Mira v1.37 | Upgrade Instructions | May 2024

Mira v1.37 | Upgrade Instructions | May 2024

Our upgrade instructions provide guidance on new features that require manual updates in order not to conflict with any org-specific customization. Detailed information on Setup, Configuration and Feature Information can be found through links on the Mira Release Notes.
Contact support@verasolutions.org to share feedback.

Upgrading Amp Impact to Mira - (v1.37)

A Salesforce environment with Amp installed can be directly upgraded to the latest version of Amp as long as the current version is v1.17.1 or later. If the version of Amp is an earlier version, you must first upgrade to v1.17.1 before upgrading to v1.37 (Mira). When upgrading to this version and skipping previous upgrades, please be sure to follow the Upgrade Instructions for every intermediate release as well to ensure the app continues working as expected.

  1. To upgrade to the latest release of Amp Impact, log into your Sandbox environment and use the installation link.

    1. Vera Employees can navigate to this page to access the link.

    2. Partners & customers, please get in touch with your Vera point of contact to access the link.

  2. Information will be displayed confirming that you have an earlier version installed and it can be upgraded while preserving existing data. 

  3. Select which users you wish to install the package for (learn more here). 

  4. Click "Upgrade".

  5. Refer to the release notes document and learn about the new features and bug fixes for this release. 

  6. After reviewing the release notes, follow the steps outlined below. 

  7. Perform your current use cases in the sandbox and if you are using any of the new features from this release, ensure that they are operating as expected.

  8. When you are ready to deploy to Production, use this installation link.

  9. Update any changes you make, for example to custom settings, in Production as these will not "carry over" from your sandbox. 

If My Domain has already been set up, replace “test” or “login” in the installation links with the specific domain appended by .my. for the org. See below for an example of a customized installation link: https://customdomain.my.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t4o000002FIf5&isdtp=p1

Packaging Changes

Certain changes to the configuration will be automatically updated on the installation of the upgrade, while others will need to be manually updated (in order not to conflict with any org-specific customization). For full details on what Salesforce supports when upgrading managed packages, refer to the Editing Components and Attributes After Installation and Special Behavior of Components in Packages pages.


Automatic Update?

Manual Update Location

Example from Mira Release


Automatic Update?

Manual Update Location

Example from Mira Release

Updated field



Label was changed from “Locked” to “Budget Locked”

New custom label



New custom label “DENOMINATOR” has been created

Updated fieldset



The following fields were added to the field set:

  • xx_Numerator_Definition__c

  • xx_Denominator_Definition__c

  • xx_Calculation_Factor__c

New flow



New flow Submit_Lock_Wizard that provides a streamlined experience to submit and lock data tables together.

New validation rule 




New Validation Rule “NumDen_CalculationFactor_Indicator” has been added to ampi__Indicator__c

New picklist value 


Object → Fields and Relationships → Field

New picklist value “Numerator/Denominator” added to the ampi__Data_Type__c field on ampi__Indicator__c

Updated page layout 


Object → Page Layouts

Added the following fields to the page layout for ampi__Project__c

  • Submit Quick Action added

  • xx_Framework_Locked__c field added

  • xx_Indicators_Locked__c field added

Update Profiles and Custom Permission Sets for New Objects and Fields

While permission sets in the package are automatically updated to provide access to these new fields, profiles and custom permission sets must be manually updated to include these new artifacts if the relevant user(s) requires access to them. 

Refer to the Packaging Changes section in the release notes to determine which objects and fields need to be added to any custom profiles or permission sets. 

Use Numerator Denominator Indicators

Add “Numerator/Denominator” picklist value within the Data Type Field

Salesforce does not support the update of picklist values in a field while upgrading a managed package. This needs to be manually done to use the new functionality. When upgrading to Mira, you need to make the following updates to the ampi__Indicator__c object:

You can add ‘Numerator/Denominator’ as a picklist value within the Data Type (ampi__Data_Type__c)  field by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Settings

  2. Click on Object Manager 

  3. Search for and click on the “Indicator” object (ampi__Indicator__c)

  4. Click on the Fields & Relationships tab 

  5. Search and click on the Data Type field (ampi__Data_Type__c)

  6. Navigate to the Values section and click on New 

  7. Type ‘Numerator/Denominator’ in the input text box field. 

  8. Click on Save.

Rearrange fields in the “Add New Indicator Popup”

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Settings

  2. Click on Object Manager 

  3. Search for and click on the “Indicator” object (ampi__Indicator__c)

  4. Click on the Field Sets

  5. Click on the “Add New Indicator Popup” (ampi__ADD_NEW_INDICATOR_POPUP)

  6. Rearrange the following fields under the “Type of Results” field (ampi__Type_of_Results__c)  for better user experience while creating numerator denominator indicators:

    1. Numerator Definition (ampi__xx_Numerator_Definition__)

    2. Denominator Definition (ampi__xx_Denominator_Definition__c)

    3. Calculation Factor (ampi__xx_Calculation_Factor__c)

Rearrange fields in the “Edit New Indicator Popup”

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Settings

  2. Click on Object Manager 

  3. Search for and click on the “Project Indicator” object (ampi__Project_Indicator__c)

  4. Click on the Field Sets

  5. Click on the “Edit Project Indicator Popup” field set (ampi__EDIT_PROJECT_INDICATOR_POPUP)

  6. Rearrange the following fields under the “Type of Results” field (ampi__Type_of_Results__c)  for better user experience while creating numerator denominator indicators:

    1. Numerator Definition (ampi__xx_Numerator_Definition__)

    2. Denominator Definition (ampi__xx_Denominator_Definition__c)

    3. Calculation Factor (ampi__xx_Calculation_Factor__c)

Update the Page layout for the Result Object

Page layout changes made to the Result object will not be reflected when you upgrade to Mira. This is to ensure that any customizations made by users are not overridden. To meet the modifications made to the page, you may modify the Result page layout.

  1. Go to Object Manager

  2. Search for and click on the Result object (ampi__Result__c)

  3. Navigate to “Page Layout” and click on the “Result Layout”

  4. Rename the “Currency/Number/Percent” section as “Currency/Number/Percent/Numerator Denominator” by clicking on the wrench near the section

  5. Drag the following fields under the “Currency/Number/Percent/Numerator Denominator” section:

    1. Female Numerator Result (ampi__xx_Female_Numerator_Result__c)

    2. Female Denominator Result (ampi__xx_Female_Denominator_Result__c)

    3. Male Numerator Result (ampi__xx_Male_Numerator_Result__c)

    4. Male Denominator Result (ampi__xx_Male_Denominator_Result__c)

    5. Unknown Numerator Result (ampi__xx_Unknown_Numerator_Result__c)

    6. Unknown Denominator Result (ampi__xx_Unknown_Denominator_Result__c)

    7. Result Denominator Value (ampi__xx_Result_Denominator_Value__c)

    8. Result Numerator Value (ampi__xx_Result_Numerator_Value__c)


  6. Click “Save”

Use Submit and Lock Wizard

Update the Page layout for the Project Object

Page layout changes made to the Project object will not be reflected when you upgrade to Mira. This is to ensure that any customizations made by users are not overridden. To meet the modifications made to the page, you may modify the Project page layout by adding relevant quick actions.

Add the “Submit” Quick Action to the Page Layout

  1. Go to Object Manager

  2. Search for and click on the Project object (ampi__Project__c)

  3. Navigate to “Page Layout” and click on “Project Layout”

  4. Navigate to “Mobile and Lightning Actions”

  5. Drag the “Submit” quick action to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section

Adding relevant fields to Page Layouts of relevant objects

Depending on the data tables that your organization is locking as a part of the Submit and Lock Wizard, add the following fields to the Page Layout of corresponding objects. These checkbox fields also control the unlocking of data tables:

Field API Name

Object API Name

Field API Name

Object API Name















To add the ampi__xx_Framework_Locked__c field on the Page Layout of the ampi__Project__c object follow these steps:

  1. Go to Object Manager

  2. Search for and click on the Project object (ampi__Project__c)

  3. Navigate to “Page Layout” and click on “Project Layout”

  4. Navigate to “Fields”

  5. Drag the Framework Locked field (ampi__xx_Framework_Locked__c) to the Information section

Follow the same steps to add the other fields to the page layouts of the relevant objects.

Filter Submissions related to a particular object

If the Submit button is placed on the Project object (ampi__Project__c) then re-establish a lookup field on the Submission object looking up to Project. If the Submit button is going to be placed on another object then create the lookup for object on which we want to place the submit button.

Add a condition into the Submit_Submission subflow in the Get Submissions element

This will ensure that only the relevant submissions (related to the particular project) are fetched and validated.

Using the Filter on activities LWC

To use the dynamic search filter functionality, please ensure that users have field level access to the following fields:

  • ampi__xx_Activity_Type__c and

  • ampi__Status__c

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