Visualforce Pages & Custom Settings
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  • Visualforce Pages & Custom Settings

    This page covers:

    Overview of Visualforce Pages & Custom Settings

    Earlier versions of Amp Impact utilized a combination of Visualforce Pages and Custom Settings to create a custom interface for specific features and to allow System Administrators to create and manage custom data at the organization, profile, and user levels. Custom settings data is stored in the application cache. This means you can access it efficiently without the cost of repeated queries. Custom settings data can be used by formula fields, Visualforce, Apex, and the Web Services API.

    Accessing Visualforce Pages in Amp Impact

    To add a Visualforce to a Lightning Page, simply navigate to the Lightning Page Builder and add the relevant Visualforce Page to the Lightning Page. We document and add guidance for the use of Amp Impact Visualforce Pages in the Set Up & Customization by Functional Area Section.

    Accessing Custom Settings in Amp Impact

    Some key features in the product can be configured on/off depending on the organization’s preferences and processes. To enable or disable any of these features:

    1. Go to the setup interface.

    2. In the Quick Search box, enter “Custom Settings”.

    3. Click “Manage” next to the relevant Custom Setting label.

    4. This is where you can enable/disable the following features (as needed) at the user, profile, and organization levels.

    Amp Impact Visualforce Pages & Custom Settings

    Details on how to add the Visualforce pages to Lightning Pages and how to navigate the related custom settings are documented here:


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