Thematic Areas: Define Content Categorization Structure

Thematic Areas: Define Content Categorization Structure

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Thematic Areas Overview

Thematic Area is a flexible term that can be defined according to how an organization categorizes its Projects/Grants/etc and/or their Indicators. This is often according to different sectors that the organization works in (for example, Education, Health, WASH, etc.). Sometimes the Thematic Area object is also used to define cross-cutting themes or strategic initiatives (for example: Gender Equality; Reduce Maternal Mortality). Thematic Areas can be nested in a parent-child hierarchy. It is also possible to define different types of Thematic Areas (for example, Sectors and Strategies) and differentiate them using the “Type” field on the object.

Create Thematic Areas

  1. To create a Thematic Area, navigate to the Thematic Areas tab and click New.

  2. Enter the Name of the Thematic Area.

Values for the Name field cannot include semicolons (;) to preserve the functionality of search filters for the ampi__Thematic_Area__c field.

  1. If you’d like to capture a lengthy description about the thematic area in addition to the name, enter it
    in the description field.

  2. Enter the translated value(s) for the Thematic Area Name in the appropriate field

    1. Ensure that the translated value corresponds to the Language code defined by the System Administrator. For example, if the System Admin has set up the Custom Label USER_LANGUAGE_CODE such that Language 1 is ‘Spanish’, enter the Thematic Area in Spanish for ampi__Name_Language_1__c.

  3. If up to three supported languages are enabled and set up by the System Admin, populate the following fields in the languages defined as Language 1, Language 2, and Language 3.

    1. ampi__Name_Language_1__c

    2. ampi__Name_Language_2__c

    3. ampi__Name_Language_3__c

  4. If this Thematic Area is related to another Thematic Area, you can link them in the Parent Theme
    field, then click “Save”.

  5. Optional - to assign an icon to the Thematic Area, once you created and saved the Thematic Area record, click the Open Icons Catalog button on the record. A pop-up/tab will open displaying the catalog of icons and their respective codes. Click on an icon to copy the code, and then paste that value into the ampi__Icon__c field.

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