Versions Compared


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Targets and Results Upload no longer fails when certain special characters are Introducedintroduced

In earlier versions, the Results and Targets Excel template upload failed on the Add Results and Set Targets Lightning Web Components when the Project Name, Reporting Period Name, or Geographic Area Name contained special characters (&, <, >, ‘, “). This issue has been resolved to ensure that upload is successful regardless of the presence of these mentioned characters.


Implementation Plan upload no longer fails when certain special characters Are Introducedare introduced

In earlier versions, the Implementation Plan Excel template upload failed on the activities Lightning Web Component when the Project Name or Implementation Name contained special characters (&, <, >, ‘, “). This issue has been resolved to ensure that upload is successful regardless of the presence of these mentioned characters.

Activity Timeline Bar now resets automatically after Validation Rule errors

In earlier versions, when a validation error was triggered in the Activity timeline component, the timeline bar did not automatically revert to its original position, requiring users to manually refresh the component. This issue has been resolved to ensure when a validation rule is triggered, the timeline bar immediately resets to its original position without needing a refresh.

Financial Management

Budget upload no longer fails when certain special characters are introduced
