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Amp Impact Grant Applications and Reviews Module: Overview
The Amp Impact Grant Applications and Reviews Module enables Organizations to implement the Grant Application process. With this extension, Amp Impact can be used to manage the full Grant Lifecycle. Organizations can announce the funding opportunity by publishing a call for proposal, allow grant applicants to submit an application, review the applications, award grant, and monitor the grant.
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📝 To learn about how to submit an application and report on grants, please refer to the Grant Applicant User Guide and Amp Impact Grantee Reporting User Guide. 👷 To learn about how grantmaking organizations manage the grant application process, please refer to the Grant Coordinator User Guide. 🔍 To learn about how reviewers access and review applications, please refer to the Grant Reviewer User Guide. |
🔧 Install Amp Impact Grant Applications and Reviews Module
Info |
Admin Note: If My Domain has already been set up, replace “test” or “login” in the installation links with the specific domain for the org. |
🔧 System Administration and Setup
Path Name | Object API Name | Picklist Field API Name | Lightning Record Page |
Application Review Status | ampgm__xx_Application_Review__c | ampgm__Review_Status__c | Application_Review |
Application Stage | ampi__Project__c | ampgm__Application_Stage__c | Application |
Grant Status | ampi__Project__c | ampi__Project_Status__c | Grant |
Call for Proposals | ampgm__xx_Call_For_Proposals__c | ampgm__Status__c | Call_for_Proposal_Record_Page |
Concept Note Stage | ampgm__xx_Concept_Note__c | ampgm__Concept_Note_Stage__c | Concept_Note_Record |
🔧 Basic User Administration and Permissions
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Admin Note: The Amp Impact main package also contains record types on the ampi__Question__c and ampi__Submission__c objects. To see guidelines on assigning those record types to profiles, please review the Set Up Submissions section in the Amp Impact Installation Guide. |
🔧 Customize User Interface
Relabel Project Object
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Admin Note: The Amp Impact main package also contains several Lightning Pages for ampi__Submission__c, which are required to use the Grant Applications and Reviews Module. To see guidelines on assigning those Lightning Pages to record types and profiles, please review the Set Up Submissions section in the Amp Impact Installation Guide. |
🔧 Customize Reports
Report Charts for Review Scores
Email Alert API Name | Function | Customization Required |
ampgm__Application_Review_submission_reminder | This email alert sends an email to the Reviewer Contact on the Application review record using email template ampgm__Application_Review_Review_not_submitted. It is called by the process ampgm__Notify_Reviewer_to_Submit | N/A |
ampgm__Notify_Accounting_Team_to_Initiate_Disbursement | This email alert sends an email to the accounting team using email template ampgm__Disbursement_Initiation_Notification. It is called by the process ampgm__Disbursement_Send_Email_To_Accounting_Team | Create a public group “Accounting Team” consisting of Users/ Roles belonging to the accounting team and add that group to the Selected Recipients. |
🔧 Customize Process Automation
Since these actions are packaged, they cannot be directly updated. To customize these actions, first copy the action (note that Salesforce does not allow for cloning Actions, so this must be done manually by creating a new action), make the required changes in the new action and replace the packaged action on the relevant page layout(s) with the new action.
🔧 Setup Submissions
Info |
To learn more details about how to set up Submissions in the org, please refer to the Set Up Submissions section of the Amp Impact Installation Guide. |
Go to Custom Settings in Setup.
Click “Manage” next to Submission Relationship.
Click the “New” button.
Fill out the Name field with the API name of the parent object.
Fill out the Child Relationship Field Name field with the API name of the relationship field on ampi__Submission__c.
🔧 Setup Grantee Community
Create a New Community
Go to Setup.
Type “Communities Settings” in Quick Find and click the result.
In the Sharing Sets related list, click “New”.
Label: Amp Impact Grant Applicant
API Name: Amp_Impact_Grant_Applicant
Selected Profiles: [Select the Profile created for Grant Applicants]
Selected Objects: Concept Note
Click Set Up in the Configure Access table.
Grant access where the User.Contact matches Target Concept Note.ampgm__Grant_Applicant_Primary_Contact__c
Access Level: Read/Write
Click Update.
Click Save.
Repeat the process for Application/Grant
🔧 Import Geographic Areas
When an Application record is created, a related Project Geographic Area is also created based on the selection made in the Country picklist by the grant applicant while creating the Application/Concept Note. If a Geographic Area with the same name doesn’t exist in the org, then a new Geographic Area record is created too. To avoid duplicate data to be created, we recommend importing this spreadsheet via Dataloader. It contains the Geographic Area records corresponding to the Country picklist on the Application/Grant object.