Required Indicators by Thematic Area
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  • Required Indicators by Thematic Area

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    Indicators by Thematic Area

    Organizations that tag or categorize projects with Thematic Areas may require certain Indicators to be added to a Project, therefore creating Project Indicators based on its Project Thematic Area(s). By doing this, they are able to standardize which indicators are reported for a Thematic Area and may be relevant across multiple Projects.

    Amp Impact facilitates this process for users as follows:

    1. Ensure the Thematic Areas have been set up.

    2. Navigate to the Indicator object and click “New”. 

    3. Any Indicators created in this way will be displayed in the Indicators Catalog. See this page for more details about the Indicators Catalog.

    4. Click on the “Related List” tab.

    5. On the Indicator Thematic Area list, click “New”. On creation of a new Indicator Thematic Area record, mark the Required field as TRUE.

    If the “Required” field is missing, you'll need to add it to the Indicator Thematic Area page layout.

    1. Click “Save”.

    2. Navigate to the relevant Project record.

    3. Click on the Setup tab and scroll to Thematic Areas.

    4. Assign Thematic Area(s) to the Project by referring to the steps above to create a Project Thematic Area.

    5. Project Indicator records will be automatically created for Indicators where the assigned Thematic Area was marked as Required

    6. These Project Indicators will display on the Selected Indicators tab. To learn more about the Manage Indicators page, please review the Manage Indicators section.

    7. If a Project Thematic Area is already added to a Project, and a new Indicator is created which has an Indicator Thematic Area related to existing Project Thematic Area and is marked as Required, then the new Indicator will be added to the project as a Project Indicator.

    8. Existing Project Indicators with parent Indicators that have Indicator Thematic Area records are not removed from Projects when the field ampi__Required__c on Indicator Thematic Area is edited from TRUE to FALSE.

    By default, when a Project Thematic Area is deleted, related Project Indicators where the assigned Thematic Area was marked as Required are not deleted. This automatic deletion can be enabled through Dynamic Loader Custom Settings, wherein the related Project Indicators are also deleted. Speak to a System Admin and refer to the Installation Guide.

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