Add Results

This page covers:

Overview of Results in Amp Impact

Results track the progress on Project Indicators. Often, organizations compare Results data to Target or Baseline data values by Project Indicator.

Depending on an organization's impact measurement processes, they can enter Results by Project Indicator for different timeframes (Reporting Periods) and locations (Geographic Areas).

Add Results Page Options: Visualforce Page vs. Lightning Web Component

As with Frameworks and Indicator pages, Amp Impact comes with two options for displaying and managing Indicator data: Visualforce and Lightning Web Component. Depending on which option your organization uses, you would need to navigate to different sections of this guide to ensure the steps outlined here corresponds with what you’ll see in your system. Check with your System Administrator if you’re unsure which option you are using.


Visualforce Page

Lightning Web Component


Visualforce Page

Lightning Web Component

Add Results for Aggregated and calculated Indicators

Compare Results with Baseline values

Add Results for Picklist Indicators.

Add Results for Read-Only Indicators

Configurable Comment Pop-Up

Display deactivated Reporting Periods on the Add Results page. 

Add Results for Numerator/Denominator Indicators

Add Results for Project Indicators using the Lightning Web Component Lightning Web Component

Before you can add Results for your Project Indicators, there are a couple of Project setup-related tasks to complete:

  1. Set project-specific Reporting Periods

  2. Create Geographic Area records

  3. Set up Project Indicators

If any of these elements are missing, you’ll get a message saying: “The Project is not linked to at least one Project Indicator for a Reporting Period and Geographic Area.”

System Admin Note: Ensure that Disaggregated Project Indicator records have been created. If Disaggregated Project Indicator records are missing, you’ll get an error message saying “Something Went Wrong”.

Here is a screenshot of what you’ll see if the data setup is done correctly: When the Add Results table is loaded, the “Reporting Period” and “Geographic Area” dropdowns have default values selected. The Project Indicators corresponding to these selections are displayed on the Add Results table.

  1. Select a “Reporting Period” that you want to enter Result values for from the dropdown. Only Reporting Periods that are related to Project Indicators will be displayed in this list. The first Reporting Period is selected by default so remember to check and update the Reporting Period value if you’re adding Results for another period.

  2. Select a “Geographic Area” that you want to enter Target values for. Only Geographic Areas that are marked as “Active” will be available. Results can only be set for one location at a time. The first value in the list of Geographic Areas is selected by default so remember to check and update the Geographic Area value if you’re setting Results for another area.

  3. Select from “Baseline” or “Targets” in the “Compare With” dropdown. It allows you to compare Results with either Targets or Baseline values set for project Indicators. Read more about it here.

  4. The list of available Project Indicators that are related to the selected Reporting Periods and Geographic Areas will be displayed in the Add Results table. the indicator would be available for reporting on AddResults LWC irrespective of the Data Track field value.

  1. Each Project Indicator is hyperlinked to its record. Clicking on it will open the Project Indicator record in a new tab.

  2. Each Project Indicator also has an Information icon in the Project Indicator column. When you hover over the icon, a pop-over displays the additional information stored on the Project Indicator record. By default, Objectives, Guidelines, Disaggregation Groups, Cross-Disaggregated by Sex, and Calculation Factor are shown.

  3. There is a Search and Filter box at the top of the table that can be used to find specific Project Indicators to add Results for. Refer to this section if you want to make changes to this interface or filter functionality.

Compare Results Data with Target or Baseline Data Lightning Web Component

The “Compare With” dropdown allows you to compare Results against either Targets or Baseline values of Project Indicators. The “Compare With” dropdown will only be displayed on the Add Results Lightning Web Component if a Reporting Period for the Baseline is created.

By default, “Target” is selected in the “Compare With” dropdown. It will load the Add Results table with an additional Target column to the left of the Result column. Target and Result values can then be seen and compared side by side. 

Result Values can also be compared against Baseline values. To compare Results against Baseline Values, select the Baseline option in the “Compare With” dropdown and the additional Baseline column will be visible for easy comparison. Only Project Indicators associated with the selected Geographic Area, Reporting Period, and that has the “Has Baseline?” checkbox selected will be displayed on the table. 

Enter Result Values For Project Indicators Lightning Web Component

Once your Project Indicator and related Project data setup are done, you’ve set Targets, and Baseline values, you are ready to start entering Result data. Typically, there are two kinds of Project Indicators to add results for:

For both disaggregated and non-disaggregated Project Indicators, Result values need to be entered depending on the Data Type of the Indicator. This is defined on the Project Indicator level and summarized in the table below. These Result values are saved in the Result record.

Data Type 

Format of Input Field on Add Results Table

Relevant Fields on Result Record

Data Type 

Format of Input Field on Add Results Table

Relevant Fields on Result Record


(Number / Currency / Percent and Numerator/Denominator)


The following is accepted as input in the input field:

  1. Numbers as represented in Salesforce supported locales. 

  2. Decimal symbols such as ‘.’ , ‘,’ etc depending on the locale

  3. The number of digits that can be entered after a decimal place for a quantitative Project Indicator can be set using the “Number of Decimal Places Allowed” field. It allows you to choose between 0-2 places after the decimal point. Depending on the selection, up to 16 digits can be entered before the decimal place, and 0-2 digits can be entered after the decimal place. 

Thousand separators will be added to the number, on clicking out of the input field after entering the value, depending on the user’s locale.

For Project Indicators with Data Type Currency, the input field will display the Project Indicator’s Reporting currency code to the right of the input field. 

For Project Indicators with Data Type Percent, the input field will display a percentage (%) sign to the right of the input field.

  • Result Value

  • Result Numerator Value

  • Result Denominator Value

  • Female Result

  • Female Numerator Result

  • Female Denominator Result

  • Male Result

  • Male Numerator Result

  • Male Denominator Result

  • Unknown Result

  • Unknown Numerator Result

  • Unknown Denominator Result


Input fields will display a dropdown with Yes and No as values. By default, the value “None” will be shown on the dropdown. 

  • Result Milestone Value 

  • Female Result Milestone

  • Male Result Milestone

  • Unknown Result Milestone


Input fields will display a dropdown with values as defined by the user while creating the Project Indicator. By default, the value “None” will be shown on the dropdown. 

  • Result Qualitative Value 

  • Female Result Qualitative

  • Male Result Qualitative

  • Unknown Result Qualitative

  • Picklist Result Numeric Value

  • Female Picklist Numeric Value

  • Male Picklist Numeric Value

  • Unknown Picklist Numeric Value


A plus icon will be displayed. When the plus icon is clicked, it opens a pop-up that accepts rich text input. Once Results are entered, a pencil icon is displayed on the Add Results table. Hovering over the icon will give a preview of the Result entered. 

  • Result Qualitative Value 

  • Female Result Qualitative

  • Male Result Qualitative

  • Unknown Result Qualitative

Enter Result Values and Comments for Non-Disaggregated Project Indicators

For non-disaggregated Project Indicators, Result data is auto-saved for each input field after you enter a value and click out from the data input cell. Enter the Result values next to the relevant Project Indicator for the relevant Reporting Period.

Result data is not deleted by simply removing values from this table. Result data has to be manually deleted from the Results object. Contact your System Administrator if you require support with this.

Additionally, each Project Indicator row on the table has a comment icon. A comment pop-up is displayed when you click on this icon to add or edit any additional qualitative information about that Result value. Hover over the comment icon to display a preview of the comment after entering its result(s).

Enter Result Values for Disaggregated Project Indicators

There are a few clicks to enter disaggregated Result values for a particular Reporting Period: 

  1. Click on the plus (+) icon displayed. 

  2. A pop-up will appear where the number and format of input fields vary based on the “Data Type”, “Disaggregation Group”, “Cross-Disaggregated By Sex?”, and the “Calculate Total” fields. The pop-up header displays the “Indicator Definition” field, selected Geographic Area, and the Reporting Period for which Results are being entered in that order. To see more details about a Project Indicator, simply hover over the information icon.

  3. In the pop-up, the input field formats for each Data Type are followed. The display of the popup varies depending on the values of the following fields: “Calculate Total”, “Disaggregation Group” and “Cross Disaggregation By Sex”. Navigate to this page to learn more.

  4. Scroll horizontally or vertically within the pop to view all input fields. 

  5. Enter the Results in the pop-up. Result data entered in the pop-up will only be saved when the “Save” button is clicked. 

  6. Once Results have been added, the plus (+) icon will either be replaced by

    1. A hyperlinked numerical value (for Quantitative Indicators that have Calculate Total set to Sum Total), or

    2. A pencil icon (for all Qualitative Indicators and those Quantitative Indicators that have Calculate Total equal to Don’t Sum Total). 

In the case of Numerator/Denominator Indicators with Calculate Total set to Sum Total, the Summary Value is populated after performing the following calculation: (Sum of all numerators / Sum of all denominators) x Calculation Factor.

The Calculation Factor is also mentioned in the modal from Nashira (v1.38) release onwards.

For disaggregated Project Indicators, the comment icons will be shown inside the Disaggregation pop-up. 

  1. For Project Indicators that are Disaggregated by Sex, one comment icon is entered across the Male, Female, and Unknown Targets. 

  2. For Project Indicators that are Disaggregated by Group, one Comment can be entered for each Disaggregated value in the group. 

Click on the comment icon to display or add new comments. Hovering over the Comment icon displays a preview of the saved comment.

Mark Results as Not Applicable Lightning Web Component

Occasionally, Results cannot be reported due to irrelevance or extenuating circumstances. In these cases, Results can be marked as “Not Applicable” in the comment pop-up. This will update a field on the Result record so that not-applicable Results can be filtered out of any reports or dashboards. 

Indicator Performance Stoplights Lightning Web Component

Stoplight icons allow users to view Results’ performance compared to Targets at a glance on the Add Result table. Refer to this section to know more about setting them up. These icons can only be used if Targets are set for the specific Project Indicator.

Here is what is looks like for non-disaggregated Project Indicators:

Here is what it looks like for disaggregated Project Indicators:

Upload Documents Lightning Web Component

Users can upload relevant documents for reported Results by attaching them to the selecting Reporting Periods. 

  1. Click on the action icon on the top right of the page to see the “Attach Files” option.

  2. This will bring up a pop-up that will prompt you to upload documents:

    1. The pop-up header displays the selected Reporting Period

    2. Typically, the list of required documents is added to the pop-up to specify which documents are required.

  3. The list of documents already uploaded is added to the pop-up.

    1. These documents can be edited/updated versions can be uploaded using the Edit icon next to them in the table.

    2. Users can also delete the documents by clicking on the Delete icon next to them.

  4. Click on the “Upload Files” button to select the files or drop files directly in the drop zone to upload them.

Submit Results for Review Lightning Web Component

Some organizations have a process in place to submit, review, and lock Result data for editing once it is approved. If this feature is enabled, the “Submit” button can be used to lock the Results. 

  1. Click the “Submit “button and confirm the submission.

  2. Once the Users confirm by clicking on the Confirm button, the Results in the Add Results table are locked for the selected Reporting Period.

    1. The “Upload” button is also greyed out to prevent any additional Results from being uploaded. 

    2. Disaggregated result data or qualitative targets can still be viewed by clicking on the hyperlinked total value or eye icon, which will open a read-only version of the disaggregated data entry popup.

When Results /Reporting Periods are submitted and locked via the “Submit and Lock Wizard” users will see the same interface as mentioned above. This Wizard is available from Mira Release (v1.37) onwards

Multiple Users Making Updates Simultaneously: Refresh the Add Results Component Lightning Web Component

Often, there are a number of users in the system, entering and managing data simultaneously. If another user makes and saves updates on a component or a related component (like the Framework or Project Indicators) while you’re working in the system, you’ll see a notification that alerts you that changes have been made. Click on the “Refresh” icon to load and reflect the latest data on the Add Results component along with all the Results that have been previously recorded. For example, if the Project Indicator Definition is edited or a Geographic Area is marked Inactive, these changes will be reflected once the Add Results component is refreshed. 

Add Results for Project Indicators using the Visualforce Page Visualforce Page

Before you can add Results for your Project Indicators, there are a couple of Project setup-related tasks to complete:

  1. Set project-specific Reporting Periods

  2. Create Geographic Area records

  3. Set up Project Indicators

Here is a screenshot of what you’ll see if the data setup is done correctly:

  1. Select a “Reporting Period” that you want to enter Result values for from the dropdown. Only Reporting Periods that are related to Project Indicators will be displayed in this list. The first Reporting Period is selected by default so remember to check and update the Reporting Period value if you’re adding Results for another period.

2. Select a “Geographic Area” that you want to enter Target values for. Only Geographic Areas that are marked as “Active” will be available. Results can only be set for one location at a time. The first value in the list of Geographic Areas is selected by default so remember to check and update the Geographic Area value if you’re setting Results for another area.

3. The list of available Project Indicators that are related to the selected Reporting Periods and Geographic Areas will be displayed in the Add Results table. By default, the Project Indicator Definition (or the translated value if applicable) is displayed on the left side of the table.

4. Each Project Indicator also has an information icon in the Project Indicator column. When you hover over the icon, a pop-over displays the additional information stored on the Project Indicator record.

5. Each Project Indicator row has a comments icon. When clicked, a comments pop-up window displays to track any notes/guidelines the user wants to track. These are saved to the comments field on the Result object.

6. There is a Search and Filter box at the top of the table that can be used to find specific Project Indicators to set Results for. Refer to this section if you want to make changes to this interface or filter functionality.

Enter Result Values For Project Indicators Visualforce Page

Once your Project Indicator and related Project data setup are done, you’re ready to start adding Results. Typically, there are two kinds of Project Indicators to set targets for:

For both disaggregated and non-disaggregated Project Indicators, result values need to be entered depending on the Data Type of the Indicator. This is defined on the Project Indicator level and summarized in the table below. These values are saved in the Result record.

Data Type 

Format of Input Field on Add Results Table

Relevant Fields on Result Record

Data Type 

Format of Input Field on Add Results Table

Relevant Fields on Result Record


(Number / Currency / Percent / Numerator/Denominator)


The following is accepted as input in the input field:

  1. Numbers as represented in Salesforce supported locales. 

  2. Decimal symbols such as ‘.’ , ‘,’ etc depending on the locale

  3. The number of digits that can be entered after a decimal place for a quantitative Project Indicator can be set using the “Number of Decimal Places Allowed” field. It allows you to choose between 0-2 places after the decimal point. Depending on the selection, up to 16 digits can be entered before the decimal place, and 0-2 digits can be entered after the decimal place. 

Thousand separators will be added to the number, on clicking out of the input field after entering the value, depending on the user’s locale.

For Project Indicators with Data Type Currency, the input field will display the Project Indicator’s Reporting currency code to the right of the input field. 

For Project Indicators with Data Type Percent, the input field will display a percentage (%) sign to the right of the input field.

  • Result Value 

  • Female Result

  • Male Result

  • Unknown Result


Input fields will display a dropdown with Yes and No as values. By default, the value “None” will be shown on the dropdown. 

  • Result Milestone Value 

  • Female Result Milestone

  • Male Result Milestone

  • Unknown Result Milestone


A plus icon will be displayed. When the plus icon is clicked, it opens a pop-up that accepts rich text input. Once Targets are entered, a pencil icon is displayed on the Add Results table. Hovering over the icon will give a preview of the Target entered. 

  • Result Qualitative Value 

  • Female Result Qualitative

  • Male Result Qualitative

  • Unknown Result Qualitative

If the Result value is disaggregated, the Disaggregation Groups will be displayed below that Project Indicator and you’ll have the option to enter Result values for each of the Disaggregation Groups.

Consider the following when entering Result values:

  1. Result data is auto-saved for each input field after the user enters a value and clicks out from the data input cell.

  2. Result data is not deleted by simply removing values from this table. Result data has to be manually deleted from the Results object. Contact your System Administrator if you require support with this.

Indicator Performance Stoplights Visualforce Page

Stoplight icons allow users to view Results’ performance compared to Targets at a glance on the Add Result table. Refer to this section to know more about setting them up. These icons can only be used if Targets are set for the specific Project Indicator.

Here is what is looks like:

Upload Documents Visualforce Page

When the Attach button is clicked, the Upload Document pop-up window displays for the currently selected Reporting Period. The window displays:

  • Any rich text data entered in the Documents_Required_for_RP__c field on Reporting_Period__c object. This allows organizations to specify the list of documents they want or recommend users to upload to support the data they have reported. 

  • Interface to choose a file to upload and upload button. 

A table listing the documents uploaded, with owner and date details. These documents can be edited/updated versions can be uploaded using the Edit icon.

Submit Result for Review Visualforce Page

Some organizations have a process in place to submit, review, and lock Result data for editing once it is approved. If this feature is enabled, the “Submit” button can be used to lock the Results.