Section (ampi__Section__c) and Question (ampi__Question__c) are two Amp Impact objects that are used to customize Submission templates, populate Submission responses, and score responses. Each object has a Field Set that controls the display of the respective pop-up windows to add or edit records.
Add/Edit Section
pop-ups - fields displayed on the “Add New Section” pop-up and the “Edit Section” pop-up
Object: Section_
Field set name: Add_Edit_Section_Popup
Unsupported field types: Encrypted String, Multi-select Picklist, Time
Add/Edit Question pop-ups - fields displayed on the ‘Add New Question’ pop-up and the “Edit Question” pop-up
Object: Question__c
Field set name: Add_Edit_Question_Popup
Unsupported field types: Encrypted String, Multi-select Picklist, Time
(Required) Assign Record Types on Profiles