PDF Butler

PDF Butler

PDF Butler & Amp Impact

PDF Butler allows users to generate, customize, and send their documents for signature. Organizations often use PDF Butler when they need to generate grant reports, grant application summaries, or contracts for signature from the data managed in Amp Impact.

Looking for user guidance?

This section is geared toward System Administrators or Consultants installing and configuring PDF Butler.

Coming soon User guidance for how to generate documents in your system using PDF Butler coming soon!

PDF Butler Installation & Configuration Guidance

The PDF Butler Academy has all the resources you need to familiarize yourself with the tool and includes installation, configuration, and deployment guidance.

Get Started with PDF Butler

If you are installing PDF Butler for the first time, there are a few steps to follow to get started.

  1. Install, setup & register PDF Butler in your system before you start with configuration.

Basic PDF Butler Template Configuration Guidance

Once you’ve installed PDF Butler in your Salesforce system, you are ready to generate your first document.

  1. Quickly learn how to generate your first document with PDF Butler. Here is the link to the MS Word templates referenced in the video. Additional resources to the steps mentioned in this video:

    1. PDF Butler by DataSource. Here you can learn more about each data source that can be added to the document, including guidance on how to use the SOQL Builder feature.

    2. PDF Butler by ConfigType. ConfigTypes will make the link between data and the action to take on the MergeField in the document. This is the final configuration step.

  2. Also visit the PDF Butler by Document Type section if you need to generate other document types.

Looking for guidance on how to add PDF Butler Components to the Lightning Page? Visit 11:25 in this overview video for the quick steps.