Create Submission Templates
This page covers:
Administrator Note: Administrators have the option to modify which fields are displayed on the pop-ups when users create Submission Templates. Visit the Technical Documentation for Submissions to see a list of field sets available to make these modifications.
Create & Customize a Submission Template
To start using the Submissions feature, you will first create a Submission template. From this template, users can create a Submission record and assign it to other users to fill out.
Open the “Submissions” tab.
Click “New” to create a new Submission record.
When prompted for a Record Type, select “Template”.
Name the Template using the “Description” field. Set Guidelines if needed to provide instructions/helpful guidelines.
Once the Submission Template record is created, navigate to the “Template Builder” tab on the record to start customizing the template with sections and questions. Any changes made to the Template are automatically saved to the record.
Add Sections to the Submission Template
Sections are used to categorize and order questions for Submission. It creates a more user-friendly experience filling out the Submission if there are many questions to complete.
The addition of Sections to a Template is required if users will be viewing Radar Charts which display Scores. For unscored Submissions, creating a Section is not required.
Click the “Add New Section” button to display the pop-up and fill out the “Description” field, “Instructions” for the user to fill out the Submission record, and to indicate if a Submission will be scored.
To display a section on a new page, check the “Start New Page” checkbox.
Click “Save” to start adding Questions to the Section or “Save & New” to create another Section.
Once a Section has been created and saved, it will appear as a row in the Template Builder. If any Sections previously existed, then the newly created Section will appear below all of the existing Sections.
If the “Start New Page” box is checked for a Section, the Section will appear underneath a separating line denoting pagination. From this section, all succeeding sections display on the new page until the next separating line.
Edit Sections in a Submissions Template
After a Section has been created or added to the Template, changes can be made to the Section by clicking the pencil icon next to the Section’s description. Click “Save” once all the Section modifications have been made.
For changes to Sections, note that:
If the “Description” field was changed, the updated text will appear in the Section row on the Template Builder.
If the “Order” field was changed, the Section will appear in the row corresponding to the new Order value, and all subsequent Sections will be shifted down a row and their “Order” values will automatically be updated.
Sections can also be rearranged in the template using the drag-and-drop interface in the Template Builder.
Click and hold the text box containing the Section Description.
While holding, move the Section row to the desired placement in the Template.
Release the Section in the desired placement.
The Section will appear in the new placement, and its “Order” value will automatically be updated.
Any subsequent Sections in the Template will shift down a row, and their “Order” values will also automatically be updated.
Any Questions in the dropped Section will continue to be displayed under that Section in its new placement.
When a Section is edited, any existing Submissions that have been created from the Template before the edits will not be affected by the change. Any new Submissions created from the Template after a Section was edited, will reflect the change.
Define Skip Logic for a Section
“Skip Logic” allows users to control the Section display based on certain criteria. Using the “Conditionally Display This Section?” checkbox field, Section visibility can be controlled by a response from a Picklist or Multi-Select Picklist question already defined in the same Submission Template.
Follow these steps to enable Skip Logic:
When creating or editing a Section, check the “Conditionally Display This Section?” Checkbox field on the New Template Section Popup.
Skip logic can be controlled through filter logic - i.e. defining one or multiple criteria to assess whether a Section should be displayed. Choose between “All of these conditions are met” or “Any of these conditions are met” from the newly available picklist. By default, the “All of these conditions are met” is selected which means that a Section will only be displayed if all the criteria are met. Selecting “Any of these conditions are met” will display the Section if any one of the multiple defined criteria is met.
Choose the relevant picklist/multi-select picklist type question from the “Response to the question” input search box.
Select the picklist/multi-select picklist value(s) from the “equals value” input search box.
Click on the plus icon to add additional criteria.
Click “Save” to save the Template Section or “Save & New” to create the next one.
Note the "CD" (Conditional Display) next to the Section Description that indicates that the Section includes skip logic.
When a section is defined based on the Skip Logic and the conditional criteria is not met then the complete Section will be hidden, including all child questions.
Remove Sections from a Template
When a Section is removed, any Questions that have been assigned to that Section will remain in the Template but will not display without a newly assigned Section.
If a Section needs to be removed, click the remove icon next to the Section’s description.
When a Section is removed, it is deactivated (i.e. the Active field on Section is set to FALSE), not deleted. Any existing Submissions that had been created from the Template before the Section’s removal will not be affected by the change. Any new Submissions created from the Template after the Section’s removal will reflect the change.
Add Questions to the Submissions Template
Use the Template Builder to add Questions to a template.
Click the “Add New Question” button. A pop-up will appear.
In the pop-up, use the “Description” field to define the Question. This is what the user will see when they fill out the Submission. Note that this field has a character limit of 255. Any values that exceed this will prevent the Question from being saved successfully.
Select how users will respond to the Question in the “Response Type” field:
Response Type | Implication | Additional Information |
Qualitative | Users will answer by typing into a rich text editor. | Qualitative values entered are saved in the field Text Response. |
Short Text | Users will answer by typing into a text field. | Any short text values entered are saved in Short Text Response. Default word limit is 255 characters. |
Picklist | Users will answer by selecting from a picklist of predefined values. | If this is selected, set the predefined values by entering them as comma-separated values in the Picklist Values field. In the picklist, the values will appear in the order that they are entered in the Picklist Values field. |
Multi-select picklist | Users will answer by selecting multiple values from a picklist of predefined values. | If this is selected, set the predefined values by entering them as comma-separated values in the Picklist Values field. In the picklist, the values will appear in the order that they are entered in the Picklist Values field. |
Number | Users will answer by typing a number into a text box. | Users will be able to enter a numeric value with up to 16 digits and 2 decimal places (i.e. 19 total characters)
Date | Users will answer by selecting a date from a datepicker component. | All date values save to the field Date Response.By default, the date displays the current date TODAY() according to the User Locale. |
File Upload | Users will answer by uploading document(s).
| If this is selected, determine whether users are allowed to upload multiple files using “Allow Multiple Files” checkbox field. As per Salesforce guidelines, users can upload a maximum of 10 files in one go. Upon saving, the Submission Template displays the hyperlinked name(s) of the file(s) uploaded as a ContentVersion record to the parent Question record. On clicking the hyperlink(s), a preview of the file opens up. Reviewers and scorers also have access to the file(s). |
4. Check the “Required?” checkbox if the Question is mandatory.
5. Check the “Include Comments?” checkbox to allow users to add comments to their response.
a. This checkbox cannot be selected if the “Response Type” is “Qualitative”.
b. Any comments entered are saved in the field “Text Response”.
6. Check the “Is Scored” field if the Question should be scored.
7. To nest a Question under a Section, select the appropriate Section under the “Section” field.
a. If no Section is selected, the Question will appear at the top of the template by default - above all the Sections, and underneath any other unassigned Questions.
b. If no Section is selected, then a hidden Section is automatically created as the parent to the new Question. If the default Section already exists, then when a Question is created without a selected Section, the new Question is automatically assigned to the existing default Section.
8. Define the character limit for Qualitative and Short Text questions using the “Character Limit” field.
Qualitative Responses:
→ Maximum Character Limit & Default Character Limit (if none is defined): 32,768 characters
Short Text Responses:
→ Maximum Character Limit & Default Character Limit (if none is defined): 255 characters
Once a Question is created and saved, it will appear as a row in the Template Builder, either below the related Section if one has been assigned or at the top of the builder if no Section has been assigned. New Questions are added below any existing Questions.
Edit Questions in a Template
After a Question has been created or added to the Template, changes can be made to the Question by clicking the pencil icon next to the Question’s description.
A pop-up will appear for the user to modify the Question information. Once the Question information has been updated, click “Save” in the pop-up.
If the Description was changed, the new value will appear in the Question row on the Template Builder.
If the Response Type was changed, the new value will appear in the Question row on the Template Builder.
If the Section was changed, the Question will appear below the new related Section and underneath any Questions that already exist for that Section.
Questions can also be rearranged in the template using the drag-and-drop interface in the Template Builder.
Click and hold the three dots to the left of the Question row or the text box containing the Question Description.
While holding, move the Question row to the desired placement in the Template.
Questions can only be dragged and dropped within a Section (i.e. Questions cannot be dragged to another Section).
If a Question needs to be moved to a different Section, reassign the Section on the Question first and then drag it to the new placement.
Release the Question in the desired placement.
The Question will appear in the new placement, and its “Order” value will automatically be updated.
Any subsequent Questions in the Template will shift down a row, and their “Order” values will also automatically be updated.
When a Question is edited, any existing Submissions that have been created from the Template before the edits will not be affected by the change. Any new Submissions created from the Template after a Question was edited, will reflect the change.
Define Skip Logic for a Question
“Skip Logic” allows users to control the Question display based on certain criteria. Using the “Conditionally Display This Question” checkbox field, Question visibility can be controlled by a response from a Picklist or Multi-Select Picklist question already defined in the same Submission Template.
Follow these steps to enable Skip Logic:
When creating or editing a Question, check the “Conditionally Display This Question?” Checkbox field on the New Template Question Popup.
Skip logic can be controlled through filter logic - i.e. defining one or multiple criteria to assess whether a Section should be displayed. Choose between “All of these conditions are met” or “Any of these conditions are met” from the newly available picklist. By default, the “All of these conditions are met” is selected which means that a Question will only be displayed if all the criteria are met. Selecting “Any of these conditions are met” will display the Question if any one of the multiple defined criteria is met.
Choose the relevant picklist/multi-select picklist type question from the “Response to the question” input search box.
Select the picklist/multi-select picklist value(s) from the “equals value” input search box.
Click on the plus icon to add additional criteria.
Click “Save” to save the Template Question or “Save & New” to create the next one.
Note the "CD" (Conditional Display) next to the Question Description that indicates that the Question includes skip logic.
The user must define at least two conditions to use AND (“All of these conditions are met”) or OR (“Any of these conditions are met”) filter logic. If there is only one condition, then the conditional logic will be true when any of the “equal value” responses matches the chosen picklist/multiselect picklist question.
Remove Questions from a Template
If a Question needs to be removed, click the remove icon next to the Section’s description.
When a Question is removed, it is deactivated (i.e. the ampi__Active__c field on ampi__Section__c is set to FALSE), not deleted. Any existing Submissions that had been created from the Template before the Question is removed will not be affected by the change. Any new Submissions created from the Template after the Question is removed will reflect the change.
Preview the Template
Click the “Preview” button on the Submission to view the template as a user. A pop-up will open displaying the template interface in read-only mode.
If the Sections are paginated, then the Preview will display with “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom.
In the Preview pop-up, a “Download” button is also displayed at the top.
Once the button is clicked and the download is confirmed in the pop-up that follows, the Submission template can be downloaded as a Word Document for any offline distribution.
Create and Assign Submissions from the Template
Once the Submission template is ready to be sent out for responses, users can start copying the template and assigning it to other users.
Open the Submission template that will be assigned.
Navigate to the Related tab and scroll to the Assigned Submissions related list.
Click the “New” button.
When prompted for a record type, select “Submission” and click “Next”.
Populate the custom lookup field with the record that the Submission will be related to.
Fill in any other fields and click “Save”.
Once the new Submission is saved, it will display the same Sections and Questions as in the template from which the Submission was created.
Clone the Template
If a template needs to be copied to reuse certain questions or sections in a new template, click the Clone Submission button on the template record.
The Submission template, Sections, and Questions as well as any custom fields added to either of the three objects, will be cloned to a new record. Upon cloning the Submission, the user will automatically be navigated to the newly created template. Values in the custom fields are also cloned and will display in the new template.
Only certain fields in each of the objects will be cloned:
Object | Fields that are cloned |
ampi__Submission__c |
ampi__Section__c |
ampi__Question__c |