Project Geographic Areas: Assign Geographic Areas to your Project
This page covers:
Project Geographic Areas Overview
The Project Geographic Area (PGA) object captures the geographic units (regions, countries, etc.) where a project is being implemented for the purpose of using Amp Impact's indicators, Set Targets, and Add Results functionality. When a Project is related with an existing Geographic Area record from the catalog, the user essentially creates PGA records by default.
PGAs only need to be created at the level for which targets and results need to be entered. For example, if a project works in 6 countries across 2 regions but targets/results are entered at the country level only, the PGA records need to be created only for the countries.
The Set Targets and Add Results pages will not work if you do not create at least one PGA.
Create Project Geographic Areas
To create a PGA, click on the “New” button from the Geographic Areas related list on the Project record.
If multi-language functionality is set up, the translated value for the Geographic Area lookup dynamically displays the translated Name (ampi__Name_Translated__c) according to the User’s language setting.
Geographic Areas that are a part of the catalog will be displayed in the dropdown. Specify which Geographic Area you want to link to this project, then click “Save And New” to link another, or just “Save” to finish creating PGAs.
A PGA record can be deactivated by editing a Project Geographic Area record and unchecking the Active checkbox. Once a PGA is marked as deactivated, targets and results are not tracked for that Geographic Area anymore. Existing targets and results records are preserved and can be accessed by navigating to the related tab on the Project Indicator record or directly from the Result object tab.
Orion Release: Special Characters Allowed in Naming
Please Note: Special characters in the Geographic Area name will cause a validation error when using the Targets/Results Excel Upload Download template before the Orion Release.
With the Orion Release, special characters are supported in the Geographic Area name causing no validation errors during upload.