Risk Management Flows
  • In progress
  • Risk Management Flows

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    Following Amp Impact's flow trigger design pattern, the after insert and after update contexts have been broken up for the Risk object. Both flows (Risk_After_Update and Risk_After_Insert) are currently performing the same logic handled in the subflow (Subflow_Assign_Risk_Level)

    Risk After Insert

    This is the handler flow for the Risk object in the After-Save, After-Insert context.

    Risk After Update

    This is the handler flow for the Risk object in the After-Save, After-Update context.

    Subflow Assign Risk Level

    This subflow populates the ampi__xx_Risk_Level__c field based on the value of the ampi__xx_Overall_Score__c field.

    Since they are template flows, they can be cloned and further customized based on the requirements of your organization. Please ensure to deactivate the template flow after cloning it.

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