp Impact, ManageLogFrames



    Budget, Budget Excel Upload, Amp Impact

    Invalid File Columns

    Declarative Automation

    API Name

    Automation Type



    Screen Flow

    This flow enables users to create Budget records.


    Screen Flow

    This flow is used in the Project Setup Wizard. It enables users to create Framework records.


    Screen Flow

    This flow is used in the Project Setup Wizard. It enables users create to create Implementation Plans


    Screen Flow

    This flow is used in the Project Setup Wizard. It enables users to select from existing Geographic Areas records and create Project Geographic Area records on triggering record


    Screen Flow

    This flow is used in the Project Setup Wizard. It enables users to select from exisitng Thematic Areas


    Screen Flow

    This flow is used in the Project Setup Wizard. It enables users to create Reporting Period records.


    Screen Flow

    This flow is used in the Project Setup Wizard. It is the handler calling each subflow for each object to be created via the Project Setup Wizard Flow

    Permission Sets

    Amp Impact Admin

    Object & Field Access

    Object API Name

    Field API Name




    Read, Edit



    Read, Edit



    Read, Edit



    Read, Edit



    Read, Edit



    Read, Edit




    Read, Edit

    Apex Class Access

    The following Apex classes have been added to the permission set:

    1. ActivitiesDownloadUploadSetting

    2. ActivitySync

    3. ActivitySync_SL

    4. ActivitySync_V1

    5. Activity_BITR

    6. Activity_BUTR

    7. Activity_Domain

    8. Budget_Domain

    9. CreateJunctionRecords

    10. CreateJunctionRecordsFlowInput

    11. CreateJunctionRecordsFlowOutput

    12. CreateJunctionRecords_Flow_Handler

    13. ExcelUploadSetUpData

    14. ExcelUpload_LWC_Ctrl

    15. ExcelUpload_LWC_Service

    16. ExistingRecordsListFlow_Ctrl

    17. FinancialRecordsExcelUpload_LWC_Ctrl

    18. RecordUpsertFieldSetFlow_CTRL

    19. budgetingCycle_Ctrl

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