Electra (v1.26.1) | Release Notes | February 2021

Electra (v1.26.1) | Release Notes | February 2021

Our release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. Detailed information on Set-up, Configuration and Feature Information is available in the Installation Guide and User Guide for each release.

Contact support@verasolutions.org to share feedback.

Key Product Features

New Features

Manage Frameworks rebuild as Lightning Web Component

The Manage Frameworks page has been rebuilt as a Lightning Web Component. With this new interface, the page now also accommodates three key updates: multiple frameworks, ability to add objectives from a catalog, and compatibility with standard/custom objects.

Multiple Frameworks

In the Visualforce version of the page, a single record could only have one associated Framework. Since there may be a need to create more than one Framework on a single record (e.g. reporting on different logical frameworks to different funders), the Lightning Web Component version of Manage Frameworks enables the user to create, edit, and view multiple Frameworks within the same page.

Catalogue of Objectives

In earlier versions, only custom objectives could be added directly on the path, and catalog-level objectives could only be added to a framework through the related list on Project. With this new version, the catalog of objectives will be accessible directly on the page, so that users can easily add and build out their framework.

Activities Gantt Chart rebuild as Lightning Web Component

The Activities Gantt Chart page has been rebuilt as a Lightning Web Component. With this new interface, the page now also accommodates multiple key updates: activity dependencies, drag and drop rescheduling track percent completion, critical path, and compatibility with standard/custom objects.

Activity Dependencies

Users can now create, manage, and visualize dependencies between activities to mark whether one activity can only start based on the milestone (e.g. start, end) of another activity. Users can add these dependencies directly in the Gantt chart by clicking on the leading activity and dragging the dependency arrow to the following activity.

Drag and Drop Rescheduling

In the Aura Component version of the page, users had to open the Edit Activity popup in order to reschedule an activity. In the new Lightning Web Component, users can simply click on the activity’s timeline within the Gantt Chart and drag it to a new place in the Implementation Plan’s timeline to reschedule.

Track Percent Completion

Mark progress for an activity by filling in the timeline bar to indicate the percent completion. 

Critical Path

Define and visualize the critical path of an implementation plan, by tracking the set of activities that must start and finish on time in order to ensure the implementation plan ends on schedule.

Compatibility with Standard/Custom Objects

The components listed below can now be used on any object, including standard Salesforce objects and custom objects:

  • Manage Frameworks Lightning Web Component

  • Activity Gantt Chart Lightning Web Component

  • Set Targets Visualforce Page

  • Add Results Visualforce Page

  • Manage Disbursements Visualforce Page

  • Performance Graphs Visualforce Page

Admin Note

The Manage Indicators Lightning Web Component was already made compatible with any object in the previous Amp release.

Details on how to set this up can be found in the Installation Guide.

Library of Reference Data

With this release of Amp Impact, a library of reference/catalog data is now available. This includes ready-to-upload spreadsheets of several catalog-level Amp objects (e.g. Geographic Areas, Indicators, Objectives), based on standard libraries used throughout the social impact space. Below you will find the standard libraries included in this release, along with the Amp objects that will be supported.


The Department for International Development (DFID) was the United Kingdom’s former government department responsible for administering international aid. Its Results Framework provides a standard for impact measurement that enables organizations to track their progress toward and contribution to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


Amp Object Label

Amp Object API Name


Thematic Area






Result Commitment



Coalition Priority



Structural Reform Plan/Action


IRIS+ is an initiative by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) to provide a standard set of indicators for investors to monitor their impact across different impact categories, enabling them to optimize positive impact and minimize negative impact.


Amp Object Label

Amp Object API Name





Primary Impact Category

Thematic Area


Impact Category and Theme

SDG Goal

SDG Targets



 Admin Note  

The SDG Goals and Targets can be uploaded from the SDG Library.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals set by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as an international call for action. Within each Goal is a set of Targets and Indicators that development organizations can use to monitor their impact within each Goal.

SDG Data

Amp Object Label

Amp Object API Name

SDG Goal

Thematic Area


SDG Target



SDG Indicator




The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) collects and publishes international standards in its catalog. Among their most commonly used standards in the development space, ISO-3166 defines country codes that enables organizations to codify and standardize their geography-specific data.

ISO Data

Amp Object Label

Amp Object API Name


Geographic Area




The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a campaign to improve the transparency of development aid and their humanitarian impact. While IATI relies on organizations’ proactivity in aid and impact reporting, it also enforces a strict country coding in their reports so that geography-specific funds and results are easily monitored across IATI Activities and Organizations.


Amp Object Label

Amp Object API Name


Geographic Area



Feature Enhancements

Updates to Submissions

Several major enhancements to Submissions have been made in this release, including: Auto-saving submissions templates and paginating long forms.

Auto-save of Submission Templates

With this release, the “Save” button on the Template Builder will be deprecated, as any changes to the template will be automatically saved as they are made. (The “Save” button in the Add and Edit popups for Sections and Questions will still need to be clicked to create/update Section and Question records.)

Paginate Long Forms

To improve the user experience when filling out long forms, pagination is now supported in submission responses. While building out a template, users can determine on a Section whether it should start a new page for respondents. This will be indicated by a line in the Template Builder.

Manage Indicators: Define the number of decimal places for numeric indicators at the catalogue level

Previously, the Number of Decimal Places field was set only at the Project level, such that it had to be defined and customized every time an indicator was added to a project. With this release, a new field (ampi__Number_Of_Decimal_Places__c) has been added to the Catalog Indicator object (ampi__Indicator__c) so that this can be defined at the catalog level and automatically pulled down to the project level.

Set Targets/Add Results: List Geographic Areas in alphabetical order in dropdown

In earlier versions of Amp, Geographic Areas would display in the dropdown picklist on Set Targets and Add Results according to the hierarchy, but in no discernable order at certain levels within the hierarchy. This has been updated so that the Geographic Areas will display both according to the hierarchy and alphabetically within a particular level in the hierarchy, for example:

  • Bangladesh

  • India

    • Gujarat

    • Karnataka

    • Maharashtra

      • Mumbai

      • Pune

  • Nepal

Set Targets/Add Results Excel Upload: Uploaded ContentVersion appears in related list on Reporting Period

The ContentVersion record that is created when uploading targets or results on the Set Targets and Add Results page previously would be unattached to any record and only accessible through the Files tab in a Salesforce system. This has been updated so that the ContentVersion will appear as a File related to the parent Reporting Period and can be accessed through a related list on the parent record.

Aggregated Indicators: Use a date picker when setting filter criteria with a date field

When setting the aggregation criteria for a Project Indicator, the filter interface has been improved for date fields. If a date field is selected as a filter for the source data, instead of manually typing in a date value, users can directly select a date in a date picker.

Aggregated Indicators: Improved user experience with picklists in Aggregation Setting popup

Previously, when a user expanded a picklist in the Aggregation Setting popup, it would only remain expanded while the user hovered their cursor over the actual picklist. This created an inconsistent and inconvenient user experience, where the picklist would display as closed if the user moved their cursor away from the picklist. This has been improved such that the open state of picklists is maintained until the user either makes a selection in the picklist or clicks away to close the picklist.

Aggregated Indicators: Update label for Record Type filter

In earlier versions, there was an inconsistency with the label of the Record Type filter, in which the label displayed “Record Type Id” but the filter accepted the Name value of the Record Type. This has been resolved so that the filter label is now Record Type Label and continues to accept the Name value of the Record Type.

Automation: Deactivate Project Indicator Deletion when Removing Related Project Thematic Areas

Two updates have been made to improve the user experience when managing Project Thematic Areas that are linked to required Project Indicators.

Triggers to delete/deactivate Project Indicators when a related Project Thematic Area is deleted are default inactive

With prior updates to sync Thematic Areas and Indicators when adding and removing Thematic Areas to Projects, a trigger was included that would, when a Thematic Area was removed from a Project, delete Project Indicator records that were required for that Thematic Area. This also then deleted related Result data.

Since this could cause unintended data loss, the trigger is now by default inactive. Note that this only affects new installs; existing users should manually deactivate the related trigger using the Dynamic Loader custom setting if they do not want this functionality.

When a Project Indicator is required for multiple Thematic Areas, only delete/deactivate the Project Indicator if all related Thematic Areas are removed from a Project

Previously, if an Indicator was marked as required (via Indicator Thematic Area) for multiple Thematic Areas and those Thematic Areas were added to a Project, then the Indicator would only be added to the Project once, as expected. However, if only one of those Thematic Areas was removed from the Project (i.e. Project Thematic Area is deleted), then the related Project Indicator would also be deleted or deactivated, even though it was still required for another Thematic Area.

This has been improved so that the Project Indicator is only deleted or deactivated if all the related Thematic Areas are removed from the Project.

Automation: Optimize Objective process to avoid governor limits

An earlier version of the Process that copied Catalog Objective field values into the fields on a related Project Indicator included each field update as a separate action in the process. This has been optimized so that all field updates are included in a single action that reduces the chance for a user to run into Salesforce’s governor limits.

Setup: Define filter criteria for lookup fields via custom metadata type

Due to the limitation of native lookup filters not being respected in custom interfaces, this new release has introduced a new field on the Lookup Display Field custom metadata type to enable System Administrators to define filter criteria for lookup fields included in any of the popup or Excel upload field sets in Amp. These filter criteria are now respected on the Financial Excel Download/Upload component and Manage Frameworks Visualforce page; filter criteria on any other component is still hard-coded.

Disbursements: Improvements to Disbursements table

Several changes have been made to the Disbursements table to improve both the user and administrator experience.

Improvements to the field set and table columns

The Disbursement Table field set has been updated so that it includes more fields out of the box in the field set and in a more commonly used order. Full details for the updates to the field set can be found in the Packaging Changes section.

Additionally, hard coded fields have been removed and added to the field set, so that System Administrators can fully customize the field set per the organization’s use case. Likewise, the first column will be hyperlinked such that a Disbursement record can be opened in a new tab directly from the table.

Display of field-type specific data in the table

Two updates have been made for specific field types to ensure that the user experience is consistent with native Salesforce.

  1. Field type-specific symbols (e.g. currency symbol, percent symbol) now display in the table if the relevant field is included in the field set. Previously, only currency code would display.

  2. Date locales now display according to the user locale so that it is consistent with Salesforce.

Fixed alignment of the table

Previously the columns were center-aligned, which would create a sub-optimal user experience depending on field label or field value length. This has been changed to left align column values, which also makes it consistent with the rest of Amp Impact.

Disbursements: Improved error handling

In earlier versions, the error handling for custom validation on the Disbursements page would display on the table itself, instead of within the Add/Edit Disbursement popups. This has been updated so that custom validation will display in the popup itself and prevent the user from closing the popup.

Manage Framework (Visualforce): Improved user experience - Freeze column headers while scrolling

In earlier versions of the Manage Framework page, when a user scrolled through the framework, the column header would scroll with the table, so the user would lose the context of the values in the table. This has been updated so that the column headers are frozen as the user scrolls through the table.

Resolved Issues

Manage Indicators (Lightning Web Component): Action(s) taken on other pages displays the Refresh Banner in Communities

In the last release, actions taken on certain pages (Manage Framework, Manage Indicator Visualforce page) would not generate the Refresh Banner on the Manage Indicators Lightning Web Component in Community Experience, which would then not inform the user if they needed to view updated data in the page. This has been updated so that the banner displays accurately based on data updates on all other components.

Manage Indicators (Lightning Web Component): Action dropdown no longer obscured by other components

Previously, if another component was dropped to the right of the Manage Indicators Lightning Web Component in a Lightning App, that component would obscure the action dropdown. This has been fixed so that the action dropdown displays on top of all components in the page and can be seen in full.

Manage Indicators (Lightning Web Component): URL fields supported

In the initial release of the Lightning Web Component, inputs to any custom URL field in the Add New Indicator or Customize Project Indicator popups would return an “invalid format” error, even if the entered value was in the correct URL format. This has been updated so that the error is no longer thrown incorrectly and that records are saved.

Manage Indicators (Lightning Web Component): Default order (Alphabetical by Indicator Definition Translated) used when indicator catalogue table order = NULL

Previously, the Indicator Catalog would not have a default order if the Indicator Catalog Table Order on the Project was not populated. This was inconsistent with the Selected Indicators Table, which has a default order of alphabetically ascending by Indicator Definition (Translated) if no custom order has been defined, and created a confusing user experience as Catalog Indicators were ordered randomly. As a result, the default order for the Indicator Catalog has been set to also be alphabetically ascending by Indicator Definition (Translated), irrespective of the value in the Indicator Catalog Table Order field.

Manage Indicators (Visualforce and Lightning Web Component): Default value for Yellow/Green Threshold prints correctly as 100 in Customize Project Indicator Popup

With the addition of default values for the threshold fields in the last release, the default value for the Yellow/Green Threshold would incorrectly show as 1 while editing Project Indicators using either Manage Indicators interface. While the data saved correctly, it created an inconsistent user experience, as the Red/Yellow Threshold would display as 75. This has been resolved so that the Yellow/Green Threshold displays as 100.

Manage Indicators (Visualforce): Dynamic Search Filters order according to the field set

Previously, the Dynamic Search Filters on the Manage Indicators Visualforce page would sometimes display in an order inconsistent with the order defined in the filter field set. This has been resolved so that the filter fields are ordered as defined by the field set.

Aggregated/Calculated Indicators: Improved User Experience 

User with limited permissions cannot run batches

In earlier releases, if a user did not have the correct permissions to run batches (e.g. create/edit access to ampi__Result__c), they could still follow the steps to run the batch for Aggregated or Calculated Indicators, and it would even update the Last Aggregated Date or Last Calculated Date field, even though no Results would be generated/updated.

This has been resolved so that a user without sufficient permissions for running batches will be notified that they cannot run the batch, and the date fields are no longer updated.

Updated Indicator Definition displays in aggregation setting/calculation formula popup header

Previously, if the Indicator Definition was edited at the same time as the Type of Results value being toggled from Input to either Aggregated or Calculated, the header in the Aggregation Setting or Calculation Formula popup would display the earlier Indicator Definition value, instead of the edited one. This has been updated so that the popup header is synced with updates to the Indicator Definition field.

Calculated Indicators: Corrected Result Calculations for Percent Project Indicators

If a source Project Indicator’s data type was set as Percent and included in the formula of a calculated Project Indicator, then the resulting calculation would be incorrect, as it would calculate the whole number value of the Percent Indicator’s Results (e.g. Total number of persons [100] * Percentage of persons below 18 [20%] would result in a calculation of 2000 instead of 20).

This has been modified so that if a source Project Indicator contains percent data, the calculation will respect that and generate accurate results.

Calculated Indicators: Input box expands dynamically to accommodate formula length

In earlier versions, if a formula was created that expanded beyond the height of the input box, the input box would not re-render according to the formula’s size. This has been updated so that the input box dynamically expands when the formula exceeds the height of the box.

Dynamic Search Filters: Improvements to User Interface

Dropdowns for Picklist and Lookup Filters No longer Overlap

In all Visualforce pages using Dynamic Search filters, picklist and lookup filters that were adjacent in the field set would overlap when clicking between the fields. This has been resolved so that only one filter will expand at a time and can be viewed/edited in isolation.

Dynamic Filters and QuickSearch Can Be Applied Together

Previously, the Dynamic Search Filters and QuickSearch could only be applied to a page separately. This has been improved so that both filter interfaces can be used in tandem, enabling users to provide more nuanced filter criteria for the different tables across the Visualforce pages.

Set Targets/Add Results Excel Upload: Indicator definitions order alphabetically in success and error logs

When uploading targets or results via Excel Upload and subsequently downloading the success or error logs, the Project Indicators would order by Created Date instead of by Indicator Definition. This has been resolved so that both logs order alphabetically by Indicator Definition, to be consistent with the actual Set Targets and Add Results Excel Download.

Add Results: Historical target values display correctly when toggling the Targets Are Disaggregated field value on a Disaggregated Project Indicator

In earlier releases, when Targets Are Disaggregated was changed from TRUE to FALSE for a Project Indicator that was disaggregated both by a custom disaggregation group and by sex, previously entered target values would not display consistently on the Add Results page, as the Total Target value and all Male Target values would be hidden. This has been fixed so that all historical target values continue to display on the page.

IATI: Resolved issues to pass validation while publishing

Several changes have been made to IATI publishing to ensure that the generated XML files pass IATI’s validation process.

Correct value printed into @type attribute for transaction/provider-org and transaction/receiver-org elements in Activity XML

Previously, either no value or a label value would be printed into the transaction/provider-org/@type and transaction/receiver-org/@type elements in the IATI Activity XML. This has been updated so that the correct code value is printed into both of these elements.

Remove duplicated code in indicator/ref element if result/ref element is already printed

IATI requires a code printed into only either the indicator/ref element or the parent result/ref element in the IATI Activity XML. Earlier versions of Amp printed a code into both, which caused XML file to fail validation. This has been fixed so the code is conditionally printed into only one or the other, depending on how an organization wishes to report their result data.

IATI: User generates IATI XML containing only data they can access

Previously, if a user lacked access to certain objects (i.e. Budget, Financial) that would be printed into the IATI XML, they would still be able to successfully generate an XML file with that restricted data, bypassing any security constraints set by the System Administrator. This has been fixed so that if a user does not have access to certain objects/records, then they can still generate the XML, but it will only contain the data for which they have the correct permissions.

Submissions: URL can be entered in All Caps

Previously, the Template Builder would throw an error if a custom URL field was included in either the Add/Edit Question or Add/Edit Section popups, and the URL value was entered in all caps, even if the value was technically in the correct URL format. This has been resolved so that the capitalization of entered values is ignored, and Questions and Sections can be saved successfully with URL values.

Submissions: User Interface improvements in the Submission Template Preview

Picklist Dropdown

When previewing a Submission Template, a picklist question would display with two toggle arrows, where the top one was greyed out, but the bottom one was highlighted. Since picklist questions are not clickable in preview mode, this has been updated so that both are greyed out.

Multi-select Picklist Dropdown

Multi-select picklists in the Submission Template preview displayed inconsistently with picklists, as they were not greyed, even though they are not clickable. This has been updated so that they are also greyed out to indicate to the user that they cannot be modified.

Disbursements: Thousands separators display in popups

Previously, when a number value that exceeded 1,000 was entered into a numeric field in any of the Disbursement popups, it would display without the thousands separator (e.g. 120,000 would display as 120000). This has been improved so that thousands separators, based on user locale, are automatically added into the input box for numeric fields as the user enters data into that field.

Salesforce Winter ’21 Release Compatibility

Salesforce’s Winter ’21 release introduced several changes that would affect Amp functionality. To ensure that the product continues working as expected, Amp Impact was updated to address the following updates to Salesforce:

Packaging Changes

New ampi__xx_Activity_Dependency__c object

  • New fields:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type

Preceding Activity



Succeeding Activity






  • New page layout: Activity Dependency Layout

New ampi__xx_Framework__c object

  • New fields:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type

Framework Name





Text Area(255)

Framework Locked


Checkbox(default FALSE)




Reviewer Comments


Text Area(255)




  • New page layout: Framework Layout

Changes to ampi__Project__c

Updated the formula for the following field on ampi__Project__c:

Field API Name

Original Formula

New Formula








IF(       ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),


IF(             ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),


IF(                ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),


IF(                        ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),


IF(                            ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),


IF(                                ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),


IF(                               ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),


IF( ISBLANK(ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__r.ampi__Parent_Project__c),































Changes to ampi__Disaggregated_Indicator__c

Descriptions have been modified for the following fields on ampi__Disaggregated_Indicator__c:

Field Label

Field API Name


Disaggregate Results


This field indicates whether to disaggregate results for this Project Indicator. The value in this field affects the display of the Project Indicator on AddResults.

Disaggregate Targets


This field indicates whether to disaggregate targets for this Project Indicator. The value in this field affects the display of the Project Indicator on SetTargets.

Changes to ampi__Reporting_Period__c

Descriptions have been modified for the following fields on ampi__Reporting_Period__c:

Field Label

Field API Name


Project Indicator Count


[NOT IN USE] Number field to store the count of project indicators that are related to this Reporting Period record

Result Count


[NOT IN USE] Number field to store the count of Project Indicators related to this Reporting Period that have had Result data entered

Target Count


[NOT IN USE] Number field to store the count of Project Indicators related to this Reporting Period that have had Target data entered

Changes to ampi__Activity__c

  • New fields: 

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type

Percent Complete


Percent(3, 0)

  • Updated fields: 

Field API Name

Data Type




Set default value to “Planning”



Updated help text to:

“When the Actual Start Date is left blank, the popover on the actual timeline displays the Actual End Date in its place.”



Updated help text to:

“When the Actual End Date is left blank, the popover on the actual timeline displays the Actual Start Date in its place.”



Updated help text to:

“When the Planned Start Date is left blank, the popover on the actual timeline displays the Planned End Date in its place.”



Updated help text to:

“When the Planned End Date is left blank, the popover on the actual timeline displays the Planned Start Date in its place.”

  • Changes to field sets:

Field Set API Name




Fields in popover that displays when hovering on Activity timeline

New field set


Search filters in Activity table

Added fields as available:

  • ampi__Actual_Start_Date__c

  • ampi__Actual_End_Date__c

  • ampi__Planned_Start_Date__c

  • ampi__Planned_End_Date__c

Removed field:

  • ampi__Activity_Information__c


Detail columns in Activity table

Added field as available:

  • ampi__Implementation_Plan__c


Fields in popup to create a new Activity

Added field as available:

  • ampi__Percent_Complete__c

Marked field as non-required:

  • ampi__Planned_Start_Date__c


Fields in popup to edit an Activity

Added field as available:

  • ampi__Percent_Complete__c

Marked field as non-required:

  • ampi__Actual_Start_Date__c

  • Updated Activity page layout with new fields

Changes to ampi__Catalog_Objective__c

  • New fields:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type

Include In Catalog


Checkbox (default FALSE)

  • Updated field sets:

Field Set API Name




Fields in popup when creating a custom Framework Objective

Reordered fields:

  • Name moved to top of field set and marked as required

Added field:

  • ampi__xx_Include_In_Catalog__c


Columns for table of catalog of objectives

New field set


Search filters for table of catalog of objectives

New field set

  • Updated Objective page layout with new fields

Changes to ampi__Objective__c

  • This object has been relabeled to “Framework Objective”.

  • New fields:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type




Project Indicator(s)


Long Text Area(5000)

Project Indicator(s) Language 1


Long Text Area(50000)

Project Indicator(s) Language 2


Long Text Area(50000)

Project Indicator(s) Language 3


Long Text Area(50000)

  • Updated fields:

Field API Name

Data Type




Relabeled field to “Parent Framework Objective”

  • Updated field sets

Field Set API Name




Fields in popup when editing a Framework Objective

Added field:

  • ampi__xx_Project_Indicator__c

Marked as required:

  • ampi__Label__c

  • Updated Project Objective page layout with new fields

Changes to ampi__Budget__c

  • New fields:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type




  • Updated Budget page layout with new fields

Changes to ampi__Implementation_Plan__c

  • New fields:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type




  • Updated Implementation Plan page layout with new fields

Declarative Automation

Process Builder

The process ampi__Pull_Objective_Level_onto_Project_Objective has been updated so that the field updates are consolidated into a single Update Records action. This process copies values entered into fields on the parent ampi__Catalog_Objective__c record into the fields of the child ampi__Objective__c record when that record is created. By default, the following fields are copied:

  • ampi__Description_Language_1__c

  • ampi__Description_Language__2

  • ampi__Description_Language_3__c

  • ampi__Description__c

  • ampi__Name_Language_1__c

  • ampi__Name_Language_2__c

  • ampi__Name_Language_3__c

  • Name

  • ampi__Level__c

This process is packaged as a template and can be deactivated / modified by System Administrators. See the Installation Guide for more guidance on customization.

Custom Metadata Types

Changes to ampi__Object_Lookup_Label_Mapping__mdt

  • New field:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type



Long Text Area(32768)

  • Updated Object Lookup Label Mapping page layout with new field

New Custom Metadata Type Records

The custom metadata type records listed below are created on ampi__Object_Lookup_Label_Mapping__mdt:

  1. Activity_Project_Objective

    1. Child Object Name: ampi__Activity__c

    2. Lookup Field Name: ampi__Project_Objective__c

    3. Parent Object Name: ampi__Objective__c

    4. Label Field API Name: ampi__Label_Translated__c

    5. Lookup Filter: "label": "ampi__Project__c","operator": "equals","value": "ampi__Implementation_Plan__r.ampi__Project__c"

  2. Activity_Project_Indicator

    1. Child Object Name: ampi__Activity__c

    2. Lookup Field Name: ampi__Project_Indicator__c

    3. Parent Object Name: ampi__Project_Indicator__c

    4. Label Field API Name: ampi__Description_Translated__c

    5. Lookup Filter: "label":"ampi__Project__c","operator":"equals","value":"ampi__Implementation_Plan__r.ampi__Project__c"

  3. Activity_Parent_Activity

    1. Child Object Name: ampi__Activity__c

    2. Lookup Field Name: ampi__Activity__c

    3. Parent Object Name: ampi__Parent_Activity__c

    4. Label Field API Name: Name

    5. Lookup Filter: "label": "ampi__Implementation_Plan__c","operator": "equals","value": "ampi__Implementation_Plan__c"

Custom Settings

Changes to ampi__Activities__c 

New fields:

Field Label

Field API Name

Data Type

Hide Display Baseline Button



Hide Delete Actions



Hide Display Critical Path Button



Hide Edit Actions



Custom Labels

New Custom Labels

API Name





Activities, Toast, Amp Impact

Delete Activity

Header label for Delete Activity popup


Activities, Interface, Amp Impact

View By Month

Button label to toggle timeline view


Activities, Interface, Amp Impact

View By Week

Button label to toggle timeline view


Activities, Interface, Amp Impact

View By Year

Button label to toggle timeline view


ManageFramework, Interface, Amp Impact

Add Objective from Catalog

Button label to open popup with catalog of objectives


ManageLogFrames LWC

Add Objective



ManageLogFrames LWC

Add Selected

Button label to add objectives selected from the catalog


Activity, Amp Impact

Delete Link

Header label for the popup to delete an activity dependency


Activity, Amp Impact

Are you sure you want to delete this dependency?

Text for the body of the popup to delete an activity dependency




Label to show that a Framework is Subitted


Activities, Interface, Amp Impact

Hide Baseline

Button label to hide baseline from timeline


Activities, Interface, Amp Impact

Hide Critical Path

Button label to hide critical path from timeline


ManageLogFrames LWC

No Catalog objectives found to link

Error message to indicate when no objectives are in the catalog


ManageLogFrames LWC


Header for column of checkboxes in Catalog of Objectives



Submit For Approval

Button label to submit Framework




Header label for confirmation popup to submit Framework



Confirm if you would like to submit your framework. Once your framework is submitted, it can no longer be modified.

Body text for confirmation popup to submit Framework


Framework, Amp Impact

Total Records Selected:

Text displayed ahead of pill indicating the number of records selected to be added in the Catalog of Objectives

Updated Custom Labels

API Name





ManageFramework, Interface, Amp Impact

Add Custom Framework Objective

Add Custom Framework Objective button


ManageFramework, Add New Objective popup, Amp Impact

Add Custom Framework Objective

Header in Add Custom Framework Objective popup


ManageFramework, Edit Framework Item popup, Amp Impact

Edit Framework Objective

Header for Edit Framework Objective popup on ManageLogframes


ManageFramework, Interface, Amp Impact

No Framework Objectives have been added to this Framework

Notification message for ManageFramework

Portuguese (Brazil) Translation

Labels in Amp Impact that have been added since Aquila are now available to be used in Portuguese. Refer to the Multi Language Capability Setup Guide to set up users to use Amp in Portuguese.

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