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🔎 Workplanning & Resource Planning in Amp Impact

Workplanning refers to creating an implementation plan allows organizations to create Implementation Plans for a project, specifying the activities that will be carried out or milestones to be reached and the timeline for these activities/milestones, and then following up to indicate the completion rate for activitiesand managing the Project Activities and Milestones. Activities can be set up in a work breakdown structure and viewed in a Gantt Chart. Resource planning is the process of articulating needs for staff, goods, and/or services for a project's activities

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Workplanning in Amp Impact Feature Demo Video

Resource planning allows organizations to manage workforce (staff) and procurement (goods or services) needs for a project.

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🔎 Workplanning & Resource Planning Setup Structure


Workplanning: Implementation Plan

An Implementation Plan is a detailed work plan for a Project, usually corresponding to a specific time period or category of activities for the project.

The Implementation Plan record stores details about the work plan (description, timeline, etc.) and then specific Activities can be created (on the Activity object) can be created and linked to the Implementation Plan. Implementation Plans can also be created for Frameworks.


Workplanning: Activities

An Activity is a set task performed under an Implementation Plan. The Activity record constains contains all the details of the activity, including start and & end dates and percent completion.

Activities can be nested under each other in a parent-child hierarchy. They can also be linked to specific Project Objectives, Project Indicators, and Financial line items within a project Project Budget. They can be assigned to Contacts directly through the Contact lookup field or through the Activity Assignment object.


Resource Planning: Positions, Roles, & Assignments

Roles store the details about the types of responsibilities that would need needs to be done through the course of a project, including the associated costs. For example, an organization might have a role for “Water Specialist” in their system.

Positions allow organizations to track available or required positions that need to be filled to complete specific project activities. A Role is different from a Position in that it is a type or grouping of duty not specific to one project, department, or location. A Position is an 'instance' For example, the “Water Specialist for the Kenya Water Management Project”.

Essentially, a Position is an “instance” of a Role that is filled by a specific person (Contact).

Assignments are used to affiliate Positions or Roles with Activities, essentially showing the Positions/Roles that are necessary to successfully implement the Activity.


Resouce Planning: Goods, Services, & Procurement Requirements

A catalog of Goods or Services can be stored in a catalog that can be requested, planned, or tracked for Activities. Each Good/Service can have an created needed to carry out Activities. The Good/Service record contains details like expected cost, preferred procurement method, and other detailsmore.

Procurement Requirements are used to affiliate These Good/Services can be requested, planned, or tracked for Activities using Procurement Requirement(s). Thus the Procurement Requirement object affiliates Goods/Services with Activities, essentially showing the goods or services required to successfully implement project activities. Includes fields The Procurement Requirement record include details to track the quantity required, due date, actual cost etc.