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  • Disbursements

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    Managing Disbursements with Amp Impact

    Disbursements enable organizations to schedule payments (i.e. in installments/ tranches) and track the amount and status of these payments for a project, program, or grant.

    Amp Impact comes with an easy-to-navigate Disbursements Table that allows you to create and manage disbursements seamlessly.

    Admin Note: Need to customize the interface for any of the Disbursement elements? Visit this page for more details on custom settings and field sets.

    Create and Schedule Disbursements

    1. Click on the “Add New Disbursement” button at the bottom of the table to add a new Disbursement record. Complete the relevant fields and click “Save”.

    2. Once you click “Save”, you’ll notice that the total amounts and the “Percent of Funding Amount” fields are automatically updated on the Disbursements Table.

    3. Often, organizations use the Disbursements feature as part of Fund Management. If this is the case, the “Fund” field can be added to the pop-up to track which Fund a Disbursement record is related to.

    The Disbursements in the table are ordered by ascending Scheduled Date. The table automatically calculates the total amount of a project’s disbursements and the total percentage of the funding amount that has been scheduled for disbursement at the bottom of the table.

    Track the Progress of Disbursements

    Each Disbursement record has an “Edit” and “Delete” icon next to it. To update the status of a Disbursement - for example, to change the status from “Pending” to “Approved” - click the “Edit” icon and update the value of the “Status” picklist field.

    When a Disbursement Status is updated to “Paid”, the Amount value of the Disbursement is rolled up to the Paid Amount field in the Project Summary above the table. Additionally, the Disbursement Amount will also be added to the Amount Paid field on the Fund record to which the Disbursement is related. 

    If a Disbursement Status is updated to “Paid,” that Disbursement cannot be deleted unless the status is changed from “Paid,” to one of the other options (Scheduled, Pending, or Approved). If the status of a disbursement record is updated to “Paid”, the delete bin icon will be greyed out and become unclickable.

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