Cassiopeia (v1.24.1) | Release Notes | April 2020

Cassiopeia (v1.24.1) | Release Notes | April 2020

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. Detailed information on Set-up, Configuration and Feature Information is available in the Installation Guide and User Guide for each release.

Contact support@verasolutions.org to share feedback.

Key Product Features

New Features

View and Export data in Multiple Languages 

Now Amp will enable users to view and export data in multiple languages! For instance, a French speaking user can now enter/view data in French and an English speaking user can enter/view the same data in English.

Amp will support a maximum of any three Roman alphabet languages, in addition to English. The multi-language capability will be available for the following features:

  1. Manage Indicators

  2. Manage Framework

  3. Set Targets

  4. Add Results

  5. Performance Graphs

Amp would have multilingual text fields. For instance, Indicator Definition would have 4 fields such that the default language field is in English and languages 1, 2 and 3 can be determined by the client. Based on each user’s language selection, it would then display the relevant output fields on each visualforce page.

Admin Note

  1. A new custom label USER_LANGUAGE_CODE will be created with a default value of 0 where 0 signifies the default language (i.e. English).

  2. For each text field for the aforementioned features in Amp, three additional text fields will be created to store the translated values that are entered by users in ampi__[FieldName]_Language_1__c, ampi__[FieldName]_Language_2__c and ampi__[FieldName]_Language_3__c

  3. For each text field, a formula(text) field will be created to display the translated value depending on the user’s language. This implies that ampi__[FieldName]_Translated__c will print the text entered by users in ampi__[FieldName]_Language_1__c when USER_LANGUAGE_CODE = 1. Similarly, it will print the text entered by users in ampi__[FieldName]_Language_2__c and ampi__[FieldName]_Language_3__c when USER_LANGUAGE_CODE = 2 or 3 respectively.


 Please note the following for a clearer understanding of the feature:

  1. This feature only supports viewing/exporting data entered by users in multiple languages. It does not support translation of Amp standard or custom fields. Salesforce Translation Workbench supports translation of field labels.

  2. This feature does not work as a translator i.e. Amp will not translate data entered by users from one language to another. It will only provide the functionality for different users to view/export data in their respective desired languages.

Feature Enhancements

Submission: Limit the number of characters entered in Submission Response Form for qualitative responses

Define word limits for qualitative questions and provide guidance to grantees / users reporting on how to submit concise responses and adhere to the format provided by their donors.

This functionality will be added to the Submissions feature by configuring a number field Text_Response_Character_Limit_c on the Question object. The field will display on the Submission Template Builder. This field will allow M&E Managers to customise the maximum character limit that grantees and program managers can enter, for every answer where Response Type is Qualitative. If the maximum length of response for a qualitative question is more than  the user-defined character limit, Grantees and Program Managers will get an error for their response to that particular question.

Grant managers can now add multi-select questions to the submission form using the Submission Template Builder. Now, on the New Question Template popup, in the response type field, a  new picklist value Multi-Select Question will be available as an option. The grant manager can add comma separated values in the Picklist Value field which would display as options for multi-select questions.Submission: Addition of multi-select picklist question type for grantees 

Submissions: Addition of a new multi-select picklist field for grantees

Grant managers can now add multi-select questions to the submission form using the Submission Template Builder. A new picklist value Multi-Select Question will be available as an option in the Response Type field on New Question Template popup. The grant manager can add comma separated values in the Picklist Value field which would display as options for multi-select questions.

Submission: Submission reviewer can see different help text than the submitter 

Previously, the submission reviewer could not view any help text while scoring submissions. Help text would be displayed only for submitters. 

This is now resolved so that reviewers can be shown different help text from the ones being shown to the submitter. The reviewer-specific help text will give them guidance on how to score responses submitted. A new field, Reviewer Instructions, has been configured on Question object and Section object. This new field has been added to Add/Edit Question Popup and Add/Edit Section Popup.

Submission: Clone custom fields via SubmissionClone lightning component 

Previously, the SubmissionClone Lightning component only cloned the standard Amp fields on Submission, Section, and Question objects. 

Now, any custom fields added on the aforementioned objects would also get cloned via the SubmissionClone Lightning component. This means that grant managers can seamlessly clone their Submissions without having to re-populate the custom lookup field that is setup while configuring the Submission feature.

Aggregated Project Indicators: Map unknown values in source records to Amp sex-disaggregation values 

Previously, empty fields which had no associated sex values popuated on source records, would not get aggregated while displaying results on Results page. The same would also happen if there were any unmapped values (i.e. values in source record that do not map to the Male and Female disaggregation values set in the Aggregation Setting popup) in fields tracking sex related information on source records.

This is now resolved by removing the ‘Unknown’ disaggregation value from Aggregation Setting popup so that any source records that do not match the 'Male' or 'Female' mapped values (including an empty field tracking sex related information on source records) are automatically mapped to the 'Unknown' disaggregation value on Results page. 

Aggregated Project Indicator: Map multiple values in source records to Amp sex-disaggregation values 

Previously, the user could map only a single field value (of source records) to sex-disaggregation options: Male and Female. This could be limiting especially when source records are imported from multiple sources (external excel, API etc.) to Amp, and may contain different field values specifying gender (e.g. Field “Gender” of source records can have values such as “Male”, “M”, “Man” etc. to specify Male gender).

This has now been resolved such that multiple sex-disaggregation values from source records can be mapped to the aggregation criteria settings. Per the example above, the source records with values “Male” and “M” would be aggregated to sex-disaggregation value Male on Results page.

Project Indicator: A Project Indicator is automatically created when a new Catalog Indicator with ITA (marked as required) and related PTA are added to Project

When a user creates the following junction records associated with the same thematic area:

  1. A Project Thematic Area record by relating a thematic area to a project

  2. An Indicator Thematic Area record by relating a catalog indicator and a thematic area such that Required__c = TRUE

Then a Project Indicator will be automatically created, by adding the catalog indicator to the same project which is related to the thematic area. For instance, if a Project Thematic Area exists ("Education" Thematic Area is added to "Education Haryana" project) and an Indicator Thematic Area is created (Catalog Indicator "Scores in Maths" is related to Thematic Area "Education"), then the Catalog Indicator will automatically be added to ("Education Haryana") project. In the above example, it would then display as a Project Indicator in the Selected Indicators table of "Education Haryana" project. 

Resolved Issues

Aggregated and Calculated Indicators: Updated Last Aggregation Date and Last Calculation Date for mass run of the batch

Previously, if a user ran a batch to calculate results for Aggregated and/or Calculated Project Indicators en masse, the Last Aggregation and Last Calculation Date fields did not update. When the user ran the batch en masse, either of the following happened to the Last Aggregation Date and Last Calculation Date fields:

  1. Either these fields remained NULL if the batch had not been previously run once individually for that Project Indicator 

  2. Or these fields continued to display the date value of the previous individual run of the batch

This is now resolved to ensure that the Last Aggregation Date and Last Calculation Date fields update when the batch is run en masse.

STAR: Downloaded Excel file to display project indicators in same order as on STAR pages 

Previously, the Excel file downloaded from STAR pages would always display project indicators in alphabetical order, regardless of the value selected in the STAR Project Indicator Order field.

This is now fixed, such that the Excel file will display project indicators  as ordered on the picklist value selected in the STAR Project Indicator Order field.

Budget Upload: Upload Excel without changing Date and Date/Time fields to Text

Previously, if the user uploaded a Financial line item with any date and/or date/time values in the Budget excel template, the file did  not upload successfully. In order to upload the Excel correctly, the user had to convert the date and/or date/time values into text type before uploading the Excel.

This is now resolved to ensure that the user can successfully upload the Budget without manually changing the date and/or date/time values to text type in Excel.

Project Indicator: Deleting a Project Indicator with a child Disaggregated Project Indicator 

Previously, users were unable to delete any Project Indicator with a child Disaggregated Project Indicator using Salesforce native interface and developer console. User views an error after clicking on Delete for the specific Project Indicator. This does not affect Project Indicators cross-disaggregated by sex. Users were able to delete Project Indicators with a child Disaggregate Project Indicator using the ManageIndicators page.

This is now resolved so that a user is able to delete any Project Indicator that has a child Disaggregated Project Indicator through the native interface or through developer console.

Activities: Project Objective and Project Indicator lookups

Previously, users would view all Project Objectives and Project Indicators (within or outside a project) when clicking into their respective lookup fields on the Add/Edit Activity popup. 

This is now fixed to display only those Project Objectives and Project Indicators that belong to the current project.

Activities: Display an error if an Activity record is not created 

Previously, if a user created a new Activity and filled any of the Amp or custom fields incorrectly (for example, incorrect date format, exceeded character limit) in the New Activity popup, then clicking Save did not create a new Activity record. However, a success toast displayed stating that the new Activity record is created. The new Activity record did not display in the Activity Chart component and the user was not informed that the new Activity record was not created nor the reason behind it. 

This is now resolved, such that an error message displays adjacent to the field that has been populated incorrectly after the user clicks on Save in the New Activity popup.

Activities: Notify the user about insufficient access to fields and objects

Previously, if a user did not have access to custom fields added by the System Administrator for the Add/Edit Activity popup field set, the user was still able to enter data in those fields. After clicking on Save, the Activity record was not created and/or the edits were not saved. However, a success toast displayed stating that the new Activity record was created. The new Activity record did not display in the Activity Chart component and also the user was not informed that the new Activity record was not created and the edits were not saved. 

This is now resolved by informing the user about their field and object access such that:

  • If the user does not have edit access to a field, it will display as read-only/un-editable

  • The Add New Activity button is hidden if the user does not have access to create a new Activity

Manage Indicators: Filters were not cleared when the user navigated away from Project record 

Previously, if a user (in Salesforce Lightning) applied filters on the Manage Indicators page and navigated away from the Project record and then navigated back to the filtered page, then the filter interface was cleared but the filter(s) continued to be applied. This is applicable to both search bar and advanced filters. The filters are cleared only when the user clicks on the Clear Filter(s) button.

This is now resolved such that the filters are no longer applied, in addition to the filter interface being cleared.

Manage Indicators and STAR: Filtering Project Indicators using special characters 

Previously, if the user filtered using special characters in the Search Bar on Manage Indicators and STAR pages for text/text area/ long text/ rich text area field types, the user would receive unexpected results.

This is now resolved so that the filter throws correct results for the following special characters: "-", "[", "]", "/", "{", "}", "(", ")", "*", "+”, "?", ".", "\", "^", "$", "|".

Project Objective: Project Objective cannot be edited to become its own parent

Previously, if a user clicked into the Parent Objective field in the Edit Objective popup, the same Project Objective would display in the dropdown as an option. The user could select the same Project Objective to become its own parent. On clicking Save, the user would receive an error message.

This is now resolved to improve the user experience by updating the Parent Objective field such that it does not display the same Project Objective in the dropdown as an available option.

Disbursements: Notify the user about not deleting disbursements when Status = ‘Paid’ 

Previously, if a user tried to delete a disbursement record when the disbursement Status equaled ‘Paid’, the disbursement record was not deleted. However, the user was not notified that the disbursement record was not deleted.

This is now resolved such that the delete icon is greyed out and made un-clickable if a disbursement record is created and/or updated with Status equaled ‘Paid’.

Submission: Change in display of radar charts when a section is not scored 

Previously, if a section in the submission had not been scored, it would still display as a point in the radar charts component. Moreover, when the user would hover their cursor over the point, the tooltip would indicate that the score is 0, even though it had been left blank. This was a confusing user experience, because it appeared as if the Section was scored with 0 when in fact it was not scored at all.

This is now resolved by updating the display of radar charts component such that the radar chart shows as disconnected when a section is not scored (i.e. it does not create a closed shape). When the score on a section is 0, the radar chart shows as connected (i.e. it creates a closed shape) and displays a point in the radar chart.

IATI Activity XML: XML file to print target and actual values for qualitative and milestone project indicators 

Previously, the target and actual (result) data values for project indicators, where Data Type = Milestone or Qualitative, were not being printed in the IATI Activity XML file. Note that the indicator definitions for these qualitative and milestone indicators would still be printed in the XML file.

This has now been fixed such that the target and result data values get published in the IATI Activity XML file generated by using Amp Impact.

IATI Activity XML: XML file to have as many period sub-elements as the number of reporting periods associated with a project indicator 

Previously, if a project indicator was associated with multiple reporting periods, the XML file would contain only one period sub-element containing multiple period-start and period-end elements (one pair per reporting period associated with the project indicator). For instance, if a project indicator is associated with 3 reporting periods, then the period sub-element would contain 3 pairs of period-start and period-end elements. Consequently, the IATI XML file validation would fail because each period element should have only one pair of period-start and period-end elements. 

This has now been resolved so that each period element will have only one pair of period-start and period-end elements. Per the aforementioned example, there would be 3 period elements printed in the XML file, each containing a pair of period-start and period-end elements.

Manage Indicators: View state error

As a result of the number of Project Indicators, Catalog Indicators and long text area (LTA) fields referenced on the Manage Indicators page, clients may experience a view state error.

Per salesforce limits, while the page will continue to have a limit on the number of records supported, we have made additional code changes to optimise for more records. Please check the record limits page in the User Guide and the Installation Guide to review the updated numbers.

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