Terminology and Labels
Why change Terminology & Labels?
Organizations naturally use different terms when it comes to portfolio management. Amp Impact offers many options to rename various attributes in the system to align system terminology more closely with organizational terms.
Looking for information about multi-language use and translations? Visit the Multi-Language Set Up & Configuration section to learn more.
Here are the areas where terminology can be updated or changed:
Rename Tabs & Labels
Navigate to Setup > Rename Tabs and Labels.
Click “Edit” next to the relevant object name (e.g. Project).
Enter the new tab names (singular and plural) to update the translation/terminology (e.g. “Project” → “Investee”).
Click “Next”.
Review updates and click “Save”.
Override Naming
Navigate to Setup > Translation Workbench > Translation Settings.
Select Enable.
Click “Add” under “Supported Languages” and select “English”.
Navigate to Setup > Translation Workbench > Override.
Select “Amp Impact” Package and “English” Language.
Select the Components to translate (Custom Field) and then the relevant object(s).
Choose the Aspect “Field Label” to update field labels and “Related List Label” to update the labels displayed on related lists on a record detail page.
Edit the Field Label Override to update the translation/ terminology.
Click “Save”.
Customize/Translate Picklist Values
Navigate to Setup > Object Manager.
Click on the object with the relevant picklist field (e.g., Activity).
Click on the Field & Relationships tab.
Click on the name of the picklist field (e.g., Status).
Customize the picklist values.
To update a picklist value, click “Edit” next to the value.
To create a new picklist value, click “New” at the top of the list of picklist values and fill in the fields accordingly.
While most Amp Impact picklists are unrestricted and can be modified, certain picklists have either restrictions or limitations. These are listed in the table below.
Object API Name | Field API Name | Restrictions/Limitations |
Activity__c | Status__c | To update picklist values, both Label and API Name must be modified with the same value. There are no restrictions on creating new picklist values. |
Type__c | To update picklist values, both Label and API Name must be modified with the same value. There are no restrictions on creating new picklist values. | |
Geographical_Area __c | Type__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values, but the changes made to this picklist field must also be made to Geographical_Disaggregation__c on Indicator__c and Project_Indicator__c. |
Indicator__c | Data_Type__c | To update picklist values, both Label and API Name must be modified with the same value. The corresponding custom label (listed below) for the picklist value must also be translated:
There are no restrictions on creating new picklist values, but additional picklist values will not display on SetTargets or AddResults. |
Indicator__c / Project_Indicator__c See footnote
| Calculate_Total__c | This picklist is restricted. The default picklist value labels can be updated, as long as the API name is not modified. Additional picklist values will not yield any calculations on SetTargets or AddResults. |
Aim__c | This picklist is restricted. The default picklist value labels can be updated, as long as the API name is not modified. | |
Reporting_ Frequency__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values, but the changes made to this picklist field must also be made to Report_Type__c on Reporting_Period__c. | |
Target_Frequency__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values, but the changes made to this picklist field must also be made to Report_Type__c on Reporting_Period__c. | |
Geographical_ Disaggregation__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values, but the changes made to this picklist field must also be made to Type__c on Geographical_Area__c. | |
Project__c | MI_Indicator_Order__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values (via the Indicator_Type global value set to accommodate custom fields), but additional picklist values must be formatted such that:
MI_Project_Indicator_Order__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values (via the Indicator_Type global value set to accommodate custom fields), but additional picklist values must be formatted such that:
| |
STAR_Project_Indicator_Order__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values (via the Indicator_Type global value set to accommodate custom fields), but additional picklist values must be formatted such that:
| |
Project_Indicator_ Reporting_Period__c | Data_Tracked__c | This picklist is restricted. The default picklist value labels can be updated, as long as the API name is not modified. Additional picklist values will not display on SetTargets or AddResults. |
Question__c | RecordType | Record Type values for Question__c cannot be translated. |
Reporting_Period__c | Report_Type__c | There are no restrictions on editing or creating picklist values, but the changes made to this picklist field must also be made to Reporting_Frequency__c and Target_Frequency__c on Indicator__c and Project_Indicator__c. |
Result__c | Data_Tracked__c | This picklist is restricted. The default picklist value labels can be updated, as long as the API name is not modified. Additional picklist values will not display on SetTargets or AddResults |
Submission__c | RecordType | Record Type values for Submission__c cannot be translated. |
Any changes made to a picklist on the Indicator__c object should also be made to the corresponding picklist on the Project_Indicator__c object, and vice versa (e.g. if a new picklist value “Bimonthly” is added to Reporting_Frequency__c on Project_Indicator__c, then “Bimonthly” must be also added to the Reporting_Frequency__c field on Indicator__c).
For details on picklists related to the IATI reporting functionality, please refer to the IATI Section.
Rename Custom Labels in Visualforce Pages and Lightning Components
This spreadsheet documents all Amp Impact custom labels and where they are used in the product. Project teams can use this document to track any client-specific customizations made to the custom labels included in the Amp Impact package.
If you need to edit or customize the document for a specific client use case, remember to make a copy of the document before you start editing.
Select custom labels that are referenced in Visualforce Pages and Lightning Components as output text. To update this text, you also need to update the corresponding custom labels. To do so:
Navigate to Setup > Custom Labels.
Locate the relevant custom label.
The Categories column indicates:
Which Visualforce page or Lightning Component references the custom label.
Which item(s) - e.g. button, tooltip, pop-up header - display the custom label text.
Click the relevant custom label (e.g., AVAILABLE_THEMATIC_AREA_LABEL) to view the label’s details.
Then add a new translation by clicking “New Local Translations / Overrides”.
Select the Language as “English” and fill in Translation Text with the appropriate translation/terminology (e.g., “Available Focus Areas” to replace “Available Thematic Areas”).
Click Save.
When a user downloads an Excel template from Set Targets or Add Results, they are given a set of instructions on how to properly set up the Excel sheet for upload. For any additional custom instructions that may be needed for your organization, use these custom labels to add further steps to the sections of the instructions sheet: