This page covers:
Setting Targets and adding Result data can often be a complicated process involving multiple stakeholders. The Excel download and upload feature in Amp Impact enables users to easily download their Target or Result templates to Excel files, enter the data offline in Excel, and then upload it to Amp Impact once they have an internet connection. The uploaded data will then be reflected in the Set Targets/Add Results components in the Project record in Amp Impact.
Amp Impact comes with two options for managing Target and Result Excel templates: Visualforce and Lightning Web Component. Depending on which option your organization uses, you would need to navigate to different sections to ensure the steps outlined here corresponds with what you’ll see in your system. Check with your System Administrator if you’re unsure which option you are using. |
Downloading and uploading Result data from the Lightning Web Component (LWC) to the Excel template is only available from Indus (v1.31) and later, while the Target LWC template is only available from Kalausi (v1.34) and later. See our Indus and Kalausi Release Notes for more details. |
With the Lightning Web Component (LWC) template, users can set Targets for multiple reporting periods at once.
To download the Targets template for a specific Geographic Area, navigate to the “Targets” tab and click on the “Download Targets” button. Ensure that the table is refreshed to display the most accurate values.
The downloaded Targets template will contain only the Project Indicators that are currently displayed on the Set Targets table. If the table is filtered (or search is active), then only the filtered Project Indicators displayed on the table will be downloaded. |
If not Targets have been added for the downloaded Project Indicators, the blue Target cells in the template will be empty. Similarly, Targets that have been entered in Amp Impact will be displayed in the template. |
Once you click the “Download Targets” button, a popup will appear to confirm the Target download for the selected Geographic Area.
If there is no Project Indicator linked to a Geographic Area and Reporting Period, then clicking on “Generate” will prompt an error message. |
Customize the Popup details: The header, body text, and button label in the “Generate Excel” popup are controlled by custom labels and can be customized as per an organization's needs. |
If there is at least one Project Indicator linked to the Geographic Area, then selecting “Generate” will generate the Targets template.
The generated Target Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Project Geographic Area. In the Libertas v1.35 release, the content version is not available on the related list on the relevant Project Geographic Are
ContentVersion record’s Created Date is the time stamp of download.
ContentVersion record’s Owner field displays the name of the user who downloaded the file.
If a user downloads an Excel file multiple times for the same Geographic Area, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last download date, and the owner of the ContentVersion record is updated to the user who last downloaded the Targets.
The user may access all of the versions that have been downloaded by selecting “View previous versions.”
The updated ContentVerion file is posted on Chatter of the related Geographic Area record.
After the Excel template is generated, you’ll have the option to “View” or “Download” the generated Targets template.
Select “View” to view the file in a separate tab before downloading it.
Select “Download” to download the Excel file to your device.
The downloaded Excel Targets template will have two tabs:
Tab 1: Instructions: This tab will outline how to enter data in a compatible format to successfully upload the document onto the Set Targets page.
Tab 2: [Geographic Area + Reporting Period]: This tab will reflect the Geographic Area and all associated Reporting Periods for which the Targets template is downloaded. Below the header on the second tab, you can find the date and time of the download and the name of the user who downloaded the file.
Modify the Columns in the Template: All columns in the template except Indicator, Disaggregation and Reporting Period columns are controlled by a field set. |
If certain Reporting Periods have been submitted, the submitted Reporting Periods will appear in the template but will be locked for editing. The column name will be as follows: [Reporting Period Name] - (Submitted). |
The Target values can be added to the second tab of the downloaded Target template spreadsheet.
Please ensure to refresh the page in case the formatting seems incorrect.
The following elements are editable in the downloaded template:
The following elements are not editable in the downloaded template (and will cause errors when uploading if they are modified):
The Targets template has the following limitations as of the latest release:
How to modify the Targets Excel Template: System Administrators can customize the instructions for the downloaded template using Custom Labels and Translation Workbench. The downloaded Results template spreadsheet's locale representation is determined by the settings of the Spreadsheet/Excel application installed on the user's system. |
After entering the Target data into the downloaded Target template, you can now upload that template to the Project record in Amp Impact.
Navigate to the Set Targets page on the Project record. Click of the refresh button to ensure that latest targets are calculated and displayed.
Click the “Upload Targets” button.
In the Upload Targets popup, click on “Attach File” and select the Targets template saved on the your device. Alternatively, drop the Targets template in the drop zone (indicated by the dotted box) inside the popup.
If the selected file is validated, a green checkmark will be displayed next to the attached file.
If the selected file is not validated, a red cross will be displayed next to the attached file, and an error message(s) will be displayed below the attached file.
Ensure you are uploading an Excel file. On attaching an unsupported file type, you will face an error message, “Incorrect file type. Only files in .xlsx format can be uploaded”. |
After validating the template, click on the “Upload” button to upload the Targets to the Project.
The system will upload the Targets and display the status of the Targets. The details could include:
a. Number of successfully uploaded Target records
b. Number of Target records not uploaded if there have been errors
To view the success entries in an Excel file, click on the “View Successes” button.
The success log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the success log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions that have been uploaded by selecting “View previous versions”.
The updated ContentVersion file is posted on Chatter of the related Project Geographic Area record.
To view the entries not uploaded in an Excel file, click on the “View Errors” button.
The error log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the error log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions.
The updated ContentVersion file is posted on Chatter of the related Project Geographic Area record.
Refer to the errors listed in the Error log to correct them.
Once the Targets have been uploaded successfully, click on the “Close” button.
The Set Targets page will automatically refresh and display the uploaded Targets.
To download the template and populate or update the Result data, navigate to the Results table.
Click on the “Download Results” button to download the Results template for a specific Reporting Period and Geographic Area.
The downloaded Results template will contain only the Project Indicators that are currently displayed on the Add Results table. If the table is filtered (or search is active), then only the filtered Project Indicators displayed on the table will be downloaded. |
A popup window appears to confirm the Excel template download for the selected Reporting Period and Geographic Area.
If there is no Project Indicator linked to a Geographic Area and Reporting Period, then clicking on “Generate” will prompt an error message. |
If there is at least one Project Indicator linked to a Geographic Area and Reporting Period, then selecting “Generate” will generate the Excel Results template, and the user will get an option to “View” and “Download” the template.
Select “View” to preview the file in a new tab.
Select “Download” to download the Excel template onto your device.
The generated Results Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Reporting Period.
ContentVersion record’s Created Date is the time stamp of download.
ContentVersion record’s Owner field displays the name of the user who downloaded the file.
If a user downloads an Excel file multiple times for the same Geographic Area and Reporting Period, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last download date, and the owner of the ContentVersion record is updated to the user who last downloaded the Results.
The user may access all of the versions that have been downloaded by selecting “View previous versions.”
The updated ContentVerion file is posted on Chatter of the related Reporting Period record.
The downloaded Results template will have two tabs:
Tab 1: Instructions: This tab will outline how to enter data in a compatible format to successfully upload the document onto the AddResults page.
Tab 2: [Geographic Area + Reporting Period]: This tab will reflect the Geographic Area and all associated Reporting Periods for which the Results template is downloaded. Below the header on the second tab, you can find the date and time of the download and the name of the user who downloaded the file.
The following elements are editable in the downloaded template:
The following elements are not editable in the downloaded template (and will cause errors when uploading if they are modified):
The Results template has the following limitations as of the latest release:
How to modify the Result Excel Template: System Administrators can customize the instructions for the downloaded template using Custom Labels and Translation Workbench. The downloaded Results template spreadsheet's locale representation is determined by the settings of the Spreadsheet/Excel application installed on the user's system. |
After entering the results into the downloaded Results template, you can now upload that template to the Project record in Amp Impact.
Navigate to the “Add Results” page on the Project record and click the “Upload Results” button.
In the Upload Results popup, click on “Attach File” and select the Results template saved on your device. Alternatively, drop the Result template in the drop zone (indicated by the dotted box) inside the popup.
If the selected file is validated, a green checkmark will be displayed next to the attached file.
If the selected file is not validated, a red cross will be displayed next to the attached file, and a list of error messages will be displayed below the attached file.
After validation of the template, click on the “Upload” button to upload the reported Results to the Project.
Click “Upload” to upload the Result data. The popup will display the status of the Result data. The details include:
Number of successfully uploaded Result records;
Number of Result records not uploaded.
To view the success entries in an Excel file, click on the “View Successes” button.
The success log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the success log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions that have been uploaded by selecting “View previous versions”.
The updated ContentVersion file is posted on Chatter of the related Project Geographic Area record.
To view the entries not uploaded in an Excel file, click on the “View Errors” button.
The error log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the error log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions.
The updated ContentVersion file is posted on Chatter of the related Project Geographic Area record.
Refer to the errors listed in the Error log to correct them (see screenshot below).
Once the Results have been uploaded successfully, click on the “Close” button.
The Add Results page will automatically refresh and display the uploaded Results.
Access to Excel Download: The ability for users to access the download Excel button can be controlled through the Results custom setting. |
Navigate to the Results tab and click on the download icon.
The downloaded Target template will contain only the Project Indicators that are currently displayed on the Set Targets table. If the table is filtered (or search is active), then only the filtered Project Indicators displayed on the table will be downloaded. |
Step 1: Generate Excel: This is a confirmation popup to either proceed with generating the Excel template for the selected data or cancel.
If there is no Project Indicator linked to a Geographic Area and Reporting Period, then selecting “Generate” will prompt an error message. |
Step 2: Download Targets: This is a confirmation popup to either proceed with downloading the Target data from the selected Geographic Area and Reporting Period or cancel.
The Excel template with the selected Target data will be downloaded and displayed as follows:
Tab 1: Instructions: This tab will outline how to enter data in a compatible format to successfully upload the document onto the Set Targets page.
Tab 2: [Geographic Area + Reporting Period]: This tab will reflect the Geographic Area and all associated Reporting Periods for which the Targets template is downloaded. Below the header on the second tab, you can find the date and time of the download and the name of the user who downloaded the file.
The generated Target Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Reporting Period.
ContentVersion record’s Created Date is the time stamp of download.
ContentVersion record’s Owner field displays the name of the user who downloaded the file.
If a user downloads an Excel file multiple times for the same Geographic Area, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last download date, and the owner of the ContentVersion record is updated to the user who last downloaded the Targets.
The user may access all of the versions that have been downloaded by selecting “View previous versions”.
After entering the Target data into the downloaded Target template, you can now upload that template to the Project record in Amp Impact.
The Target values can be added to the second tab of the downloaded Target template spreadsheet.
The following elements are editable in the downloaded template:
The following elements are not editable in the downloaded template (and will cause errors when uploading if they are modified):
Navigate to the Targets tab in Amp Impact and click the upload icon to upload Target data.
Step 1: Drag the .xlsx file over the “Choose File” button or select the template by clicking “Choose File”. Then click “Attach”. Clicking “Cancel” will stop the operation.
If the uploaded document is not in .xlsx format, the user will receive an error message when trying to attach and must re-upload the document in .xlsx format. |
Step 2: This is the confirmation popup that validates the Reporting Period, Geographic Area, and Project name of the Target data. Click “Upload” to continue with the Target template upload.
Step 3: Select “Yes” to proceed with the upload or “No” to stop the upload.
Step 4: To view the success entries in an Excel file, click on the “View Successes” button.
The success log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the success log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions that have been uploaded by selecting “View previous versions”.
To view the entries not uploaded in an Excel file, click on the “View Errors” button.
The error log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the error log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions.
Click “Close” to close the popup and automatically refresh the SetTargets page and display the newly updated records.
To download the template and populate or update the Result data, navigate to the Results table.
Click on the download icon to download the Results template for a specific Reporting Period and Geographic Area.
The downloaded Results template will contain only the Project Indicators that are currently displayed on the Add Results table. If the table is filtered (or search is active), then only the filtered Project Indicators displayed on the table will be downloaded. Only populated Results will be displayed in the Excel template. |
Step 1: If there is at least one Project Indicator linked to a Geographic Area and Reporting Period, then selecting “Generate” will generate the Excel Results template.
If there is no Project Indicator linked to a Geographic Area and Reporting Period, then selecting Generate will prompt an error message. |
Step 2: Select “Confirm” to download the Result data for the selected Geographic Area and Reporting Period.
The downloaded Excel template with the selected Result data will be downloaded and displayed as follows:
Tab 1: Instructions: This tab will outline how to enter data in a compatible format to successfully upload the document onto the Add Results page.
Tab 2: [Geographic Area + Reporting Period]: This tab will reflect the Geographic Area and all associated Reporting Periods for which the Results template is downloaded. Below the header on the second tab, you can find the date and time of the download and the name of the user who downloaded the file.
The generated Results Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Reporting Period.
ContentVersion record’s Created Date is the time stamp of download.
ContentVersion record’s Owner field displays the name of the user who downloaded the file.
If a user downloads an Excel file multiple times for the same Geographic Area and Reporting Period, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last download date, and the owner of the ContentVersion record is updated to the user who last downloaded the Results.
The user may access all of the versions that have been downloaded by selecting “View previous versions.”
The updated ContentVerion file is posted on Chatter of the related Reporting Period record.
After entering the Result data into the downloaded Results template, you can now upload that template to the Project record in Amp Impact.
The Result values can be added to the second tab of the downloaded Results template spreadsheet.
The following elements are editable in the downloaded template:
The following elements are not editable in the downloaded template (and will cause errors when uploading if they are modified):
Navigate to the Results tab in Amp Impact and click the upload icon to upload Result data.
Step 1: Drag the .xlsx file over the “Choose File” button or select the template by clicking “Choose File”. Then click “Attach”. Clicking “Cancel” will stop the operation.
If the uploaded document is not in .xlsx format, the user will receive an error message when trying to attach and must re-upload the document in .xlsx format. |
Step 2: This is the confirmation popup that validates the Reporting Period, Geographic Area, and Project name of the Result data. Click “Upload” to continue with the Result template upload.
Step 3: Select “Yes” to proceed with the upload or “No” to stop the upload.
Step 4: To view the success entries in an Excel file, click on the “View Successes” button.
The success log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the success log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions that have been uploaded by selecting “View previous versions”.
The rows in the downloaded success log will be ordered by alphabetically ascending Indicator definitions.
To view the entries not uploaded in an Excel file, click on the “View Errors” button.
The error log Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Geographic Area.
With each generation of the error log, these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the Targets. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions.
The rows in the downloaded error log will be ordered by alphabetically ascending Indicator definitions.
Refer to the errors listed in the Error log to correct them (see screenshot below).
Click “Close” to close the popup and automatically refresh the AddResults page and display the newly updated records.
The uploaded Results Excel file will all be stored as ContentVersion files under the Files related list on the relevant Reporting Period. With each upload of Results these ContentVersion files are updated to reflect the last upload date, and the owner of the content version record is updated to the user who last uploaded the results. ContentVersion records also allow users to access previous versions. |