Project Thematic Areas: Assign Thematic Areas to your Project
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  • Project Thematic Areas: Assign Thematic Areas to your Project

    This page covers:

    Project Thematic Areas Overview

    Organizations often tag or categorize their projects with “Thematic Areas” (or other terminology such as “Investment Theme”, “Impact Pillar”, etc.). When a project is tagged with a Thematic Area from the catalog of options, the user essentially creates a Project Thematic Area record by default.

    Create Project Thematic Areas

    1. To create a Project Thematic Area, click the “New Project Thematic Area” button in the related list on the Project.

    2. Select the Thematic Area associated with the Project

    3. According to the User’s language setting, if multi-language functionality is set up, the translated value for the Thematic Area lookup dynamically displays the translated Description (ampi__Description_Translated__c).

    4. Click “Save and New” or “Save”.

    Required Indicators for Thematic Areas

    Organizations that tag or categorize projects with Thematic Areas may require reporting on certain standard indicators by Thematic Area. In Amp Impact, if a catalog indicator is affiliated with a Thematic Area and this relationship is marked as “Required”, then when a project is affiliated with the same Thematic Area, a project indicator will automatically be created based on the catalog indicator.

    Here’s an example: The catalog indicator "% graduation rate" is marked as a required indicator for the ‘Education’ Thematic Area. When the "Education for All" project is affiliated with the Education Thematic Area, the indicator for "% graduation rate" will then be automatically assigned to the project.

    This is a helpful feature to standardize which indicators are reported for a Thematic Area and may be relevant across multiple Projects.

    To learn more about this and access the step-by-step instructions, visit this page.


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