Organization Role is a junction object between the Account (Organization) and Project objects and allows users to affiliate Accounts with their projects. This allows project managers to maintain a record of the Organizations that are currently working on or have previously worked on/been associated with a project. For example, an organization's role is to be a donor funder if it provides funding for a project. Four fields on the Organization Role object are used for this purpose.
Create Organization Roles
Complete the following fields:
Organization Role Name - Text field tracking Enter the name provided to for the organization’s role. For example: Implementing Partner.
Role - Picklist field tracking Select the role that an the organization played in an activityplays in the project from the dropdown.
Project - Master-detail field to the current project which is receiving the funds.
Organization - Master-detail field to Select the organization/account which is providing/receiving the fundsfulfilling the role. For example: Together We Strive is acting as the Implementing Partner for this project.