SDG Plugin

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What is the SDG Plugin?

Organizations often need to track how their initiatives are working toward addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and track progress using the SDG Indicator & Monitoring Framework. The SDG Plugin can be installed with Amp Impact and allows organizations to:

  • Associate a Project with one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals;

  • Add the Sustainable Development Goal reference data to Catalog Indicators and Objectives within Amp Impact;

  • Track the progress of a Project toward meeting the SDG Targets.

The SDG plugin is compatible with Amp Impact version v1.25.2 (Delphinus) or later. Amp Impact must already be installed in the Salesforce org before installing the SDG Indicator & Monitoring Framework plugin.

SDG Plugin Demo Video

SDG Plugin Installation & Set Up

Once Amp Impact (v1.25.2 or later) is installed, you can install the SDG Plugin to start tracking SDG initiatives:


Install the SDG Indicator & Monitoring Framework Plugin into the relevant environment with these installation links:



Select which users you wish to install the package for and click “Install”.

Configuration Updates

Review the field map and the new fields that come with the SDG Plugin. Then, determine how you want to expose these fields to users on the relevant page layouts, and where you’d want to add them to field sets.


Configuration Updates

Refer to the field map for full configuration details.

The SDG Indicator & Monitoring Framework adds the following fields:



Field Type




Field Type


ampi__Project__c object


Multi-select picklist

When deselecting SDGs from this picklist in Lightning Experience, the user will be able to deselect the last value by pressing Ctrl (PC)/Command (Mac) and clicking that value in the picklist.



Displays the SDG icon(s) based on the value(s) selected in SDG__c



Displays the SDG icon(s) within communities (digital experiences) based on the value(s) selected in SDG__c












Long text area(710)




Displays an SDG icon based on the value selected in SDG__c



Displays an SDG icon in communities based on the value selected in SDG__c






long text area(500)







Displays an SDG icon based on the value selected in SDG_Shortcode__c



Displays an SDG icon based on the value selected in SDG_Shortcode__c



Long text area(500)










Displays the SDG icon for Experiences in correlation with the parent catalog indicator



Displays the SDG icon in correlation with the parent catalog indicator

The following are also added when the plugin is installed:

  1. List View “Projects with SDGs” on Project__c

  2. List View “Indicators with SDG” on ampi__Indicator__c

  3. List View “Objectives with SDG” on ampi__Catalog_Objective__c

  4. Custom report type: SDG Indicators with Project Indicators with Result 

Add SDG Plugin Fields to Page Layouts & Compact Layouts

Once the plugin is installed, new SDG-specific fields will need to be added to the page (or compact) layouts of ampi__Project__c, ampi__Objective__c, ampi__Indicator__c, and ampi__Project_Indicator__c objects. Many organizations find it helpful to add the SDG icon fields to the compact layout of the object detail page (to display the relevant icons right at the top of the record) while the other fields can be added to the page layout. 

Here are some options for adding the SDG fields to the relevant layouts:

Add the SDG Icons to the Highlights Panel of the Record Page

  1. From the “Compact Layouts” on the relevant object (“Project” object in this case), select “Project Highlights”.

  2. Select and add the “Related SDG(s)” field to the “Selected Fields” list and define the field’s position.

Add SDG fields to the Page Layout

  1. From the “Page Layouts” section, navigate to the relevant page layout.

  2. Select and add the remaining new SDG fields (fields other than the “Related SDG(s)” field) to the layout.

Following these steps, you can add the new fields to the relevant page and compact layout for ampi__Objective__c, ampi__Indicator__c, and ampi__Project_Indicator__c objects.

Add the “SDG Indicator Definition” Field To Popover Field Sets

The “Indicator Definition” field on the ampi__Project_Indicator__c object is typically where the indicator definition will be tracked. However, this field has a limit of 255 characters and there are a handful of SDG Indicator definitions that extend beyond this character limit (see listed below). In these cases, the “Indicator Definition” values of those SDG indicators will be truncated to 255 characters and displayed with an ellipsis on the SetTargets and AddResults Visualforce Pages and Lightning Web Components.

The following SDG indicators are displayed with ellipses:

SDG Indicator

SDG Indicator Definition

SDG Indicator

SDG Indicator Definition

SDG Indicator 1.3.1

Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems, by sex, distinguishing children, unemployed persons, older persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, newborns, work-injury victims and the poor and the vulnerable

SDG Indicator 4.5.1

Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated

SDG Indicator 11.4.1

Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, by source of funding (public, private), type of heritage (cultural, natural) and level of government (national, regional, and local/municipal)

SDG Indicator 13.b.1

Number of least developed countries and small island developing States with nationally determined contributions, long-term strategies, national adaptation plans, strategies as reported in adaptation communications and national communications

SDG Indicator 14.c.1

Number of countries making progress in ratifying, accepting and implementing through legal, policy and institutional frameworks, ocean-related instruments that implement international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources

SDG Indicator 15.9.1

(a) Number of countries that have established national targets in accordance with or similar to Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 in their national biodiversity strategy and action plans and the progress reported towards these targets; and (b) integration of biodiversity into national accounting and reporting systems, defined as implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting

SDG Indicator 16.7.1

Proportions of positions in national and local institutions, including (a) the legislatures; (b) the public service; and (c) the judiciary, compared to national distributions, by sex, age, persons with disabilities and population groups

This can sometimes make it challenging for users to navigate the indicators and select the correct ones. One workaround is to make use of the “SDG Indicator Definition” field - an additional field with a higher character limit that will not truncate any of the indicator descriptions. Organizations often choose to add this field to the field set for the popover that appears next to every Project Indicator on the SetTargets and AddResults components. This would enable the users to view the full definition of these indicators - see the screenshot below.

Here are the steps to modify this field set:

  1. Navigate to the “Field Sets” tab on the relevant object (“Project” object in this example).

  2. Click on the relevant field set (Set Targets Info Popover for the SetTargets VF component and Add Results Info Popover for the AddResults VF component)

  3. Add the SDG Indicator Definition field to the ‘In the Field Set’ section


User Access & Permissions

Access to the SDG fields configured on the Project, Objective, Project Indicator, and Indicator objects can be provided through the “SDG Full Access” permission set. 

You can assign the permission set to a single user or to multiple users based on your organization’s requirements. To further customize the kind of access to SDG fields, you can choose to clone the “SDG Full Access” permission set to create a new permission set and modify field permissions

Grant SDG Icon Fields Access to Digital Experience Users

Due to a Salesforce limitation, formulas must be configured differently to display images on native Salesforce and Digital Experience sites. Therefore, two icon fields have been configured to display SDG icons on both native Salesforce and the Digital Experiences interface.

Both of these fields can be added to the page layouts and field sets where you want icons to appear, and their visibility can be controlled by permission sets for native and Experience users. 

Listed below are the fields that have been configured with the formula to display SDG Icons on Salesforce Digital Experience sites:













The permission set “SDG Full Access” does not include access to these fields out of the box. 

To allow Experience users access to these icon fields, we recommended cloning the “SDG Full Access” permission set to create a new permission set for Experience users and modify field permissions.

On the new permission set: 

  1. Find the Indicators, Project Indicators, Objectives, and Project objects on the ‘Object Settings’ window to edit their permissions

  2. Grant access to the unchecked Related SDG field (marked as 1) and revoke access from the checked Related SDG field (marked as 2) by clicking on the checkbox. Carry out this step for the ampi__Indicator__c & ampi__Catalog_Objective__c objects.

  3. Grant access to the unchecked Related SDG(s) field (marked as 1) and revoke access from the checked Related SDG(s) field (marked as 2) by clicking on the checkbox. Carry out this step for the ampi__Project__c object.

  4. Grant access to the unchecked Related SDG field (marked as 1) and revoke access from the checked Related SDG field (marked as 2) by clicking on the checkbox. Carry out this step for the ampi__Project_Indicator__c object.

  5. Edit any other permissions as per your organization’s use case and save the settings.

Setup Automation To Copy Field Values From Catalog Indicators To Project Indicators

Activate New Process “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator With SDG Fields”

Within the SDG plugin, a new process “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator With SDG Fields” is configured in such a way that when a Project Indicator is created as a child to a Catalog Indicator, the value of the field “SDG Indicator Definition” on the ampi__Project_Indicator__c object is copied from the value of the field “SDG Indicator Definition” on the ampi__Indicator__c object. This process is an enhanced version of another process “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator” that already exists in Amp Impact. 

If your organization was using the existing Amp Impact process “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator” without making any customizations, then you can activate the new “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator With SDG Fields” process by following the steps mentioned in this article. Remember to deactivate the “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator” process before activating the new process. 

Depending on the current version of Amp Impact that is installed into the environment, the active “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator With SDG Fields” process would have to be modified in the following ways:





The Action “Copy Indicator field values into Project Indicators fields” would have to be updated to include a new field value update for the field ‘Number of Decimal Places Allowed’ with the formula:

“IF(TEXT([ampi__Project_Indicator__c].ampi__Number_of_Decimals_Places_Allowed__c) == '0', TEXT([ampi__Project_Indicator__c].ampi__Catalog_Indicator__r.ampi__Number_Of_Decimal_Places_Allowed__c), TEXT([ampi__Project_Indicator__c].ampi__Number_of_Decimals_Places_Allowed__c))” 

1.26.3 and up

The Criteria “Project Indicator is created with Catalog Indicator” would have to be updated to include a Condition:

Field = [ampi__Project_Indicator__c].ampi__xx_Is_Copy__c 

Operator = Equals

Type = Boolean

Value = False

1.28 and up

Please find below relevant screenshots for the changes mentioned in the table above:

Update the Existing Process 

If your organization is using a process that was customized after cloning the default Amp Impact “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator” process then we recommend modifying this process instead of activating the new process. Additionally, if you are on Amp Impact version 1.28 or higher, you can clone the existing “Copy Indicator Field Values Onto Project Indicator” process and make the edit. In both cases, the process can be updated with the section highlighted in the screenshot below. This line item ensures that the value of the “SDG Indicator Definition” field on the ampi__Indicator__c object is copied to the “SDG Indicator Definition” field on the ampi__Project_Indicator__c object.

Upload the SDG Objectives and Indicators

  1. Download the SDG catalog Excel file.

  2. Customize the tab “ampi__Catalog_Objective__c” within the SDG catalog as needed. The default values for the fields “Level”, “Parent Objective”, and “Related Objective” are kept blank for all the SDG Objectives. The default value of the “Include in Catalog?” is kept as TRUE for all the SDG objectives. Note that the ampi__xx_Include_In_Catalog__c on the Catalog Objective object is only available from v.1.26 onwards. 

  3. Customize the tab “ampi__Indicator__c” within the SDG catalog as needed. Default values for certain fields are listed below:

    1. Indicator Library: The default value is kept as SDG for all the SDG indicators.

    2. Data Type: The value is based on the type of Indicator.

    3. Geographical Disaggregation: The default value is kept as blank for all the SDG indicators. Set the Geographic Disaggregation based on locations for which your organization tracks target and result data.

    4. Reporting Currency: The default value is blank for all the SDG indicators. You may use the dropdown menu provided to add the currency codes relevant to your organization's use case to the related indicators. 

    5. Reporting Frequency: The default value is kept as blank for all the SDG indicators. Set the Reporting Frequency level for the indicators based on how frequently your organization tracks target and result data.

    6. Units: The default value is kept as blank for all the SDG indicators and can be customized based on your organization's requirement.

    7. Include in Catalog?: The default value is kept as TRUE for all the SDG indicators.

    8. Cross-Disaggregation by Sex: The default value is kept based on the SDG indicator

Upload SDG Objectives and Indicators by following the instructions provided on the sheet “Instructions” on the SDG catalog