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This page covers:

Table of Contents

Set Targets Components

The Set Targets feature comes with two customization options that organizations can choose from: Lightning Web Component or Visualforce Page.

  • Visualforce: is a page-centric web application model. A markup language like HTML is used for designing the layout of pages.

  • Lightning Web Component (LWC): a new app-centric model that provides business and datalogics to develop dynamic web applications meant for desktop and mobile devices. Because they’re built on code that runs natively in browsers, LWC are lightweight and deliver exceptional performance.

Organizations on earlier releases of Amp Impact might be using Visualforce pages to create and manage indicators. With Amp Impact’s Indus (Winter 2022) release, the Set Targets page was rebuilt as a Lightning Web Component (called SetTargets).


Refer to the Set Targets page to learn more about the Set Targets Components.

Set Targets: Lightning Web Component
titleLightning Web Component

Design attributes control the display of various components on the Set Targets page.

  1. Navigate to Set Targets and click on the gear icon → Edit Page

2. This will take you to the Lightning App Builder. Click on the Set Targets component. It will display a list of design attributes on the right side of the page.

3. The following design attributes are available. Check/Uncheck them based on the table below:

Design Attribute

Related UI Element

UI if True

UI if False

Hide Submit?

Controls the display of
Submit button.

Submit button is not displayed.

Submit button is displayed.

Hide Comments?

Controls if comments
related to Project
Indicator targets will be
displayed on Set Targets table.

Comments related
to Project Indicator
Targets are hidden.

Comments related to
Project Indicator Targets are displayed.

View Only Mode?

Controls whether the
Project Indicator targets
can be edited or not.

Targets cannot be
edited. They can
only be viewed.

Targets can be edited.

Hide Refresh?

Controls the display of
Refresh button.

Refresh button is

Refresh button is not

Allow Users to Set


Read more about the feature

Controls whether users
can set Baseline.

Users are allowed
to set a Baseline for
Project Indicators.

Users are unable to set a Baseline for Project

Hide Validation

Controls the behavior of
input fields on Set
Targets table.

Set Targets page
will not flag a user
based on the value
entered in the input
field, irrespective of
any values in the
Validation Range

Set Targets page flags a user if the value entered in the input field is outside of the validation range.

Hide Hyperlink in First

Controls if Project
Indicators are
hyper-linked to their
records in the Project
Indicator column on Set
Targets table.

Project indicators
are not hyper-linked
to their related

Project indicators are
hyper-linked to their related records.

Round Off digits for
Large Numbers

Defines the round-off
digits to be displayed for large numbers (> 1
million) in view-only
mode on Set Targets
table. Accepts inputs
from 0-5.




Refer to the Set Targets page to know more about these features.

Set Targets Visualforce Page
titleVisualforce Page

Some key features in the product can be configured on/off depending on the client organization’s
preferences for the product. They can be disabled/enabled at the user/profile/organization level.

  1. To enable or disable any of the features in Set Targets, go to Setup → Custom Settings. Refer to the
    table on the next page and depending on the feature to be enabled/disabled, either click on:

    1. Set Targets or

    2. Amp Impact Setup

2. Click on Manage

3. Click on Edit

4. A list of settings would be displayed. Check/Uncheck these settings based on the table below:

Field Label

Custom Setting

Related UI Element

UI if True

UI if False

Area Hierarchy

Set Targets

Controls how
Geographic Areas are displayed in the Geographic Areas dropdown.

Targets are not
displayed in
hierarchy. Child
Geographic Areas
do not nest under
parent Geographic

Targets are displayed in
hierarchy. Child
Geographic Areas nest under parent Geographic Areas.

Excel Upload

Set Targets

Controls if the Excel
template for Targets
can be uploaded.

Targets can be
uploaded via Excel
Template. The
upload icon will be

Targets cannot be
uploaded via Excel
Template. The upload
icon will not be visible.


Set Targets

Controls if comments
related to Project
Indicator Targets will
be displayed.

Comments related
to Project Indicator
Targets are hidden.

Comments related to
Project Indicator Targets are displayed.

Hide Excel

Set Targets

Controls if the Excel
template for targets
can be downloaded.

Targets cannot be
downloaded into an
Excel file. The
download icon will
not be visible.

Targets can be
downloaded. The
download icon will be

Digits for Large

Set Targets

Defines the round-off
digits to be displayed
for large numbers (> 1
million) in view-only
mode on the Set
Targetstable. Accepts
inputs from 0-5.



View only

Set Targets

Controls whether
Targets can be edited
or not.

Targets cannot be
edited. They can
only be viewed.

Targets can be edited.

Submit Targets
for Review

Amp Impact

Controls the display of
Submit button.

Submit button is

Submit button is not


Amp Impact

Controls the behavior
of input fields on the
Set Targets table.

Set Targets page will flag a user if the value entered in the input field is outside of the validation range.

Set Targets will not flag a user based on the value entered in the input field.

Enabled for Set

Amp Impact

Controls the display of
Chatter feed on Set
Targets Visualforce

Chatter feed
displays at the top
of Set Targets
Visualforce page.

Chatter feed does not
display at the top of Set Targets Visualforce page.


Refer to the Set Targets page to know more about these features.


When a user downloads an Excel template, they are given a set of instructions on how to properly set up the Excel sheet for upload. For any additional custom instructions that may be needed for your organization, use the custom labels to add further steps to the sections of the instructions sheet.

Set Targets Components: Customize Field Sets
titleLightning Web Component
titleVisualforce Page

This section details how to customize the field sets on the Set Targets Lightning Web and VisualForce Components.

Indicator info popover displayed by hovering on the info icon

  • Object: Project_Indicator__c

  • Field set name: SET_TARGETS_INFO_POPOVER

Fields displayed in search filter panel

  • Object: Project_Indicator__c

  • Field set name: ampi__ST_SEARCH_FILTERS


It is recommended to include no more than five search filter fields in the Set Targets page to be able to view the information in a user-friendly manner.

Also note that search filter fields display in alphabetical order.