Aquila (v1.22) | Release Notes | May 2019

Aquila (v1.22) | Release Notes | May 2019

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. Detailed information on Set-up, Configuration and Feature Information is available in the Installation Guide and User Guide for each release.

Contact support@verasolutions.org to share feedback.

Key Product Features

New Features

Download and Upload Budget XLS to track Planned and Actual Expenditure

Users can now download their project budget with financial line items using a Download button on a Budget record. An Excel file is downloaded that includes all Financial child records (if they exist). The Excel file includes an “Instructions” tab which tells the user how to enter data in a compatible manner for upload.

An Upload button is now available to upload the downloaded file. The upload allows users to:

  1. Update financial records related to the Budget record

  2. Create new financial records.

Admin Note: The Budget download and upload can handle up to 2,000 rows of records if there are 12 columns (i.e. the same number of columns as provided out-of-the-box) in the spreadsheet.

As additional columns are added, fewer records can be downloaded. For example, the feature can handle 1800 rows of records if there are 25 columns in the spreadsheet.

A Success and Error (if applicable) log will be generated upon completion of the upload process.

Once a budget has been approved/locked whereby no further edits can be made, the Upload button will display an error message to notify users that the budget is locked from editing.

Admin Note


While processing the Excel file during upload, validation is built-in to check for:

  • invalid file type, (e.g. user selects a word document)

  • data entry (e.g. currency code entered in a number field),

  • metadata (e.g. user renames a column header).

Users are provided the full list of validation checks in the Instructions tab.

Data Quality

If a user downloads a Budget Excel file and clears out existing data for a financial line item, then the upload process will clear information from the existing record. However, it will not delete the record.


Feature Enhancements

Make edits to Framework Items directly on ManageFramework page

Edit Framework Item(s)

Use a new Edit icon to edit a Framework Item (i.e. Project Objective) directly on the ManageFramework page to keep track of program updates. For example, users can add/edit the:

  • Description of a goal, outcome, output, etc.,

  • Associated parent Objective,

  • Level field.

Deactivate Framework Item(s)

Update a new Deactivated field in the pop-up that opens from the Edit icon to deactivate a Framework Item. This will update your Framework to reflect any program/impact goal changes while preserving historic data for reporting purposes.

Delete Framework Item(s)

Use a new Delete icon to select and delete a Framework Item to reflect any program/impact goal changes.

Permissions-based view of ManageFramework page

Determine and manage which users have access to the ManageFramework page and the action(s) they can take on the page using Create/Read/Edit/Delete access to the Objective__c object.

User Permission

Permission Granted?

Permission Restricted?

User Permission

Permission Granted?

Permission Restricted?


Add New Framework Item button is displayed

Add New Framework Item button is hidden


User can view ManageFramework page and table

User can open Project Objective records

User cannot view ManageFramework page


Edit icon is displayed

Edit icon is hidden


Delete icon is displayed

Delete icon is hidden

Define the order in which Indicators display

Users can now define the order in which indicators and project indicators are displayed on the following pages:

  1. ManageIndicators page, Selected Indicators and Deactivated Indicators tabs: using a new MI_Project_Indicator_Order__c field

  2. ManageIndicators page, Indicators Catalog tab: using a new MI_Indicator_Order__c field

  3. SetTargets and AddResults pages: using a new STAR_Project_Indicator_Order__c field

Each new field contains a picklist of all the fields on the Project_Indicator__c or Indicator__c objects. When a field is selected, the page will load in ascending order based on the field type and the values in the field (e.g. numerically ascending for a Number field, but alphanumerically ascending for a Text field). If the new fields are left blank, the page/component will default to order by alphabetically ascending Description__c.

Improvements to editing and managing Submissions and their radar charts

User experience change in the Template Builder

Previously, the Add New Section and Add New Question buttons were displayed only at the top of the CreateTemplateData Lightning component. When a user created a new Section, by default, they were added to the bottom of the template and the user would have to navigate back to the top to add a new question to that section.


  • Add New Section and Add New Question buttons are displayed at the top of the component, aligned left.

  • Save button is moved to the top of the component, aligned right.

  • A scrollbar is added and all the buttons are fixed at the top of the component. Users can scroll and modify the template without having to scroll back to the top to add a new Section/Question or scroll to the bottom to save the template.

Display of Radar Charts
  • A radar chart does not display for a Submission that has no Sections.

  • A radar chart displays for Submissions with:

    • At least one Section where Active__c = TRUE and Is_Scored__c = TRUE

    • At least one Section where Active__c = FALSE and Is_Scored__c = TRUE to display for sections that were historically scored and have since been deactivated.

Additional changes to display of Radar Charts
  • Submissions are listed in the legend of a single radar chart in alphabetical order.  

  • Radar charts are listed in alphabetical order based on the Template Name on the Template record.

Success messages for submissions

Previously, the success message onClick of Submit in both the SubmissionResponseForm and the SubmissionResponseScoring components referred to the same custom label, SUBMISSION_SUCCESS_MESSAGE. Since these components can be used by different types of users, the success message label has been decoupled.

A new custom label REVIEW_SUCCESS_MESSAGE with value "Review submitted successfully" is now used for the success toast on the SubmissionResponseScoring component.

Locking Submissions

When a user submits a SubmissionResponseForm (i.e. Status__c = “Submitted) or SubmissionResponseScoring (i.e. Status__c = “Reviewed”) component,  the component is locked (i.e. displayed in read-only mode) once the user confirms submission in the pop-up.

Using Submissions in Flow

The following three Lightning Components are now available for Flow:

  • SubmissionResponseReview

  • SubmissionResponseForm

  • SubmissionResponseScoring

System Administrators can set up custom Flows using these Lightning Components to display a Submission Response or Review on a related record or Lightning Home Page.

Resolved Issues

Grey background displayed on all Visualforce pages for Community users

A grey box was displaying around the entire page when viewing any Visualforce page in a Community as a result of a Salesforce feature for NetworkBranding.

This is now resolved so the grey box does not display.

Secondary row order of Activities

When Activities are created such that Earliest_Start_Date__c is the same value, they would order primarily by ascending Earliest_Start_Date__c and then randomly.

This is now resolved so that:

  • The first level of row order is by ascending Earliest_Start_Date__c.

  • The second level of row order is by ascending Name.

Adding custom fields to field sets used for Activities

Due to a Salesforce limitation, users were unable to add custom fields to any of the field sets used in the Activities feature. All field types for custom fields will now be supported, except the following:

  • Encrypted String

  • Time

for the field sets listed below:





    • In addition to Encrypted String and Time, this field set also cannot support:

      • Long Text Area

      • Rich Text Area

Adding custom fields to field sets used for Submissions

Due to a Salesforce limitation, users were unable to add custom fields to the ADD_EDIT_QUESTION_POPUP and ADD_EDIT_SECTION_POPUP field sets used in the Submissions feature. All field types will now be supported, except the following:

  • Encrypted String

  • Time

  • Multi-Select Picklist

Packaging Changes

New Fields



Field Type

Functional Impact




Budget Upload




Manage Framework




Manage Framework

Manage Indicators

Set Targets

Add Results













Set Targets

Add Results

Other Configuration Changes

Changes to Project__c object
  1. Lightning Record Page

    1. Set Details as the landing tab when a Project record is opened in Lightning

  2. Page Layout

    1. Removed Project Indicator related list

    2. Added new picklist fields

Changes to Indicator__c object
  1. Page layout

    1. Active

    2. Aim

    3. Calculate Total

    4. Cumulative

    5. Include in Catalog

    6. Indicator Level

    7. Parent Indicator

    8. Target Frequency

    9. Targets are disaggregated

    10. *Type of Results

    11. Updated to only include relevant buttons and fields, including:

    12. Added a new related list for Indicator Thematic Areas

Spring ’19 upgrade instructions include a table with information about which configuration changes need to be made manually, and an example of where to change them.

  1. Fields

    1. Type__c: Picklist values reduced to Core and Custom

Changes to Project_Indicator__c object
  1. Field sets

    1. Updated EDIT_PROJECT_INDICATOR_POPUP to include:

      1. *Description__c

      2. *Data_Type__c

      3. *Type_of_Results__c

      4. Number_of_Decimals_Places_Allowed__c

      5. Baseline__c

      6. Calculate_Total__c

      7. *Reporting_Frequency__c

      8. Target_Frequency__c

      9. *Geographical_Disaggregation__c

      10. Thematic_Area_Text__c

      11. Objective__c

      12. Disaggregation_Group__c

      13. Cross_Disaggregation_by_Sex__c

      14. Targets_Are_Disaggregated__c

      15. Guideline__c

      16. Red_Yellow_Threshold__c

      17. Yellow_Green_Threshold__c

      18. Validation_Range_Minimum__c

      19. Validation_Range_Maximum__c

      20. Active__c

    2. Updated SET_TARGETS_INFO_POPOVER to include:

      1. Objective__c

      2. Guideline__c

    3. Updated ADD_RESULTS_INFO_POPOVER to include:

      1. Objective__c

      2. Guideline__c

Changes to Project_Indicator_Objective__c object
  1. Field sets

    1. Updated LOG_FRAMES_TABLE to include:

      1. Project_Indicator__c > Baseline__c

      2. Project_Indicator__c > Target_To_Date__c

      3. Project_Indicator__c > Result_To_Date__c

Changes to Activity__c object
  1. Field sets

    1. Updated CREATE_NEW_ACTIVITY_POPUP to include:

      1. *Implementation_Plan__c

      2. *Name

      3. Type__c

      4. Description__c

      5. Parent_Activitiy__c

      6. Status__c

      7. *Planned_Start_Date__c

      8. Planned_End_Date__c

      9. Location__c

      10. Project_Indicator__c > Description__c

      11. Objective__c > Label__c

    2. Updated EDIT_ACTIVITY_POPUP to include:

      1. *Name

      2. Type__c

      3. Description__c

      4. Parent_Activitiy__c

      5. Status__c

      6. *Actual_Start_Date__c

      7. Actual_End_Date__c

      8. Location__c

      9. Project_Indicator__c > Description__c

      10. Objective__c > Label__c

    3. Updated ACTIVITY_TABLE_COLUMNS to include:

      1. Project_Indicator__r.Description__c

      2. Project_Objective__r.Label__c

      3. Contact__r.Name

  2. Page layout

    1. Updated so that Implementation_Plan__c is required

Changes to Financial__c object
  1. Field sets

    1. Type__c

    2. Category__c

    3. Subcategory__c

    4. Name

    5. Amount_Planned__c

    6. Amount_Actual__c

    7. Cost_Per_Unit__c

    8. Unit__c

    9. Quantity__c

    10. Description__c

    11. Activity__c

    12. Reporting_Period__c

    13. New field set BUDGET_EXCEL_COLUMNS:

  2. Fields

    1. Reporting_Period__c: Master-detail updated to be reparentable

Changes to Budget__c object
  1. Page layout

    1. Added Download and Upload buttons (Lightning Actions)

Changes to Project_Objective__c object
  1. Field sets

    1. Label__c

    2. Description__c

    3. Level__c

    4. Parent_Objective__c

    5. Deactivated__c


  2. Page layout

    1. Added new fields Parent_Project_Objective__c and Deactivated__c

Global Value Sets
  1. New Global Value Set: Indicator_Fields

Custom Labels

(See the full list of custom labels here)

  1. New custom labels

    1. Value: “Edit Framework Item”

    2. Function: Header for Edit Framework Item popup on ManageLogframes

    3. Value: “Delete Framework Item”

    4. Function: Header for Delete Framework Item popup on ManageLogframes

    5. Value: “Are you sure you want to remove this Framework Item from the Project?”

    6. Function: Text for Delete Framework Item popup on ManageLogframes

    7. Value: “Delete Failed”

    8. Function: Notification when deleting an Activity in the Activity Tracking component fails





    13. Any custom label where the first category is “Budget” is a new custom label. These can be updated (i.e. overridden using Translation Workbench) according to the use case.

  2. Updated custom labels

    1. Original Value: “a. Instructions on how to customize Number format in Mac: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH25636?locale=en_US

    2. New Value: “a. Instructions on how to customize Number format in Mac: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH23765?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US

    3. Function: Step in the Instructions tab of the Excel downloaded from STAR to customize Number format in Excel on a Mac


Portuguese (Brazil) Translation

Amp Impact is now available to be used in Portuguese. Refer to the Upgrade Instructions for guidance on how to set up users to use Amp in Portuguese.

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