Manage Submission Responses

Manage Submission Responses

This page covers:

Submission Responses are essentially the filled-out Submission - i.e. once the Submission Template is assigned to a user and responses to the questions are completed.

Here is an example:

The Head of Grants might create a Submissions Template (i.e. define the questions for a Submission) and share it with their team. Once the grant is opened for applications, the Grant Manager will clone the Submission Template and assign it to a Grant Applicant to complete. The Grant Applicant will respond to the questions by filling out the Submission Response Record Page. This allows the respondents, to access multiple Submissions for a single parent record.

On the Response Record page, use the picklist to select the submission that needs to be filled out.


Fill Out the Submission Response

After a Submission is created from a Template, respondents can start adding their responses.

  1. Open the assigned Submission record.

  2. Questions will appear in the Sections they were added to.

    1. If a Section includes instructions, those appear directly below the grey bar and above the Questions.

    2. If the Sections are paginated, users can navigate to the next page by clicking on the “Next” button.

  3. Questions with a red asterisk are required and if these fields are not completed, the user cannot submit their response or navigate to the next page.

  4. Hover over the info icon to see more instructions for completing a question.


  5. There are a few response type options:

Response Type


Response Type



Type any text, insert images and tables, and format entries as needed. Character limits will apply.

Short Text

Type shorter text/number responses. Character limits will apply.


Select a single value from the pre-defined picklist. A checkmark appears to the left of the selected value in the picklist.

Multi-select picklist

Selecting multiple values from a pre-defined picklist. 


Enter a numeric value with up to 16 digits and 2 decimal places (i.e. 19 total characters).


Select a date from a date picker component. 

File Upload


Answer by uploading one or more files as required.

  • Users can upload a maximum of 10 documents at a time.

  • While the files are being uploaded, users can click on the X symbol to stop the download and delete the file.

  • The uploaded file name(s) are displayed as hyperlink(s) in the Submission Response. On clicking the hyperlink, a new tab opens up with the preview of the attached file.

Additional Comments

Some picklist or number questions may allow users to provide an explanation to their response. Users will be able to type directly into a text input box displayed next to the picklist or number input box to add that information.

Inputs are automatically saved once the user clicks out of any cell.

Download the Submission Response

To distribute Submission Responses offline, users can download their Responses in Word Format. Note that there is currently no way to re-upload the document and therefore this feature is most helpful when Responses are downloaded for offline distribution and review only.

If any responses were already entered, these will be visible in the downloaded document. This includes picklist questions where the selected response(s) will be bolded.

Submit the Submission Response

Once all answers have been entered and saved, users can submit their Response to be reviewed and/or scored by clicking the “Submit” button at the top of the form. 

The Submission’s “Status” will subsequently be updated to “Submitted”.

All required Questions must be completed for a Submission to be submitted successfully.

Once a Submission Response is submitted, it is locked for editing and view-only access is available.

The Submission Response can also be submitted and locked for editing through the “Submit and Lock Wizard” as of release Mira (v1.37) onwards. When submitted and locked through the wizard, the “Status” field is not updated.

System Admin Note: When the “Override Locked Submissions” custom permission is assigned to a user they can make edits to submission responses even if they are locked. Read more here

Clone the Submission Response

If a Submission needs to be copied because answers from the previous submission have not changed much, click the “Clone Submission” button on the template record.

The Submission, as well as its Sections and Answers, will be cloned in a new record, and the user will be automatically navigated to the newly created Submission.

Only certain fields in each of the objects will be cloned:


Fields that will be cloned


Fields that will be cloned

  • ampi__Submission__c

  • ampi__Description__c

  • ampi__Guidelines__c

  • ampi__Parent_Submission__c

  • ampi__Related_To__c

  • ampi__Section__c

  • ampi__Active__c

  • ampi__Default__c

  • ampi__Description__c

  • ampi__Instructions__c

  • ampi__Is_Scored__c

  • ampi__Order__c

  • ampi__Parent_Section__c

  • ampi__Question__c

  • ampi__Active__c

  • ampi__Description__c

  • ampi__Include_Comments__c

  • ampi__Instructions__c

  • ampi__Is_Scored__c

  • ampi__Number_Response__c

  • ampi__Order__c

  • ampi__Parent_Question__c

  • ampi__Picklist_Response__c

  • ampi__Picklist_Values__c

  • ampi__Required__c

  • ampi__Response_Type__c

  • ampi__Text_Response__c

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