Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.



🚀 Release Information

New features and feature enhancements are added with every new release. Below is a high-level overview of important features/feature enhancements for Frameworks by release.

For more detailed release notes, review the Release Notes page or contact your System Administrator.


Features Added/Feature Enhancements

What does this mean?

Fornax (v1.27) & Gemini (v1.28)

Additional UI and UX enhancements for the Frameworks Lightning Web Component were released.

Various UI/UX updates were made available so later releases are recommended for the best user experience with the Frameworks LWC.

Electra (v1.26.1)

Manage Frameworks rebuild as

titleLightning web component

  • Multiple Frameworks

  • Catalog of Objectives

From this release, implementers have the option to make the more flexible Frameworks LWC available to users, allowing them to create multiple Frameworks for a single Project and select Framework Objectives from a catalog.


Manage Framework Components

The Frameworks functional area comes with two customization user interface options that organizations can choose from: Lightning Web Component or Visualforce Page.


  1. Navigate to Manage Frameworks LWC and click on the gear icon → Edit Page. This will take you to the Lightning App Builder.

    Image Modified


  1. Click on the Manage Framework component. It will display a list of design attributes on the right side of the page.


  1. Image Added


  1. The following design attributes are available. Check/Uncheck them based on the table below:

Design Attribute

Related UI Element

UI if True

UI if False

Hide Add New Framework Item Button

Controls the display of the Add Custom Framework Objective

Add Custom Framework
Objective button is hidden.

Add Custom Framework Objective button is visible.

Hide Add Objective

Controls the display of the Add Objective from Catalog button.

Add Objective from
Catalog button is

Add Objective from
Catalog button is

Hide Copy from
Framework Button

Controls the display of the Hide Copy from Another Framework

Hide Copy from Another Framework
Button is hidden.

Hide Copy from
Another Framework
Button is displayed.

Hide Submit Button

Controls the display of the Submit for Approval button.

Submit for Approval
button is hidden.

Submit for Approval
button is visible.

Hide Edit Icon

Controls the display of the Edit icon, for Framework Objective on the Manage Framework table.

Edit icon is hidden.

Edit icon is visible.

Hide Delete Icon

Controls the display of the Delete
icon, for Framework Objective on
Manage Framework table.

Delete icon is

Delete icon is visible.

Unlink First Framework
Objective Column

Controls if the Framework Objectives present in the Objective
Name Translated Column on the Manage Framework table are
hyperlinked to their records.

Framework Objectives present in the Objective Name Translated Column are unlinked to their records.

Framework Objectives present in the Objective Name Translated Column are hyper-linked to their records.

Unlink First Project
Indicator Column

Controls the display of hyperlink in the first column.

No Hyperlink in the
first column

Hyperlink present in
the first column

All Button

Controls the display of
Expand/Collapse All button.

Expand/Collapse All
button is hidden.

Expand/Collapse All
button is visible.

Hide Indicator

Controls the display of the column
with details of related Project

Column with details
of Project Indicators
will be hidden.


Column with details
of Project Indicators
will not be hidden.

Framework Table Sort Order

Controls the sorting order of Frameworks. By default, Frameworks are sorted alphanumerically in an ascending based on Objective name.

Override the default sort order on the Framework table by specifying a comma-separated list of API names of the fields in the Framework table.
E.g. Entering “Name, ampi__Type__c” will sort the table by Activity Name and then by Type.




Manage Framework: Visualforce Page

titleServicing to stop in Nov 2023

Some key features in the product can be configured on/off depending on the client organization’s
preferences for the product. They can be disabled/enabled at the user/profile/organization level. To enable
or disable any of the features in the Manage Framework Visualforce Component:

  1. Go to Setup “Setup” > “Custom Settings”.

  2. Navigate to “Manage Logframes”.

  3. Click on Manage“Manage”.

  4. Click on Edit“Edit”.

  5. A list of settings would be displayed. Check/Uncheck these settings based on the table below:
