Workplanning: Create & Manage Implementation Plans
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  • Workplanning: Create & Manage Implementation Plans

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    Create an Implementation Plan for a Project

    The Implementation Plan is the first step to setting up the Workplanning or Resource Planning structure in Amp Impact. A single Implementation Plan can have numerous Activities related to it.

    1. From the Setup tab within your Project, scroll down to the related list and click “New” to create the Implementation Plan. Depending on the customization in your system, Implementation Plans or Project Plans could be displayed in another area on the Project interface.

    2. Fill out the details of the Implementation Plan, including the “Implementation Plan Name”, “Description”, relationship to a specific Amp Impact Project, and the relationship to an existing “Framework” (see note below).

    Implementation Plans & Frameworks: Organizations sometimes track the tasks related to their Framework Objectives. This answers the question “Is this activity critical to achieve the impact I set out to achieve?” and helps organizations track their progress toward their goals.

    Learn more about Frameworks here.


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