Workplanning & Resource Planning Flows
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  • Workplanning & Resource Planning Flows

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    Workplanning & Resource Planning: Flows

    Set Default Values for Cost Fields in Workforce Planning

    Action: ​​Populates the default values of Time Unit of Costing and Unit Cost on Position from the corresponding fields on its parent Role. 

    Description and Conditions

    • When an ampi__Position__c record is created, the trigger flow on ampi__Position__c (ampi__Populate_Position_Cost_Fields_Trigger) is called to determine if fields ampi__xx_Time_Unit_For_Costing__c or ampi__xx_Unit_Cost__c fields are null. 

      • If they are not null, the flow ends.

      • If one or both of these fields are null, the flow will determine if the fields ampi__xx_Default_Unit_Cost__c and ampi__xx_Default_Time_Unit_For_Costing__c are populated on the related ampi__Role__c record. 

        • If these values are populated on ampi__Role__c, they are copied to the null fields on ampi__Position__c. These fields are updated and committed to the database by calling the subflow (ampi__Update_Position_Cost_Fields)

    • If the ampi__xx_Default_Unit_Cost__c or ampi__xx_Default_Time_Unit_For_Costing__c fields on  ampi__Role__c are updated, this calls the trigger flow for the flow on ampi__Role__c (ampi__Role_Trigger_Cost_Fields_Update). This determines if a related ampi__Position__c record looks up to this record, 

      • and if so, it determines whether either the ampi__xx_Time_Unit_For_Costing__c or ampi__xx_Unit_Cost__c fields are null. 

      • If either is null, these fields are updated and committed to the database by calling the subflow (ampi__Update_Position_Cost_Fields).

    API Name

    Flow Purpose


    Trigger subflow when ampi__xx_Position__c record is created and a value has been populated for ampi__xx_Role__c on the Position record, and either the ampi__xx_Unit_Cost__c or ampi__xx_Time_Unit_For_Costing__c fields are null


    Trigger subflow when the default Cost fields are updated on ampi__Role__c and Cost fields on a related child Position record are empty


    Subflow that copies default cost field values from the parent ampi__Role__c record to the null Cost fields on ampi__xx_Position__c record  

    Please note that these 3 flows work together to perform the full requirements of a field update action. All 3 flows should be considered when customizing this functionality. 

    Set Default Values for Date Fields on a Workforce Assignment

    Action: Populates the default values of Start and End Dates on Assignment from its parent Activity.

    Description and Conditions

    • When an ampi__Assignment__c record is created, the trigger flow on ampi__Assignment__c (ampi__Populate_Assignment_Date_Fields) is called to determine if the ampi__xx_Start_Date__c or ampi__xx_End_Date__c fields are null. 

      • If they are not null, the flow ends. 

      • If one or both of these fields are null, the flow will determine if the fields ampi__Actual_End_Date__c and ampi__Actual_Start_Date__c are populated on the related ampi__Activity__c record. 

        • If these values are populated on ampi__Activity__c, they are copied to the null fields on ampi__Assignment__c. These fields are updated and committed to the database by calling the subflow (ampi__Update_Date_Fields)

    • If the ampi__Actual_Start_Date__c or ampi__Actual_End_Date__c fields on ampi__Activity__c are updated, this calls the trigger flow on ampi__Activity__c (ampi__Activity_After_Update). This determines if a related ampi__Assignment__c record looks up to this record, 

      • and if so, it determines whether either the fields ampi__xx_Start_Date__c or ampi__xx_End_Date__c are null. 

        • If either is null, these fields are updated and committed to the database by calling the subflow (ampi__Update_Date_Fields)

    API Name

    Flow Purpose


    This flow determines if values for ampi__xx_Start_Date__c and ampi__xx_End_Date__c are populated upon ampi__Assignment__c  record creation and determines if ampi__xx_Activity__c has been populated on the Assignment record. If an ampi__xx_Activity__c value has been populated and if either of the date fields on ampi__Assignment__c   are null, this will trigger the subflow ampi__Update_Date_Fields.


    This flow assesses if fields ampi__Actual_End_Date__c or ampi__Actual_Start_Date__c were updated on an ampi__Activity__c record with an associated ampi__Assignment__c  record. If these conditions are true, this will trigger the subflow ampi__Update_Date_Fields.


    This subflow is used in both the ampi__Populate_Assignment_Date_Fields and ampi__Activity_After_Update Flows to assign new values to the ampi__xx_Start_Date__c and ampi__xx_End_Date__c date field values and commit these new values to the database.


    Please note that these 3 flows work together to perform the full requirements of a field update action. All 3 flows should be considered when customizing this functionality. 

    Set Default Value of Planned Cost on a Procurement Requirement 

    Action: Populate the default value of Planned Unit Cost of a Procurement Requirement record from Expected Cost of related Good/ Service record.

    Description and Conditions: 

    • When a ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c record is created, the trigger on ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c (ampi__Populate_Procurement_Requirement_Cost_Field_Trigger) is called to determine if the ampi__xx__Planned_Unit_Cost__c field is null. 

      • If it is not null, the flow ends. 

      • If this field is null, the flow will determine if the field ampi__xx_Expected_Cost__c is populated on the related ampi__Good_Service__c record. 

        • If this value is populated on ampi__Good_Service__c, it is copied to the null field on ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c. This field is updated and committed to the database by calling the subflow (ampi__Update_Procurement_Requirement_Field).


      • If the ampi__xx_Expected_Cost__c field on ampi__Good_Service__c is updated, this calls the trigger for the flow on ampi__Good_Service__c (ampi__Good_Service_Trigger_Cost_Field_Update). This determines if a related ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c record looks up to this record,

        • and if so, it determines whether the field ampi__xx__Planned_Unit_Cost__c is null. 

          • If it is null, this field is updated and committed to the database by calling the subflow (ampi__Update_Procurement_Requirement_Field).


    API Name

    Flow Purpose


    This flow is triggered if a new ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c record is created and the ampi__xx_Planned_Unit_Cost__c field is null and the ampi__Good_Service__c lookup field has been populated. If the ampi__xx_Expected_Cost__c field has been populated on the  ampi__Good_Service__c record, this launches the subflow ampi__Update_Procurement_Requirement_Field.


    This flow is triggered on update of an ampi__Good_Service__c record and determines if the ampi__xx_Expected_Cost__c field value was changed. If this field is updated, if a related ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c record exists with the ampi__xx__Planned_Unit_Cost__c field null, this launches the subflow ampi__Update_Procurement_Requirement_Field.


    When this subflow is called, this flow assigns a new value to the ampi__xx__Planned_Unit_Cost__c field on ampi__Procurement_Requirement__c.This value is taken from the ampi__xx_Expected_Cost__c value on the related ampi__Good_Service__c record. This new assignment is committed to the database. 

    Please note that these 3 flows work together to perform the full requirements of a field update action. All 3 flows should be considered when customizing this functionality.