Field Sets
A field set is a grouping of fields. For example, you could have a field set that contains fields describing a user's first name, middle name, last name, and business title.
Amp Impact uses field sets for users to add/remove fields and customize the product’s features per client needs. Each field set has a list of available fields that users can choose to use. Some fields in the field set are already selected to display upon installing the product. The other available fields can be added for usage if appropriate. In addition, users can create custom fields on the relevant object and add these to the field set as well.
To avoid shadowing after installing Amp Impact, custom objects and fields must use different API names than the API names of Amp Impact fields. For example, if a custom Financial object is created separately from the Amp Financial object, the API name of the custom Financial object cannot be Financial__c, as it will conflict with the Amp object’s API name (ampi__Financial__c). This issue can be avoided by appending numbers or codes at the end to create a unique API name (e.g. Financial_cust__c).
To edit any of the field sets, follow the instructions detailed below.
Identify and open the Object.
2. Identify and open the Field Set.
3. Edit and save the Field Set.
Navigate to the section you are looking to update to learn more about the details: