Amp Impact Projects: Create & Manage Project Records
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  • Amp Impact Projects: Create & Manage Project Records

    This page covers:

    Create Amp Impact Project Records

    Amp Impact Projects can be renamed to Program, Grant, Investee, Investment, or any other organization-specific terminology.

    1. To create a new Amp Impact Project record, navigate to the Projects tab and click ‘New’ (see section below if your organization has more than one option to select before you enter the details).

    2. From the ‘Details’ tab, enter the Project’s name and other related details. Amp Impact comes with some fields to enter project-relevant data, including a Description, Country, Start Date, End Date. These fields might be renamed, removed, or additional fields can be added to track organization-specific data points.

    3. [If using translations] Enter the translated value(s) for the Project name in the appropriate field.

      1. Ensure that the translated value corresponds to the Language code defined by the System Admin. For example, if the System Admin has set up the Custom Label USER_LANGUAGE_CODE such that Language 1 is ‘Spanish’, enter the Project in Spanish for the field ampi__Name_Language_1__c. See screenshot below.

      2. If up to three supported languages are enabled and set up by the System Admin, populate the following fields in the languages defined as Language 1, Language 2, and Language 3:

        1. ampi__Name_Language_1__c

        2. ampi__Name_Language_2__c

        3. ampi__Name_Language_3__c

    4. Click ‘Save’.

    Amp Impact Project Hierarchy

    Organizations often need to segment data on the Project object. For example, organizations might need to track slightly different data about Programs and Projects, Proposals and Projects, or Grants and Projects. Record types are often used to create this segmentation, or track initiatives in different stages. You’ll know if there is segmentation for your organization if you have to select an option when creating a new record.