Review Submission Responses

Review Submission Responses

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Reviews are the submissions copied from the submission template that have already undergone the response stage and have been submitted for review. (i.e. They are the same record as in the Response stage, but accessed by different users with different visibility/interfaces.) Reviews are completed through the Submission Review Record Page.

View and/or Modify the Submission Response

Once a Submission response has been submitted for review, reviewers can open, view, and modify the submitted response.

  1. Open the Submission response record that has been submitted for review.

  2. Click on the Response tab.

  3. If the submission is divided into sections, each section will appear in a horizontal grey bar, with their related questions listed below.

a. If a section has defined instructions (i.e. ampi__Instructions__c is populated on the ampi__Section__c record), those appear directly below the grey bar and above the section’s questions.

4. Check if a question is required (i.e. ampi__Required__c is TRUE on the ampi__Question__c record) by noting whether or not it has a red asterisk displayed next to it.

5. Check if a question has any special instructions/criteria (i.e. ampi__Instructions__c is populated on the ampi__Question__c record) by hovering over the info icon to expand the help text.

6. View/modify responses to questions depending on the questions’ response types:

a. Qualitative - responses can consist of text, images, and/or formatted tables

i. Any qualitative values entered or changed are saved in ampi__Text_Response__c

b. Short Text - responses can consist of a combination of letters and numbers.

i. Any short text values entered or changed are saved in ampi__Short_Text_Response__c.

c. Picklist - responses are a single value from the pre-defined picklist

i. Any picklist values entered or changed are saved in ampi__Picklist_Response__c


d. Number - responses are a numeric value with up to two decimal points

i. Any numeric values entered or changed are saved in ampi__Number_Response__c

ii. If a value entered exceeds the digit or decimal count, an error message will display to the user

e. Multi-select picklist - responses are multiple values from a pre-defined picklist. 

i. All picklist values entered or changed are saved in ampi__Multi_Select_Picklist_Response__c

f. Date - responses are a date value, according to the user locale - e.g. MMM d, yyyy for English (US) locale.

i. All date values save to the field ampi__Date_Response__c

g. File Upload - responses are one or multiple documents uploaded.

i. All files are saved to the field ___


7. View/modify comments or explanations to picklist or number answers.

a. Some picklist or number responses have an added comment. Users will be able to type directly into a text input box displayed next to the picklist or number input box to modify that information.

b. Any comments entered or changed are saved in ampi__Text_Response__c

8. Click out of an input cell to save any modified answers. Once the user clicks out of the input cell, the information entered is automatically saved.

The reviewing users ability to view or modify the response depends on the permissions that have been set for them on the Question object. For example, if the user has read-only access on the ampi__Picklist_Response__c, ampi__Number_Response__c, and ampi__Qualitative_Response__c fields, then the component will be read-only.

Download the Submission Response

For any offline work that might be required to read or modify the submission response, users can download the submission response by clicking the Download button at the top of the form to generate a Word document version of the submission.


A pop-up will appear, prompting the user to confirm the download.

  • All answers that have been entered are included below their related questions in the Word document.

    • For picklist and multi-select picklist questions, the selected picklist value(s) will display in bold, and unselected picklist values will display in normal text.

  • If an answer has not been entered for a question, the question will be displayed with either an input box with placeholder text or the list of picklist options.

    • For picklist and multi-select picklist questions, the picklist values will display as options in normal text.

Assign Scores to Answers in a Submission Review

Alongside reading and modifying submitted responses, reviewers can assign scores to individual answers to questions, as well as overall scores to entire sections or the whole submission.


  1. Open the Submission response record that has been submitted for review.

  2. Click on the Review tab.

  3. If no automation is set up, assign an overall score to the entire submission.

    1. The Overall Score field is displayed at the top of the component, into which reviewers can directly enter a value with up to six whole number digits and one decimal value (i.e. total of eight characters, including the decimal marker).

i. The number value entered is saved in ampi__Overall_S. ore__c on the ampi__Submission__c record.

ii. If the value entered exceeds the digit or decimal count, an error message will display to the user


b. Check help text and instructions for the reviewer by hovering over the icon (Reviewer_Instructions__c field on Question__c and Section__c records) that provides scoring guidance for each question. These instructions may be different from the instructions given to respondents. See screenshot below.

c. The Reviewer Comments field is displayed next to the Overall Score field at the top of the component. Reviewers can directly enter a text value to provide additional context to the score assigned to the submission.

i. The text value entered is saved in ampi__Reviewer_Comments__c on the ampi__Submission__c record.


4. If no automation is set up, assign overall scores to sections.

a. If the submission is divided into sections, each section will appear in a horizontal grey bar, with their related questions listed below.

b. By default, all sections are collapsed, and their related questions are hidden. Expand a section and display its related questions by clicking on the section’s grey bar. Only one section can be displayed at a time, and it can only be collapsed by expanding another section.

c. The Score field is displayed beneath the section’s grey bar, and reviewers can directly enter a value with up to six whole number digits and one decimal value (i.e. total of eight characters, including the decimal marker).

i. The number value entered is saved in ampi__Score__c on the ampi__Section__c record.

ii. If the value entered exceeds the digit or decimal count, an error message will display to the user.

iii. If ampi__Is_Scored__c is FALSE, then the input field for entering scores will be greyed out and locked from editing.


d. The Reviewer Comments field is displayed next to the Overall Score field at the top of the component. Reviewers can directly enter a text value to provide comments on the submitted Section.

i. The text value entered is saved in ampi__Reviewer_Comments__c on the ampi__Section__c record.

5. Assign scores to individual answers in the Scores component.

a. For each section in the submission, a table with three columns will display below the section header for reviewers to score answers.

i. Question Response: Contains the following field values on ampi__Question__c listed vertically


2. ampi__Text_Response__c, ampi__Short_Text_Response__c ampi__Date_Response__c, ampi__Multi_Select_Picklist_Response__c, ampi__Picklist_Response__c,  OR ampi__Number_Response__c (depending on the value selected in ampi__Response_Type__c)

3. ampi__Text_Response__c (only if comments have been entered for picklist or number responses)

ii. Score: Contains input boxes into which reviewers can assign a score to the question response

1.Reviewers can directly enter a value with up to six whole number digits and one decimal value (i.e. total of eight characters, including the decimal marker).

2. If the value entered exceeds the digit or decimal count, an error message will display to the user.

3. The number value entered is saved in ampi__Score__c on the ampi__Question__c record.

4. If ampi__Is_Scored__c is FALSE, then the input field for entering scores will be greyed out and locked from editing.

iii. Reviewer Comments: Contains input boxes into which reviewers can add comments on the submitted Answer.

1.The text value entered is saved in ampi__Reviewer_Comments__c on the ampi__Question__c record.


Once scores have been entered, users can either download scores as a Word document or submit their scores for a final review.

If the conditional displayed section(s) and question(s) were skipped for the survey taker, then those section(s) and Question(s) are displayed to the reviewer with the label ‘Skipped’ next to them.

Download Scores for Review

For any offline work that might be required to review and/or score the submission response, users can download the submission response and scores by clicking the Download button at the top of the component to generate a Word document version of the submission scoring framework.

A pop-up will appear, prompting the user to confirm the download.

  • Overall Score and Reviewer Comments for the entire submission are printed at the top of the Word document, underneath the header.

  • Section Score and Reviewer Comments fields are displayed below the relevant Section (and its instructions, if any exist).

    • If ampi__Is_Scored__c on the Section is FALSE, then the Section will be marked as Unscored in the Score field.

  • Question Score and Reviewer Comments fields are displayed below the relevant Question (and its instructions, if any exist) and the response / comment values.

    • All question responses that have been entered are included below their related questions in the Word document.

    • If an answer has not been entered for a question, the question will be displayed with an input box with placeholder text.

  • If a score has not been assigned to an answer, the Score field is displayed as blank.

    • If ampi__Is_Scored__c on the Question is FALSE, then the Question will be marked as Unscored in the Score field.

  • If a reviewer comment value has not been entered, an input box with placeholder text will be displayed in the Word document.

Submit the Final Submission Review

Once all scores have been entered and saved, reviewers can submit their scores to be approved by clicking the Submit button at the top of the form. A pop-up will appear, prompting the user to confirm the submission of the review. After the user confirms, the submission’s Status is updated to “Reviewed”.

There is no validation checking that all Score values have been filled out, so Reviewers can submit their reviews successfully even if they have left any of the Scores or Comments blank.

Clicking  on submit changes the value in the ampi__Status__c picklist to = “Reviewed”. This action locks scores from being further edited.


View Radar Charts

As soon as at least one submission with sections has been scored, the radar chart component will become visible on the submission’s parent record. 

The user’s access to this component depends on how the System Admin has configured the parent object’s Lightning record page while setting up the Submissions feature.

Each corner of the displayed radar chart represents and is labeled by the sections on the submission. Each mapped point on the radar chart represents the ampi__Score__c value on the ampi__Section__c that is displayed. The scale of the radar chart dynamically renders based on the minimum and maximum score values, with a default value of 0 at the center. Users can see the exact score assigned to a submission section by hovering their cursor over the chart point.

As long as a section has been added to the Template, it will display in the radar chart, even if the section has since been removed from the template.


For example, the Narrative Impact Report template is originally created with an Acknowledgements section. The template is copied to create submissions, which are completed and scored. The Acknowledgements section is subsequently removed. The updated template is copied to create additional submissions that are assigned to the same record. On that record, the Acknowledgements section will still display in the radar charts even though it was removed from the template, because it had previously been assigned scores.

If multiple submissions created from the same template have been assigned to the same parent record, they are displayed with different colors on the same radar chart. A legend is displayed above the radar chart,  indicating which color is assigned to each submission and displaying the submissions in alphabetical order according to the Submission name.

Users can toggle the view of the radar chart by clicking on the submission descriptions in the legend to hide/display each in the radar chart. When the radar chart for a submission is hidden, its Description will be crossed out and its values are not displayed in the chart. The radar chart may dynamically re-render based on the minimum and maximum section score values on the displayed submissions.

If multiple submissions created from different templates have been assigned to the same parent record, multiple radar charts are displayed in a column - one radar chart per original template. These radar charts will display in alphabetical order according to Template name.

If a Section__c in the assigned Submission is unscored (Is_Scored__c = FALSE), the section does not display in the Radar Chart. 

If one or more Sections where Is_Scored__c = TRUE have no scores, the Radar Chart displays a blank score as a disconnected point in the chart where a closed shape is not drawn. See screenshot below. 


The radar chart does not render when there are no assigned Submission records present, or when there is one or more assigned Submissions where Sections are unscored (Is_Scored__c = FALSE). See screenshot below.

The radar chart component does not render and displays the same message as in the above screenshot, in the following scenarios:

  1. The Submission Template does not have any sections. This implies that section-wise scores cannot be entered in the Submission Review component of any of the assigned submissions .

  2. All assigned Submissions have unscored Sections (Is_Scored__c = FALSE), and they have at least one Question which is scored (Is_Scored__c = TRUE).


The above message displays in the Radar Chart component at the template level. If multiple templates are related to a parent object, then the radar chart should render for those templates for which the assigned submissions do not match  the above mentioned behavior.

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