Call for Proposal & Application Management: Key Relationships
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Call for Proposals, Application Intake & Review: Overview
Amp Impactās Grant Management Plug provides grantmaking organizations with the functionality to manage the grant management lifecycle.Ā This often includes an application process where grantee organizations view a call for proposals, apply for funding by submitting a concept note and/or proposal to the grantmaking organization via a portal, and their applications are reviewed.
Call for Proposals, Application Intake & Review: Data Model
Below is the Call for Proposals, Application Intake & Review functionality data model subset:
Call for Proposals, Application Intake & Review: Summary of Key Relationships
There are four key relationships that are foundational to Call for Proposal, Application Intake & Review (using Amp Impactās Grant Management Plugin):
Call for Proposals: This relationship allows organizations to open Funding Cycles / Funding Opportunities to potential applicants.
Call for Proposals Thematic Area: This relationship allows organizations to associate Calls for Proposals to Thematic Areas.
Concept Note: This relationship allows organizations to receive initial (pre-Application) information from applicants for a two-stage application process.
Application Review: This relationship allows organizations to complete internal reviews of Concept Notes or Applications (using the Project record).
Here is a summary of these relationships:
Amp Object Label | Amp Object API name | Abbreviation | Object Description | Sample Use | Also Sometimes Called | Key relationships (Amp object's relationship in parentheses) | Sometimes connects to |
Call for Proposals | ampgm_xx_Call_for_Proposals__c | CFP | The Call for Proposals object is part of the Amp GM extension package and helps organize Funding Cycles / Funding Opportunities under which a grantmaker receives grant applications and awards grants to applicants. A CFP can have a one-step or two-step application process. Amp Impact Submission templates can be linked to via the Call for Proposals to control the templates used in a Concept Note, Concept Note Review, Application, and/or Application Review. Calls for Proposals can be tagged with relevant Thematic Areas that then automatically cascade down to tag the Applications / Projects linked to the Call for Proposals. | Hello Hygiene has launched a Call for Proposals to receive applications for hygiene promotion projects. The Call opens at 12am on Oct 1st and closes at 11:59pm on Oct 31st. Hello Hygiene plans to make $5m of grants to 10 organizations under the Call. The CFP is tagged with two Thematic Areas. | Funding Cycle, Funding Opportunity, Program | Submission (4 lookups to reference Templates) | Fund (child in lookup if managing a pool of funding for a CFP) |
Call for Proposals Thematic Area | ampgm__xx_Call_For_Proposals_Thematic_Area__c | CFP-TA | Call for Proposals Thematic Area is a junction object between Call for Proposals and Thematic Area used to tag the themes that a particular Call for Proposals relates to. Related Project Thematic Areas are automatically also assigned to Applications (Projects) that lookup to the Call for Proposals, and this can also automatically bring in Indicators required for those Thematic Areas to the Applications. | FCDO's open call for proposal called "Innovative Fund for Climate Resilience" is related to 2 themes: Climate Action and Energy | Ā | Call for Proposals | Ā |
Concept Note | ampgm__xx_Concept_Note__c | CN | The Concept Notes object can be used if a grantmaker has two-stage application processes. Much like Leads convert into Opportunities, Concept Notes (once approved) convert into full Applications. Typically, Concept Notes will include just a small amount of information compared to a Full Application (eg Description, Proposed Start and End Dates, Proposed Amount, and Primary Contact). Concept Notes often include an embedded Amp Submission, which gets auto-created based on the linked Call for Proposals' Concept Note Template. | An organistion "One for Change" submits a concept note in respose to the call for proposal launched by FCDO | Expression of Interest | Call for Proposals (child in lookup) | Ā |
Application Review | ampgm_xx_Application_Review__c | Ā | The Application Review object holds individual reviews of either a Concept Note or an Application (Project). Application Reviews can be assigned to Contacts designated as reviewers. They typically have an embedded Amp Submission, which is auto-created based on the linked Call for Proposals' Application Review Template. | A grant manager at Hello Hygiene assigns the Finance Manager a review for a recently submitted Concept Note. She completes the review (including the embedded Submission form) and approves it to move to the next stage. | Review | Application (i.e. Project; child in lookup) | Ā |