In earlier versions, the Implementation Plan Excel template upload failed on the activities Lightning Web Component when the Project Name or Implementation Name contained special characters (&, <, >, ‘, “). This issue has been resolved to ensure that upload is successful regardless of the presence of these mentioned characters.
When Response Type is selected as Multi-Select Picklist, the “Character Limit” field is now disabled
In earlier versions, while making a submission template, selecting Multi-Select Picklist as the Response Type did not disable the “Character Limit” field. This issue has been resolved to ensure that when Multi-Select Picklist is chosen, the “Character Limit” field is disabled.
When Response Type is selected as Date/File Upload, the “Character Limit” and “Picklist Values” fields are now disabled
In earlier versions, while creating a submission template, selecting Date or File Upload as the Response Type did not disable the 'Character Limit' and 'Picklist Values' fields. This issue has been resolved to ensure that when Date or File Upload is chosen, both fields are correctly disabled.
When Response Type is selected as Short Text, the “Picklist Values” field is now disabled
In earlier versions, while making a submission template, selecting Short Text as the Response Type did not disable the 'Picklist Values' field. This issue has been resolved to ensure that when Short Text is chosen, the 'Picklist Values' field is disabled.
Financial Management
Budget upload no longer fails when certain special characters are introduced