Grant Reviewers: Complete Review Records
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  • Grant Reviewers: Complete Review Records

    Grant Reviewers typically complete reviews for various stages of the Grant Application process. Depending on the organization’s processes, reviews could be done at different stages (Call for Proposals, Applications, etc.) and in different ways (blinded, open, etc.) This guide includes general guidelines for the Grant Reviewers to complete the following reviews:

    Access Concept Note or Application Reviews

    Once the Grant Applicant has submitted an Application (or a Concept Note) and the Reviewer is assigned to it, an Application Review is automatically created. Reviewers can then access and submit these Review records.

    If Reviewers are external to the organization, they often access Review records through a portal (Experience Site).

    Typically, the Reviewer will receive an email with a link to the relevant Review records. Depending on the system configuration, there could also be a list of Application Reviews for Reviewers to access and see all the Concept Note or Application Reviews assigned to them.

    Click on the Application Review record from the list view to open it. The Application Review contains details such as the Application or Concept Note that it is related to, the parent Call for Proposals, review status, etc. Reviewers can also upload documents using the ‘Files’ related list on the ‘Related’ tab.

    Typically, the actual Concept Note or Application record can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink for ‘Concept Note’ and ‘Application’ on the Review record.

    Complete & Submit the Review

    Once Reviewers have access to the Concept Note or Application, they can begin the review process.

    We recommend that Reviewers keep the Concept Note / Application and Application Review opened simultaneously on different browser tabs or windows, so that they can refer to the Concept Note / Application easily during the review.

    Coordinators may set up a Submission form with questions to be answered by the Reviewers while filling out a review. Reviewers can fill out this Submission by navigating to the ‘Review’ tab.

    Once Reviewers have filled out the Review, they can submit it by clicking on the ‘Submit’ button. On submitting the narrative report, a success message is displayed and the Submission becomes uneditable.

    This will automatically update the ‘Review Status’ field to ‘Submitted’.



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